Garmin Connect
It seems a lot of the major fitness tracking apps are missing. Not having Garmin Connect or even Polar seems a missed opportunity.

Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can learn more about it here.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ambrose Pheiffer commented
Any updates? It's incredibly frustrating that over half of my clients can't use some of the major features because they don't own apple watches.
We've been asking for this for years and no feedback at all? disappointing
Paul Shepherd commented
Please add Garmin integration
Aaron commented
What is happening with this? Are there any updates in the last year?
Craig Alston commented
Is this ever going to happen? You’ve been saying for over 2 years that it’s in the design phase :)
Mariola Lang commented
Please integrate the Index smart scale or add the sync data option for the connection with the Apple Health App. Or is there another possibility to sync my weight data with trainerize?
Colette Giroux commented
Please add Garmin and what is the status of adding it?
BrenzShep commented
Hi Team,
Any news on an eta?
Stacey Grashoff commented
I just went back to a Garmin watch after I had an Apple Watch. Please implement Garmin to integrate with Trainerize. Trainerize is such a useful app except that it is not compatible to most popular apps. Thanks.
Siddhi kinkar commented
It's too much Manual effort to add all details that my Garmin is already tracking for me. Please keep us updated as soon as you get this feature added
Matt Ramos commented
Please add Garmin integration!
Nicole Barocas commented
YES!! This would be SO helpful!!
Henrik Aukland commented
Phil White commented
Keen for this
Penny Braithwaite commented
Please add Garmin integration!
Trevor, What is the progress of this integration?
Liam McVarnock commented
Need this integration!! Am a triathlete and do strength programming for other endurance athletes, none of them use Fitbit or apple watch.
RefereeFit Martin commented
Any update on when this will be available?
Jacinta McNamara commented
How is this coming along? My clients are begging for this option!
Leigh Wager commented
The ability to build a running workout and sync it with garmin. For example - warmup, different run/rest intervals, and cool down. I write this out for my clients, but it would be great if that could sync with garmin, Apple Watch, etc. as a set workout.
Regan Kreitzer La Testa commented
Yes please! Not being able to manually add steps or to have more device options is an issue! Not everyone has apple or fitbit!