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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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447 results found

  1. Copy and repeat freestyle workouts from a client calender

    Have a client on a group training plan, but be able to create an extra freestyle workout on their calendar that can be copied to repeat on another day.

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  2. Bench Mark support like Sugarwod or Integration of Sugarwod?

    To be able to have stored Barbell Movements and or Benchmark workouts to test fitness without having to reinvent all or repopulate them.

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  3. Allow manager role to add workouts to shared programs and shared workouts, but only to see their client conversations

    Allow a trainer's "manager role" to add workouts to shared programs and shared workouts, but only to see their client conversations. Or allow us to check boxes on what they can do and cannot do.

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  4. I would like to be able to choose options for check-in pictures. Various poses, full body vs upper body, etc

    the sample picture for clients to check in shows from the waist up and I would like full body shots of my clients. So I would like to choose the sample that is shown, or add my own. I would also like a message of what to wear and to take the picture at the same time in the same outfit each check-in.

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  5. 3 votes

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  6. Have all page numbers available at the bottom of client tab.

    When setting each clients workout for the week i often go from A-Z, or Z-A. If i have to exit a client to copy a workout from another client, i then have to either search for the clients name to bring it back or flick through multiple pages at the bottom of page to get back to it in alphabetical order. If all pages were available to click on at the bottom this would save a lot of time. Personalised programmers will understand this issue.

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  7. 3 votes

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  8. More export data

    export for when clients added, overall weight lost, and based on program.

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  9. Show clearly when I open up a client's account if there are flagged notes

    This can be added in all the white space on the page opened when a client is pulled up in the training app.

    This way, ANY trainer who is training that client can quickly see if there are certain things to be aware of like injuries or past due payments.

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  10. Please create a way for 2 clients to be able to share a single package purchase. Husbands and wives, partners, friends.

    2 members sharing a single payment/membership. This will enable one payer to purchase for themselves and a partner/spouse. Both family members work off the same package of sessions.

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  11. More data retention and transferability

    When off-boarding and on-boarding coaches, it would be helpful if client data, workouts, progress, etc could be easily transported from account to account. Tell clients they will lose all of their information and progress makes for a really poor Ux

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  12. Allow larger attachments in Welcome Email

    Allow for larger attachments to be sent in the Welcome Email. Allowing us to send larger resources/ebooks.

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  13. For coaching client: Easier ability to view clients in the app similar to the desktop experience.

    For coaching client: Easier ability to view clients in the app similar to the desktop experience. Also the ability to create training programs in a similar fashion to the desktop experience. These are two features that need to be revamped/added!

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  14. In Person Visit log - it would be great to be able to pull a log of previous in person visits.

    In Person Visit log - it would be great to be able to pull a log of previous in person visit. Some clients ask for that when it's time to renew and the only way I can give them a log is for me to write down the dates of their sessions, Also, there should be a way for in person packages to expire automatically once all the credits have been used. Right now, I have to manually cancel the package so I can add another.

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  15. Disable consultation form email notifications

    Allow users to disable consultation form email notifications once clients have filled it out upon sign-up.

    When users are bulk-added to an account, these notifications can get overwhelming

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  16. consultation form

    The ability to link our Google Document Consultation form to the automated messages when client signs up. I currently have to send it separately.

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  17. Train yourself without using client seat

    It would be great to have a free client seat for the trainer without having to use one of their client seats within their paid membership. I like using the app for my own programs and logging weight/photos but I’m my own coach. I’d like to be able to use the app and still have that client spot open for an actual paid client.

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  18. Book Session and apply credits before or after schedule session.

    Currently, we are only able to schedule clients for the current amount of sessions within their account. This makes it difficult for trainers to schedule their calendars in advance.

    Suppose a client is signed up for a monthly product. We can only schedule them out for the amount of credits that were purchased.

    Clients' billing happens on many dates throughout the month. Scheduling can be difficult since clients need credits with their account for a trainer to add them to their schedule.

    We do have the ability to schedule clients without the need for a session. This does not transfer…

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  19. When new clients sign up for multiple session package to have them added to trainerize as basic and not coaching.

    It would be amazing if for my in person classes which I have a multiple session product, would have new clients buy a session(s) and be added to trainerize as BASIC instead of coaching because it's taking up my coaching spots (which I only have 15 spots which is full). And then I have to go in and manually change it. But if I don't change it in time or have multiple people at once trying to purchase sessions it says i have no more spots and puts them into pending.

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  20. auto Calendar autoflow when a client is added

    overfit has calendar auto flows for new clients and in app check in forms

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