Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
285 results found
add to the trainer version of the mobile app the ability to setup and edit client data including workouts
I would love to be able to add clients via the mobile app so I DON'T have to get onto a laptop or desktop to create a client profile, add or remove exercises, etc. It takes extra time out of my day to have to go home and sit for 30 minutes to set stuff up when I could just do it in my spare time from my Android on the go! I'd love to have that flexibility and freedom!
578 votesHi everyone,
Over the past few mobile app versions, we have ported most of the daily editing functionality for workouts and training plans down to the mobile app.
For now, advanced functionality like copying training plans will remain on the web.
Thanks for your great ideas. Please create more new suggestions on how we can help you build your workouts or training plans faster!
Bodyweight exercises
More exercises that have no equipment as many clients workout from home
536 votesWe’ve added a whole bunch of body weight exercises to our library. If there is something missing, please let us know at
Include a possibility to go high in protein (40% protein / 30% carb / 30% macro split )
I'd like to have the possibility of choosing at least to be able to have a 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fat macro split
516 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
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7 days (more than 3 sample days) for meal planner
have a full week of sample days for meal planner
499 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Multiple clients for small group virtual training or live class video calls like zoom
like you have the 1on1 training appointments but what about for group training?
Like 3 or more people all on video as I demonstrate and then watch and Coach them as they perform the exercises493 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
The ability to do in-app group video calling is now in beta.
If you would like this feature turned on to try it out, please let us know via this form:, we will provide you with extra credits to try out the group video calling.
The app layout is designed for the trainer /client in mind where the trainer’s video feed is larger and at the forefront for clients.
Each client on the call is counted as a separate video calling stream So a 1 hour video call with 4 clients will take 4 hour credits.
Currently you have to book the clients in so it’s great for small group training.
We are working on the ability for your clients to self-book into virtual classes. These ideas may interest you. Please add your vote to…
Folders For Master Programs
Allow us to place our different Master Programs into folders, or at least allow us to tag them.
For instance:
Giving us the ability to create a folder such as General Physical Preparedness (GPP) and then store all our GPP programs in the folder for ease of us.
- Program 1
- Program 2
- etc...Or
Weight loss
- Program 1
- Program 2
- etc...This could also be done by allowing us to tag our master programs
452 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
With our upgrade on 2 April 2020, you can now tag master programs and organize them under the tags on the left side.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Swim feature for cardio
Self-explanatory. For clients to log.
434 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Other ideas you may be interested in:
Change swim metrics to “Yards” and “Meters” instead of “miles”!
Horizontal / Landscape mode for iPad
Landscape mode for iPad
420 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can now tilt the app horizontally for use on the iPad. Make sure your app is updated to v7.10.0.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Take away $1000 limit in Trainerize Pay
A few of our products are over $1000 and in Trainerize Pay we have to send the client 2 invoices of $500. If the limit of $1000 was lifted we wouldn't have to send multiple invoices.
417 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
You can now move your Trainerize Pay to a Stripe account and directly connect it to Trainerize.
With the Stripe account,
- you do not have the $1000 limit.
- you get lower rates (Stripe’s official rates)
- flexible payout schedules
- full access to Stripes dashboard and reportingSimply go to your Payments page and hit Switch. You can create a new account or connect your existing Stripe account.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
For more information, see:
Add the ability to create folders to organize workout templates into
Add folders to the workout templates section so that workout templates can be organized into folders like 'Fat loss templates', 'Strength training templates' and so on.
401 votesHey everyone,
We’ve completed this piece in the last large upgrade Trainerize 4 a few weeks back. Thanks for all your feedback.
You can see how to use custom tags in Trainerize 4 to help organize your workout templates here:
Allow Trainers to Start Programs on Any Day of The Week
As is, I can only subscribe a client to a program with a start date on a Monday. Not all of my clients billing cycle is set up to start on Monday, and I simply cannot keep up with the workload to create new programs starting on Monday every time. It seems silly that I am unable to start a program on any day of the week.
399 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! You can now start a program on any day of the week, but just be careful to set a start date to Monday if you want the days of the week to line up.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Steps! We need to able to see our clients steps
We all understand NEAT and how much this count for energy expenditure! We must be able to see our clients steps from their fitbit/ watch of choice. This would make the app near perfect. This is a massive thing for all fat loss clients especially
391 votesHi all,
Closing this out as in our previous release, Fitbit and Withings devices now sync their steps into Trainerize.
If you are looking to turn on syncing for Apple Health/Watch, you can turn on the beta within the Add-ons > Integrations and scroll down to the bottom section “Beta labs”.
Your vote has been returned to you. Please come back and vote on more ideas at or add any new suggestions.
Lack of snacks ideas...
I try to swap a snack and I there is no options available to fit the requirements... This is really important. You need to include way more high-protein snacks in here.
371 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed as we added more snacks options in our library of snack meals! We will keep expanding our meal library with more snack ideas in the future. We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability for clients to view a list of on demand workouts to start and filter them
Build out an on-demand section like Peleton where clients can browse from a list of workouts and filter them by say Time, Duration, Equipment needed etc.
356 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
With the new program stacking feature, there is a new library type called on-demand libraries. You can build on-demand libraries and stack them.
It is currently in beta, join the FB group to find out more:’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Simplify recipes
The recipes look great, however, I think can be off putting for someone who is short on time.
If there were an option for simplified recipes that would be a massive help.
349 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! We added more simplified recipes and we will continue to add more to our data base going forward.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Clients buy the vision of what you will do for their bodies not the app itself, as awesome as what it is. Where's the section on goals, with deadlines to achieve these? Goals section please, so so important to know, keep track of and work towards. Auto reminder everyday to go out to the client reminding them of their most important goals and confirming they are achieving results that are helping them get there. Thanks D
332 votes -
Client assessment forms along with a Par-Q
It would be ideal if trainerize offered automatic emails of assessment forms to those signed up. Right now we have to email them but would be easier if it happened automatically once they logged in. Everything from Par-Q to a dietary record so that we can create a comprehensive client profile to better offer personalized training based on their needs.
322 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback. We’ve now added an option for a standard physical PARQ form in the customizable welcome e-mail. You can still use the e-consultation form for additional questions that you do not need a legal physical copy.
For more information, you can see our help article here: -
Sync my Trainerize appointments to Google Calendar
I'm booking my PT sessions right now in the appointments tab. It would be great for this to sync to my Google calendar so I can see it.
324 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed!
Upon setting up of your app for the first time, you/your clients will be prompted to pick a calendar to sync Trainerize appts to. Simply pick your Google calendar.
Similarly, you can change your sync options manually in your Settings > Appointment sync on the mobile app.
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Virtual group training
Provide a way to add multiple clients to the same session who will share the same training plans and calendar for a certain period of time (i.e. 7 days, 30 days) like what is done for group challenges.
316 votesHI everyone,
Happy to announce we’ve completed this idea. Thanks for supporting the idea everyone.
If you notice in your web app, there is an additional section called Programs. you can now subscribe your clients to programs.
If you wish to do virtual group training (like intakes or bootcamps), you can create a new Training Group and everyone in the group will follow the same program at the same time.
If you wish to have people start at any time, or subscribe to different programs, you can certainly subscribe them directly to a program, but just put them into a regular Fitness Community group.
We hope you enjoy this feature.
Many of you have commented about challenges too. You may wish to vote and leave your comments on this thread for us: keep your ideas coming! Thanks!
Team Trainerize
Announcement post: info on our helpdesk: -
Option between metric and imperial, use ml or grams instead of ounces
All of the recipes are measured in cups, an option for grams and ml would be ideal
313 votes[UPDATE]
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We’re marking this idea as completed! Please note that meal recipes and it's ingredients are now shown in both imperial and metric system. However, due to complexity of "cups" we did not show alternative to this metric and all the recipes will just be in "cups". Reason being is that system cannot detect whether particular ingredient is solid or liquid and therefore we can't know whether we should translate cups into grams or ml.
We created an idea for any of you who would like to still have cups into grams, and you can vote for that idea so we can see how many requests we gather. Here is the new idea for "cups to grams". Please vote if you wish:
We’re returning your vote to you so please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
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