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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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447 results found

  1. Quicker on-boarding for clients

    I am using this platform for home exercise programs as a Physical therapist. I also will use this platform for fitness and wellness training.

    I am testing this platform and comparing to others. I tested the on-boarding process on the client side and found it to be too time consuming. I already have my clients fill out all of their waivers and I should have the option to avoid my clients filling out another. Further, I should have the option to have my clients avoiding having to fill in stuff like Weight, Height, etc.

    Lastly, the workout section should be…

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  2. Clients can report travel dates and add their own via a calendar feature

    Clients can submit calendar days or important events that upload to their dashboard so that coach can see important upcoming dates.

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  3. Ability to add offline clients without inputting an email address

    If the client type is selected as "offline" the email address field shouldn't be required to create that client's account

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  4. Trainerize + Zapier + Notion

    Zapier and Trainerize have had integrations for years now at this point, and the integrations with form management, payment platforms, and funnels are great-- but I really think Zapier's automation with Trainerize's client management would make a killer combo and time-saver for coaches. Rudimentary zaps exist for tagging with clients, but don't allow specification for which client or what goal specifically to choose.

    As a coach who uses Notion as well, I think further or improved integrations or zap options with Zapier that allow Trainerize to flow into other apps like Notion would be life-changing.

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  5. 2 votes

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  6. side by side comparison

    on the mobile app when you compare the photos side by side and try to move the photo around, the movement is inverted. When you try to move the photo up or down and left and right its all backwards

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  7. Compare before and after pictures on web

    It's pretty odd that this is not available. Being able to see before and after side by side on the website. this is only available on the app

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  8. Lead Capture with Consultation form

    For example, a potential client is browsing Instagram and comes across a story with a link. They are then taken to the Trainerize consultation form where they put in their details and answer the questions built by the trainer or pre-made. After completion, the trainer has talking points ready to dive right into a conversation.

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  9. Ability to assign clients to more than 1 trainer.

    Ability to assign clients to more than 1 trainer.
    I have clients that work with more than 1 trainer and they cannot see the clients previous workouts and this makes it hard for them to know what to do or what weights to use.

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  10. link parent and child accounts

    Link parent and child (or spouse) accounts so that one can manage the other and the can possibly share packages. I work with a lot of youth athletes and couples so this would be very helpful; I've been with a number of other platforms that have this feature.
    Sometimes parents do not want their child having access to their credit card information so creating the client/child account with their parent's payment info isn't great.

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  11. Add a missed workout filter to overview page

    I'd like to be able to filter from the overview page by clients who have missed a workout or cardio event.

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  12. Client session summery report

    Being able to bring up a report on how many sessions a trainer has done in a month with how many sessions each client has attended would be great.

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  13. The app is a little buggy. Switching from client to client is a bit cumbersome. Too many clicks to get where i need to go.

    The app is a little buggy. Switching from client to client is a bit cumbersome. Too many clicks to get where i need to go. Also, not all clients require periodization. Would be helpful to have an option of which style of training we prefer for that client.

    Also, allow notes to be added to the exercise itself. For example if we need to correct form or want to remember to watch for something or a specific non-weight setting on a machine. It would be helpful to have it right there.

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  14. Use same email for multiple accounts.

    Clients being able to use the same email but have a different user name to sign in. I train youth clients and some parents have more than one child and can’t add an account because they already used the email. I had a client use three e mails to add their child on the app. A different user name would be easier to use in this case. Make an e mail a requirement upon sign up but need a user name to register.

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  15. 2 votes

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  16. Demographics

    Get analytics on client demographics when they sign up, like age and gender. This would be really helpful for businesses.

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  17. It would be great to be able to use trainerize as a 24/7 gym management software

    Currently my gym uses a program called Gym Master to collect payments, assign key fobs, control gym access for our facility and run reports. It would be great if this could all be under one roof on trainerize. It could be a package for gym owners, rather than online trainers.
    It would be need the ability to connect to a gatekeeper/swipe system, offer class bookings which allowed or disallowed bookings based on payment status.

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  18. Client groups in the app should show up in alphabetical order like they do on the desktop version.

    On the desktop clients are listed in alphabetical order by first name. This is really convenient when searching for a client out of 200+ names and thus takes less time to check-in with them multiple times per week.

    The app places clients in a random order after all notification clients which makes it difficult to find clients.

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  19. Send message from trainer dashboard to one client, app requires two clients to send message

    When using the app on a desktop and wanting to send a message from the dashboard to one client without going into their profile, it requires at least two clients to send messages. Now, if I go directly to the client's profile, there is no issue. I find it easier to send messages from the desktop, as generic messages to several clients are not always the best way to communicate

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  20. Allow trainers to post their 1:1 client workouts to their clients profile without them being able to view it.

    For trainers that use a hybrid training model (online + 1:1) it would be nice to be able to build their workout in the app, upload it their client’s profile and calendar without them being able to view the workout.

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