Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1630 results found
See full Heart Rate profile of workout from Apple Watch
I use HR Training for all of my endurance athletes especially. They are trying to hit a certain percentage of cardio work in different "zones". This would be such a beneficial feature!
28 votes -
When you track a workout have the previous workout reps/weight show on the screen
When my clients are tracking their stats their previous workout info doesn't show, so they can't do the workout and track at the same time since it doesn't show what weight/reps they did last time.
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Notes / comment box below weight / reps section and tempo catagory
Add section into programs for tempo to be added
Add notes/ comments section under reps / weight during workout so you keep track of things during session
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drop and drag programs onto exercise days.
Currently the system is very labor intensive. If I have a program that looks like this ABA BAB I have to enter each day individually into the calendar.
Plus if I wish to enter an exercise like walking each day, I have to enter in each day, again adding to my work load. I simple tick like " do you want this program to be scheduled everyday?" would solve this.Ryan
27 votes -
BRING BACK The Client calendar view on Web that was removed Today!
Today Trainerize removed the Client Calendar View on the Web Version. This was extremely helpful for my clients. It allowed them to easily adjust my programming to fit their schedule in the matter of seconds.
The app take several clicks per each day to move a workout to another day. But the calendar view on the web allowed them to easily drag and drop and rearrange their workouts.
Perfect example: Today a client reached out because this feature was removed and said "her ***** at work changed, and she needed to move her 2 rest days to different days of…
26 votes -
Unlimited scroll on clients/programs
With clients and programs it’s a waste of time and hassle to constantly have to click on the little page icon to get to either more clients or a program within a client. It needs to just be a continuous scroll up and down that auto populates as you go. TrueCoach and others have this and it’s so much easier and faster to just scroll especially when you have a program on say pages 3-4 so now you have to click page 2 just see page 3 visible to click. Lots of wasted time.
26 votes -
Allow to Change the order of workouts/cardio session when placed on the calendar
When placing multiple workouts on a single day for clients unless scheduled specifically in order the workouts are uploaded at random.
26 votes -
Ability to Automatically Generate Custom Workouts
I would like the ability to build a workout program template for a specified period of time but have the ability to change based on the clients equipment availability and perhaps even experience level.
The way this could be done is if:
We had the ability to build workout programs.
Within those workout programs we could select multiple substitute exercises for each exercises so if the original exercise was bench press and the client did not select bench press under the equipment filter then the program would automatically choose a substitute exercise and make the process of customization seamless.
26 votes -
Make it easier for clients to access there previous sets, reps, and weights completed
Add a history button next to each exercise within the clients program, so they can check what weight, reps and sets they have done in the past. This is good for clients to be able to check their progression quickly.
25 votes -
Add options to record biometric measurements. Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose, BMI, Waist Circum
Add options to record Bio-metric Measurements along with the current body stats. Total Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose, BMI, Waist Circumference. This would be great for tracking chronic disease risk factors. Would be great for corporate wellness programs.
25 votes -
Ability to build workout programs without using client profiles.
Trainerize is in great need for a workout program tab... Currently creating workout programs cost 1-3 dollars a month per program. This is such a basic feature that should be built in trainerize. I have well over a 100 workout program templates that I would like to freely build on trainerize but I can't due to the financial constraints that trainerize has put in place (i.e. having to use a client account for each template we create).
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Under 'Activity': Add in "Boxing", "Martial Arts", "Kickboxing", "Tabata-Style Training", "HIIT" Training.
Under "Activity" button in the Calendar app, add in the above features and remove 'Table Tennis'.
24 votes -
Intro videos for workouts
I have been sending videos of me chatting with clients. I would like the ability to record an intro video to a workout where I explain what's coming up and what to expect.
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edit rest periods in progression window along with sets & reps
I would like to be able to edit the rest periods along with the sets/reps in the progression set up. as the reps increase or decrease, I would like to adjust the rest time accordingly workout to workout, or even set to set.
24 votes -
Pause Master Program
Add a PAUSE button for a Master Program so the client can participate in another short term program, like a 28 day Holiday Challenge. Allowing the client to have two programs at a time but one is paused. This allows the client to pick back up where they left off, on the Master Program
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More metrics for “hiking” activity
I work with a lot of hikers/outdoors people, and they like to share their mileage and elevation gain, not just the time it took to hike.
Please add more metrics for the hiking activity.
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Ability to convert workouts between regular, interval, and circuit.
If I have a pre-existing regular workout, I would like the option to convert it to an interval workout or circuit workout by simply duplicating and converting. The current work around involves me making the workout manually from scratch by selecting the workout type, and then adding all my workouts in.
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Be able to program regular/circuit/interval styles in one workout
When building a workout it would be useful to be able to use multiple formats- ie: regular and interval, rather than having to make them separately.
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Multiple select on clients calendar
When editing on their calendar- be able to select multiple workouts/cardio events at 1 time- to delete
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Ability export calorie data and weight to Excel
This allows trainers to be able to compare weight stats to caloric intake and adjust caloric needs accurately.
This will allow us to obtain weekly averages.
23 votes
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