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409 results found

  1. Total number of Fat, Protein and Carb View

    If I look at the daily meals, apart from seeing the food recipes, I would like to get a view of the total Fat, Protein and Carb view at a glance, that way I can adjust recipes

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  2. how to select favorite recipes

    how to select favorite recipes

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  3. 1 vote

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  4. Excel

    Allow for excel or google sheets to be uploaded as a meal plan like pdf’s can be uploaded

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  5. Make the meal plans more for 1-2 day prep

    Most clients want to make food for 2-3 days, and eat the same meal numerous times that week. Can we copy a meal to other days, or come up with batch cooking meals?

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  6. Metric and imperial system

    The grocery list is great! But for us Europeans it's very hard to understand how much spinach is needed if it says 2 cups. We have no idea. So please add the function of using grams and kgs as well.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Meals planned in Calendar

    The meals are really nice and plentyful. It would be nice if I could schedule meals within the calendar. I work with high performing professionals and the less they have to think on their own the better.

    So I could include the overnight oats in the morning for example so they just look into the calendar and know what to eat when.

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  9. Allocate however many calories we want for each meal when we choose in Smart Meal Planner

    When choosing x amount of meals to generate a meal plan, I want to have the option to choose the amount of calories for each meal.

    For example, I choose 4 meals for my client, I want to allocate :

    500 calories for meal 1

    600 calories for meal 2

    600 calories for meal 3

    200 calories for meal 4

    I don't want it to only distribute the calories evenly, I want the choice so I they can have smaller snacks etc

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  10. Mealplanner needs a wider variety of macro splits !

    Clients need a far broader scope of macros than the typical body building splits. My endurance athletes need carbs 50%+ up to 60s and even 70s so these plans pre-selections do not cut it.

    It should all a bit more free form to edit once designed.. for eg if my client needed 6 meals on one day and 5 on the next etc. instead of generic static same every day set ups. This doesn't reflect true sport nutrition needs.

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  11. Carb cycling

    It would be great to add a carb cycling option in the smart meal planner

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  12. do not track

    When checking do not track, the nutrition information should be removed from the client's dash so they still have access to the meal plan but aren't prompted to track. Also, it would be wonderful if I didn't have to regenerate the entire meal plan all over again just because I edited to change from track to do not track per the client's request to remove the nutritional information from the dash board/ things to do.

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  13. Give trainers the option to change an ingredient.

    For example, instead of the suggested pea protein, we can change it to whey protein, ect. Or instead of flank steak, we can change it to bison meat, or lean ground beef.

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  14. Add more drinks options and have it separate than snacks in meal plan

    Add more drinks options and have it separate than snacks in meal plan

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  15. ability to exclude diet types from a meal plan

    have option to exclude certain meals options, like vegan options when generating a meal plan. for example I don't want any vegan option to be calculated for my clients. I want the ability to create meal plans and exclude specific diet type. vegan or paleo diet style meal. as most of my bigger clients will not consume satin or tofu but they seem to be generated a lot when a meal plan is designed

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  16. Meal Planner in French

    translating everything in French would be game changing!

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  17. Create Master Meal Plans

    The ability to create master meal plans and save them so we can import to a clients plan in the same way we do with master programmes

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  18. 2 votes

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  19. Meal plan that suits all different population

    All the meal plans are fancy and good.But if I have client in India,they may not even aware most of the meals generated here.It would be nice if we can add some region/country specific meal options

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  20. Meal plan that suits all different population

    All the meal plans are fancy and good.But if I have client in India,they may not even aware most of the meals generated here.It would be nice if we can add some region/country specific meal options

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