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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5279 results found

  1. Ability to build a trial consult via Google Maps

    In Google maps, my gym shows up. I want to be able to book my consultation appt directly from there for my free session.

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  2. Keep count of a workout streak for clients to motivate them to keep it going

    When a client is notified of a current steak going, many times it will motivate them to keep it going.

    Also, as coaches, we could motivate our clients with certain rewards for highest streaks, etc.

    Ultimately, it would help clients develop those healthy habits.

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  3. Ability to add comments to sleep

    The ability for trainers and clients to add comments to sleep entities. This would be good for when clients want to log how their sleep went so we can take this into consideration.

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  4. Easy overview to see if a client has run of habits to practice

    Right now I have to manually go into every single client individually and for that reason, I rarely use the habit feature. It creates more work. The habit feature is awesome, but without an overview it is hard to manage compliance quickly.

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  5. Mi-fit connection

    I hope we can also sync our mi fit app

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  6. Wordpress plugin to display a menu of my pre-made programs

    I think an automated "off the shelf" for pre made programs that clients can purchase would be amazing

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  7. Video demonstration with interval timer built in. Demonstrate first then repeat exercise with just demonstration of move for length of time

    Video demonstration with interval timer. Play demonstration and then demonstration goes right into set interval timer

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  8. To have the ability to automatically upgrade to the next client package when filled

    So currently when you hit your limit on a certain client package the next client gets shown an optin form to basically a waiting list. What I would like to option for is to be able to automatically upgrade to the next package up so they don’t have to wait for me to upgrade manually and contact them. Maybe the option to opt in to this for those that want it. (In trainerize pay - number of seats)

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. For the Interval/timed workouts, show on the app equipment, lbs etc.

    Alot of my clients love the timed workouts. They find it more motivating. But it doesn't list what you need for equipment or the lbs. Which is affecting their workout experience

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  11. Client to put in own workout

    For clients to be able to add exercises they have done without the exercise being in their training plan.

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  12. Aggregate BMI reports based on all clients or a cohort

    Ability to show a global change in BMI based on a group of clients, or a cohort, so we can demonstrate progress to our corporate wellness clients.

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  13. Sign in with Google

    gmail is really popular. Allow clients to sign up or create account with Google.

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  14. option to generate temporary password for clients.

    Clients face a lot of issues because of emails and spam thing from gmail. We have to hire a separate person to help client onboard. Almost 100% times email goes to spam folder and then they have issues resetting their passwords. I noticed this feature in one of the app called ptminder. it would be really cool if we can have an option to generate a temporary password and give it to the client so they can login and start using without getting into this email and password reset hassle.

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  15. Search for clients without tags

    The ability to search a tag and filter clients with that tag but also filter clients without that tag

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Advanced progression sheet for "Running" exercise

    -Add Ability to Edit Intensity Zones and times/distances in Advanced Progression Spreadsheet similar to what we can do for sets and reps with lifts. Currently cannot do this and will make you create several workouts to progress the time and intensity zone for a single phase. This clutters up the workouts list for my clients.

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  18. More share features

    More options to share progress reports with clients- an option to share the nutrition compliance/training compliance etc from the trainer dashboard via the in app DMs would be great for keeping clients accountable on the fly

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  19. 1 vote

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  20. Be able to fully delete conversations with clients from the app, not just archive them

    Be able to fully delete conversations with clients from the app, not just archive them

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