Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
225 results found
Have a an option for date countdown for goal completion
I think it would be great to have some sort of countdown ability for certain goals.
Examples: lose 10 lbs for wedding countdown would show you have x days left with x lbs left to hit goal- 10 min mile for 10k - x days left avg mile currently x
Hope that makes sense!
2 votes -
Character limitation - customized daily habit
Can you please expand the character limitation on the customized daily habit from 30 to 60?
1 vote -
Countdown timer for days until program ends
We all know if theres a deadline we work harder subconsciously. So if you our members are on a 30 day, 90 day, 120 day, or annual program, and the countdown timer is on dashboard, clicking away, day by day, its going to create URGENCY.
Urgency creates habits, that create results.
So if theres days ticking away, day by day on dashboard, they are going to DO MORE, work harder, etc.
3 votes -
1 vote
Add a custom habit to multiple clients at once-- most beneficial for enterprise accounts
Add a CUSTOM habit to multiple clients at once-- most beneficial for enterprise accounts
7 votes -
Being able to Add Custom Branded Habit building videos
With a custom branded app, the need for custom habit videos is a necessity. Habits are a huge part of online coaching and adding custom content would allow us to create new selling point while integrating our likeness even more
28 votes -
Allow clients to back date a habit (which it does) AND have it extend their streak
Currently, a client can back date a habit if they forgot to log one. For example, if they had a wedding or out of town. But when they go back in to log the ones they forget to log, the streak doesn't continue. its starts the streak over
2 votes -
Weekly step goals that will update throughout the week
Having the option to add weekly step goals for clients and where they can track where they are at as the week progresses
3 votes -
Ability for clients to view habits & macro compliance on dashboard
EverFit has this feature and i think it’s something that would excel Trainerize. Clients need simplicity and being able to view compliance in a simple way on their dashboard would be extremely helpful. (EverFit has this set up and it’s amazing)
2 votes -
select multiple habits rather than select individually
when clients sign up I would like to be able to select multiple habits rather than select individual ones which can be time consuming
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Continuous winning streak on habits
If the client forgets to update their winning streak on the day they can't update the next day and it goes back to 0, which is the most unmotivating thing for them and most complained about as people do stop sometimes. It takes something as little as this to upset that initial motivation.
4 votes -
Ability to schedule reminder notifications for Habits at specific times.
3 votes -
Measure Habit Streaks as the number of days since the streak started
Currently, when a habit is not scheduled for every day, its streak length is counted by the number of times the habit was tracked.
For example, if a client performs a habit scheduled 3 days/week (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), after two weeks the streak is displayed as 6 Days long in Trainerize. An everyday habit will have a streak length of 14 Days after the same amount of time.
This difference means that it will take a lot longer for the 3-day/week habit to build a Streak with significant psychological weight.
It would be ideal if streaks for both…
1 vote -
Be able to add "Habits" like a workout clients to check out as opposed to going to the habit menu. You could create programs around habits
I would love to be able to add "Habits" like a workout for clients to check out as opposed to going to the habit menu. You could create programs around habits and automate this just like a workout program. This is mainly for accountability coaching and saves you tons of time of having to manually add habits for each person
6 votes -
Allow to amend and delete a group habit
The feature to assign a habit to a group is brilliant. It means you don't have to go into to each individual client to do so.
However, there's no feature to re-schedule a habit or even delete it, as a group.
This means you do have to individually go into each client to delete or re-schedule a habit which is very time consuming.
1 vote -
Option to unassign habits
It will be very good to be able to unassign habits the same as we can assign them to multiple people. The only way to unassign now is by enter every client individually
1 vote -
Track total weight loss
I can't believe as a fitness / weight loss app, that there isn't a way to easily see total pounds lost for a client and or total inches lost.
7 votes -
Ability to add longer text to goals and habits
Ability to add longer text to goals and habits as the current one is too short.
1 vote -
Be able to edit a habit after it has been added to the calendar.
Rather than having to delete the habits one by one, be able to edit the habit that has already been created and added to the clients calendar. For example, if a client is consistently hitting their habit goal of reaching 7,000 steps daily, be able to edit the habit to now 8,000 steps, rather than deleting and creating a new habit,
149 votes -
ongoing habits (no end date)
I'd like to have the option to select a habit as 'ongoing' on a clients profile rather than have to select a set date for it to end.
18 votes
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