Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workouts
For Example:
Rower @ 5 minutes
Movement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral Lunges
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
Foam Roll @ 2 min
Couch Stretch @ 1 min

Joe B. Abadilla commented
Did they put "Planned" to shut us up? SMH. We are all waiting for 3 plus years.
Anonymous commented
It's been 3 almost 4 years since this feature was "planned". Any update? This feature is now standard across competitor coaching applications. Don't get left behind Trainerize, we *need* this to coach in the most effective way.
David Minishian commented
This seriously needs to get added. Why was this suggested almost 10 years ago and have nearly 2000 votes and it’s still not done?!?
Other features don’t even work correctly because we have to create a separate “workout” to template out the various parts of one workout. So for example challenges don’t work when some people have more or less parts to their workout.
Brittany Pittman commented
where are you guys at on this?
Coach Dan commented
How has this still not been added - it is so basic?!!!!!
Mounir Mehhat commented
I agree with Maya Depaz comment below.
Many of us have standard warm up routines but not the same workouts for people so would be good to be able to build warm up templates.
Chris Sinclaire commented
Has this been solved yet? I can't seem to figure it out on my end...
Maya Depaz commented
I find myself constantly retyping the same warm up, cool down, core section, I think an ability to create the section one time and add it in to a workout would save a ton of time and make building out programs much more efficient
Ryan Mamerow commented
This would be wildly beneficial for anyone who is serious about their programing. You need to be able to split your workout into sections so your clients understands their purpose within a bunch of exercises and can focus on the specific task at hand. Please update.
Lloyd Smith commented
Please can we have a way of separating the warm up from the workout / working sets and the accessories?
A colour-coded system on the client side:
- blue for warm up
- red for workout / working block
- orange for accessories
- green for cool-downA check box on the trainer side that allows us to categorise the various sets into their respective places.
Kieron Bates commented
Add a section before the workout for warm up exercises to allow better programming
Matt Dwornik commented
Each workout has sections when we program (warm up, power, strength, core, finisher, cool down, etc), so it would be nice to be able to program this in, for both the client's benefit and ours.
To take this a step further, "master sections" would be amazing, such that you could create a workout and import a warm up section, then a power section, a strength section etc, in order to make it even simpler to create new workouts.
Katie McKowen commented
I often have a set of 4-5 exercises (eg stretching, mobility) that I have clients do at the beginning of every workout. When I create new workouts, I have to go add these to the new workout individually. Could you create a way to have a block of several exercises that I could add to the workout all at once?
Junise Nixon commented
Trainerize should allow us to create labels for different parts of the workout. Instead of everything just being together, we should be able to label which part of the workout is the warmup vs. which part of it is the actual training session vs. which part is the cooldown.
Dr. Bijan & RN Gab Matthews commented
It would be very helpful if you were able to name a Circuit!
For example "double kettlebell circuit" "warm up circuit" "strength training circuit"
It would help keep the exercise program more organized!!!
Jake Dellen commented
This ^^^^
I use TrueCoach with my own coach and the workouts he assigns to me are all separated by each component (warm up, mobility, dynamic movements, workout, cool down etc.) It's aesthetically pleasing and easy to see each component and it saves time by not having to write in the instructions.
Luke A Epaminondas commented
Exercise Library, it amazing that we can upload our personal exercises. A feature I’ve seen elsewhere is ability to add a exercise that just demonstrates it for 30 seconds for those that just forgotten what the exercise looks like. And then the ability to swipe along to then watch a more detailed video on how to do the exercise correctly would be a great feature. This could also be build in to where you add your own exercises, when uploading you just have two opens one for a short one and the other for the in-depth demonstration. With a added option for them being able to upload a video to do a form check to that exercise.
Luke A Epaminondas commented
- [x] This is a big one for me. More clarity/ structure for clients overview when looking at their program. Would be great if we can have folders or a way to simply organise them. When you send the main program to a client Eg. 4 day split that they can clearly see thats the 4 main session they will be following for the next x of weeks. Then an extra/ sub folder where we can put optional workouts like home workouts, limited equipment, warm ups, shorter workouts for when they’re short in time. This way there is something else they can do to keep them moving when needed alternative options. This way it makes it real clear. They would then clearly see what their main focus/ program is that they are falling and easier for them to find. As at the moment they can see like 20 workouts which is great but they are never in order and clients can get a little confused on what they're supposed to do even when you write it in description. This would really help make it look organised and a easier customer flow and experience for everyone one.
Dean Arvin commented
This seems to be like a necessity, I'm surprised so many of us have been able to get by without it thus far.
Anonymous commented
Please do this!!