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229 results found

  1. expand stripe integration to be able to charge card on file for clients, this streamlines the process and clients like the ease of use.

    I have clients 1:1 that for sessions they just want me to charge the card on file. this eases the UI for the client thus making the experience better. Stripe already has this capability by itself so I wouldn't think it would be that hard to add to Trainerize UI. ultimately I should have all control over my customer experience, something I feel Trainerize still doesn't not lend enough owner control of their business

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  2. invoicing clients

    I would like to be able to invoice clients even if they are not using the online payment method. I am currently creating invoices monthly for clients and attaching them inside of trainerize. it is very time consuming

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  3. Start a Program the day after purchase

    Currently, if a client purchases a product, the program can start on the day of purchase, the next Monday, or a fixed start date.

    I don't want my clients to have to wait until the following Monday. But, if I select start on the day of purchase, the client might miss out on important scheduled messages or workouts that were intended for day one.

    For example: Let's say I have a scheduled message for 8 AM on day one, but the client doesn't purchase the program until 5 PM, they will miss that message and any important information that came…

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  4. Integrate with Mollie

    Mollie is the biggest payment gateway for western Europe and provides a lot of payment options.

    So, please integrate with Mollie because western Europe isn't using the credit card as much...

    Or expand in Stripe with Trainerize pay with some European payment options like Bancontact, iDEAL, PayPal, Sofort and pay in 3 or something... Thanks!

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  5. "Limit to existing clients only" option in products

    Option to select "Limit to existing clients only" option in products, similarly to "Limit sign-up to new clients only" to allow exclusive offers for existing clients.

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  6. Reminder to the coach and client when a client doesn't pay their invoice.

    Send a reminder to the coach and client when the client does not pay an invoice. Similar to the reminder when a credit card is declined, remind the client the invoice is unpaid after 1 or 2 days and repeat the reminder 2 times. Also alert the coach that the invoice has not been paid.

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  7. Ability to see visits and sales conversions of checkout pages in Facebook analytics

    Right now, the checkout page's domain cannot be verified as it's shared across Trainerize.

    Is there a way I can track the successful purchases? Maybe by throwing an analytics event or by redirect them to a page I own.

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  8. Recurring product payments happening on the 1st and 15th of the month

    A lot of businesses manage their bill payments, payroll and other finances based the beginning (1st) and middle (15th) of the month. Being able to create products with matching recurring payments would be incredibly helpful

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  9. discount code "Terms" wording

    when trainer creates a discount code for recurring products and sets duration to be valid for 1 week, trainers would like better wording advising of actual logic. Terms currently show as "100% off, on first week"

    Common issue is if product billing is set to monthly, clients receive 100% discount code for full month as opposed to 1 week.

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  10. Embed checkout on my own webpage

    Instead of having to leave my webpage to check out, allow us to embed the checkout form on our own webpage so it's a seamless experience.

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  11. Add Saudi Arabia to Stripe Platform

    Add Saudi Arabia to Stripe Platform

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  12. Import from whatsapp

    I get a lot of leads from whatsapp. I'm usually chatting with people on it. It would be great to be able to share my products or seamlessly.

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  13. Ability to import a client from instagram

    I do a lot of marketing on Instagram. I'm usually chatting with people on it. It would be great to be able to share my products or seamlessly import someone from Instagram into Trainerize.

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  14. Automated client email 7 days before next payment.

    Should be very helpful becasue in some countries it is a legal requirement.

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  15. Automated funds come out day of in person session instead of buying a large session pack

    Instead of having training packs where clients have to fork out 1000 dollars at a time.

    Have a feature where clients can book 20 sessions for example for the month and have the funds for each session come out the day of the scheduled session.

    I have a lot of clients that are hesitant to spend big bucks by paying a large chunk at the beginning of the month. We would get a larger variety of clients if we had that option.

    For example, I have a client contract where they must commit to ten sessions a month for six…

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  16. Let trainers create folders to store products: challenges, 1-on-1, show prep, diet only, etc.

    I want to have some organization with all of the products I offer. If we could organize by folder trainers would be able to separate generic plans, challenges, 1-on-1 coaching, fitness prep, custom priced plans, and more to create organization in the products section.

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  17. Sell add-on products with core products on same sales page to upsell efficiently.

    Similarly to the way Stripe offers cross-sells, it would be very handy and effective to be able to list add-on products with core products on the same checkout page (just click and add).

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  18. Ability to pay for a service without creating a profile.

    I have athletes with an account but the parents want to pay. The parents do not want an account and the athletes don't want to share their log in info.

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  19. React to client purchasing a product or renewing

    We should be able to react with emojis and comments when someone purchases a product.
    Saying thank you would be awesome

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  20. Better permissions to restrict access to certain areas of Payments section

    Owners should be able to adjust admin/manager access accordingly through a customization option or a checklist and grant certain permissions.

    Example: create an admin and allow them to view the payments tab, but restrict them from the summary tab, invoices tab, and transactions tab.

    Admins shouldn't always be able to view summary, revenue and invoices.

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