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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1625 results found

  1. Allowing clients to view their upcoming workouts before they begin.

    As a coach, I go over every new workout with my students ahead of time. Having them be able to view their new workout before we get on a call makes teaching and learning much easier. I would love for my students to be able to view their new upcoming master program before it actually is scheduled to begin. Thank you.

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  2. Allow trainers to see all programs a client has done

    I would like to be able to see what programs a client has done so that I know if they’ve done a program or not so I don’t accidently assign it to them again. As of right now I can see what exercises they complete but not the whole program.

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  3. Be able to assign single workouts to clients without having to create a new training program

    Be able to assign a single program to a client without having to assign it to a training program,

    Just be able to send a client a workout and allow them to complete it

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  4. Be able to extract the client's weekly workout data in to a spreadsheet

    It will be good to have the ability to directly extract client's workout data/compliance in to a spread sheet or Google sheet for easier management.

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  5. Allow client change start date on calendar for master programs.

    I get e-mails from clients everyday asking to change the start date of their calendar.

    If they had an option either at checkout or on their training plan to adjust the start date of their calendar rather than just individual workouts it would be great.

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  6. More combo movements like squat and punch

    Please add your specific exercises to the comments, with any youtube videos. That will help us execute on this idea if we have specific exercises we can execute on.

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  7. Ability to build the entire program

    Ability to create and have a section like:
    Warm up
    -Dynamic stretch
    Workout (Power/Explosive)
    -Plyometrics/Olympic Liftings
    Workout (Strength or Resistance or HIIT or Crosstraining etc)
    Cool Down

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  8. Allow preview of future program for clients

    When I assign a program to a client on a future date, allow them to preview the workout ahead of time so they know what to expect on their first day.

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  9. The ability to make exercises more than just one type

    It’s ridiculous that an exercise can’t be more than one type. Burpees for example can’t be endurance and strength based? Surely this is an easy fix for you guys?

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  10. import a txt file of client workout history generated from Truecoach to Trainerize

    import a txt file of client workout history generated from Truecoach to Trainerize

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  11. Overview interface “scoreboard”

    A main screen interface that gives a one screen/page “scoreboard” (overview) of what each client has compleged for the day in terms of workouts, nutrition stats and action items/habits completed. This would really help as for those of us with a good number of private clients, We wouldn’t have to click on each individual person to see what they have done. Would just be a lot more efficient and effective to have a better overview of the entire roster to see what they have done/haven’t done each day! Thx much!

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  12. Clients want to be able to print their workout s

    A thing that would be great, is that i know many people like to print the workout out on paper. so if there could be a pdf creater of the workout you maked for your clients ? So they could choose that option to?

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  13. Review before scheduling a workout

    Ability to review a workout before it pushes through to the clients calendar

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  14. Save programming feature

    so that you can build a foundational workout and pull it out for mult clients for different phases of their training and edit out specific exercises while still keeping the foundation of the program.

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  15. Option to choose KG & Pounds in workout stats

    The ability to choose between KG & Pounds for workout stats so clients can choose their preferred weights.

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. Meditation programming

    would like to be able to record meditations and program them in as “meditation” in a clients calendar.

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  18. Readiness to train section before each workout

    Having the ability to rate sleep, stress, energy & doms before each training session would be great.

    Train heroic has a similar option on their platform.

    Gives us as trainers a good idea of how well clients are recovering. As well as setting a game plan for a client who maybe had 4 hours sleep and is super stressed at work. Maybe they work at 50% that day or not at all.

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  19. Personal best in overview

    It would be great to be able to view what the clients PB's are from the Overview page rather than getting a notification that "Joe achieved 3 PBs in todays workout" then having to click into each exercise to see what's changed.

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  20. Allow trainers to add automatically tracked strength / performance goals for exercises

    Performance goals increase client motivation and encourage them to put in more effort in their training session. Currently, the only way to add a goal, such as increasing the barbell squat weight by 20 lbs is to do a custom goal, but the tracking is manual instead of automatic.

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