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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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508 results found

  1. "Free" program that isn't part of a trial

    I run all of my payments and landing pages through Kajabi. I use Trainerize as a bonus add-on. Since clients have already paid for the course, I don't want them to pay to use trainerize. Is there a way to create a product link that is free?

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  2. Show active or in-progress workouts on trainer dashboard for easy navigation.

    Similar to the feed of completed workouts, it would be nice to have all open or in-progress workouts displayed on the trainer dashboard.

    For example in the Recent Activity feed, "Jane Smith started Workout A at 11:00am"

    Right now, you have to hunt the client down and click through their profile to get the open workout. This would be extra convenient for those that work with multiple clients at a time in a studio setting.

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  3. Ability to set resistance/weight goals for each entry when scheduling workouts

    Currently when a workout is scheduled we can only schedule the workout with a desired weight setup in the program itself, which would be the same each time the workout is performed.

    I would like to increase the weight with each workout; in order to do that, it appears I would have to create a new workout in the program with the same exercises just to increase the weight.

    The ability to update different parameters/attributes of the exercises (reps, sets, resistance) when scheduling as well as being able to modify a workout when looking at the scheduled workout on the…

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    1 comment  ·  Client Management  ·  Admin →
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  4. Request clients that regularly use the app to add a review on the App Store

    Clients only add a review when they want to complain about something. Make it like the other apps where if a user frequently uses the app, send them to the App Store to rate the app.

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  5. Would love to see a "peek" feature or where I can see at a glance how my existing clients are doing for the day.

    I want to be able to communicate efficiently with my clients. It would make the chat feature easier to use if I knew at a glance how my clients were doing.

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  6. Clients Changing Calories instead of you as the Trainer

    Could we please have a function that allows the Client to change their set calories in the plan.

    When selling pre-made programs to clients it would be good if the client can not only log their workouts but also nutrition and make necessary changes if need be.

    That way when we sell pre-made programs we can also value add by giving them the option of tracking their calories as well

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    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.
    We’re keeping this set to ‘Not Right Now’, as this isn’t something we have any immediate plans to implement since this is a trainer driven platform. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
    If we do have any new information to share, rest assured we’ll check back in here with a new status. We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.

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  8. Better Pictures prompts

    Trainerize prompts to take three pictures and has clients cut off their lower half. Allow trainer to select poses and full body, zoomed in views etc. not cut off the picture and pictures show blurry in trainerize when they upload them

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  9. Get A List Of Deactivated Clients

    If my account is downgraded to a lower payment option, and a bunch of my clients are automatically deactivated because of this action, I would like to be able to see an exact list of the clients who've been deactivated. If, for instance, I have 100 clients, and I downgrade my account to a plan that allows just 75 clients, it would be useful to know which 25 clients have been deactivated by Trainerize. Or more honestly, I should actually be able to choose which clients are deactivated, instead of Trainerize acting on my behalf, please. Thank you.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. I would like to see the option of attaching a picture or video in clients dashboard under trainers notes.

    Sometimes i like to add a picture of whiteboard explanation or video demo of workout. This is something they need to refer back to and is handy to have in their notes.
    i can post pics and videos in messages and group chats in but eventually over time you have to go through messages to revert back to it. Is there a way of posting and keeping it in daily notes in the dashboard?

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  12. Add tooltips for buttons in Clients web page view

    Please add tooltips for the Archive, Delete, Resend and Export buttons on the Client Page in Web View.

    I know this is not a very important feature, but I think it is so easy to be implemented that there's no reason to not do it. It also offers us Trainers a more clear understanding of the Dashboard we're working on.

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  13. Using a roller to change weight

    Use a rolling number instead of typing in numbers for weight and etc.

    Also add in sounds on the count down clock. 5,4,3,2,1

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  14. Add a "notes" feature for clients, not within their workouts

    Can you please add a note section that would be similar to the tasks or habits that can be added to the client calendar. Some of my clients like to make note of the days of their cycle, what stressful event they had that day, or just other things that I should be aware of on random days.

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  15. Create in-app "Note" tab when clients click on + in the calendar.

    When the client has an overview of his own schedule, they can click the + to add an activity. There are several options, but they are unable to find a "Note" tab.

    For example, the client completed a workout, they can only add a comment which is automatically shared with us, trainers. This can be annoying for them.

    My idea is that the client may have the possibility to leave a note as a reminder or personal observation within the app that the trainer won't see but may be important for them to note and add it to the schedule…

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  16. Ability to create a form, depending on answers drive automation of program or trainer assignement

    Have a question like level, type of training to drive program assignment or trainer assignment automatically

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  17. Client stats post in message thread

    have clients recent workout stats post in the personal message thread between the client and the trainer

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  19. Limit how many clients you can accept for different products

    I would like to set different client limits to different products.

    For example, let's say I upgrade my plan to Pro30. I would like to limit my custom programs to no more than 10 clients but open up space for up to 20 clients to subscribe to my On Demand and 4-Week Challenges.

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  20. A way to put in my own workout plan for myself without paying for another client

    I want to plan my own workout but don't want to add myself as a client and use up that space.

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