Member - ABC Ignite Engagement
1254 results found
Fix associated class date at top of screen until reach next day
Right now, date is a row that user scrolls past. The number of classes is high enough to more than fill screen, so date is quickly out of view. Would be very helpful to keep date visible - floating row
6 votes -
Club login shouldn't be a "feature"
Club login should either be the default activation state of the app or a stand alone app. Having to open, then click to get the login barcode is cumbersome and frankly poor api for a mandatory app used primarily and necessarily for club access. Either it's a login app or it isn't. I don't need or want an interface to "get to" login. Steps must be: approach club, open app, swipe, close app. The rest is sophistry. Lose it.
7 votes -
Club cash and club selection
I’d like to see my club cash and payments made with it. I’d also like to be able to browse classes for multiple locations at once instead of having to do it separately
6 votes -
Daily Updated open gym times to play basketball in the App!!
Put the open gym times in the app for basketball and update daily
7 votes -
Bar Code to scan your child into daycare
Instead of the daycare worker looking your name up and your child’s name up, bring back the QR code to scan them in so it takes less time to check them in.
12 votes -
Linking with the heart rate monitors sold at the front desk
I wish the app would link to the heart rate monitors that have been sold at the front desk for the last several years.
33 votes -
Order items through app
I’d like the ability to order a protein shake through the app and have it charge directly to my account. That way I can put my order in before my workout is done so it’s ready for when I leave.
10 votes -
9 votes
Referral source selection
When I was signing up, the registration process required me to select a salesperson (who I have never met nor interacted with) in order to continue. Meanwhile it was a club member who referred me. If member and salesperson were referral sources in a drop down menu, then two different data points can be captured instead of one (salesperson name or member name).
5 votes -
Tempur-pedic AI sleeptracker
I use it, it's great 👍.
4 votes -
Id appreciate a place to create personalized challenges
Set a goal to workout x amount of times in a week or month!
18 votes -
I need my app in the Spanish lenguaje please
I need my app in the Spanish language please
7 votes -
Text Class Schedule for the week
If you know about classes coming up in advance and it’s EASY to access the information it might motivate someone to attend or help with planning your schedule to attend as well .
5 votes -
4 votes
On app
5 votes -
More user friendly UX and other features
Right now it’s fine, but it’s hard to chat with trainer and send media (vids of you doing workouts) I also wish there was a way to pause the timer bc I spend time waiting for a machine and I don’t want that to be recorded as length of workout finally make there be a way to record reps for right and reps for left
6 votes -
Heart Rate Monitor Results on the App rather than email
You could see your end of class summary on the OLD App, you can’t on the new app. Also, you cannot use the monitor to do ur own workout like on the OLD app. You should have left the old app in tack so we could use both.
21 votes -
Customizable front page
What I would like to see quickly is: What time are there aquatics classes today (so I can avoid them), How many point I have (so I can invite a guest) and my check in bar code. Some of that is available and some not but I have to click around to find that.
11 votes -
5 votes
In app private message icon
Can’t find where to access private messages.
I get a notification on my Home Screen, but can’t access the message within the app.
Please help!7 votes
- Don't see your idea?