Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
225 results found
Transferring programs to other clients but the schedule in calendar also transfers as well as daily habits
When transferring a program to new client, have the workouts automatically go into the calendar as to the schedule. Also have the daily habits transfer over into the calendar as well to save time
1 vote -
Track total weight loss
I can't believe as a fitness / weight loss app, that there isn't a way to easily see total pounds lost for a client and or total inches lost.
7 votes -
Be able to add "Habits" like a workout clients to check out as opposed to going to the habit menu. You could create programs around habits
I would love to be able to add "Habits" like a workout for clients to check out as opposed to going to the habit menu. You could create programs around habits and automate this just like a workout program. This is mainly for accountability coaching and saves you tons of time of having to manually add habits for each person
6 votes -
Goal/Mantra/Motivation on dashboard
I think it would be really useful for clients to be able to see at the top of their dashboard, (so its visible each time they open the app) a big display to remind them WHY they're doing what they're doing.
So when they sign up, they can set up their display with their goal, or maybe a mantra they want to go by, or something motivational.
I think this would go a long way for keeping clients motivated
19 votes -
possibility for the client to rate their day (accountability)
It would keep clients a lot more accountable if they had the possibility to rate their day
Keeping it simple, just 3 options :
- Near perfect
- Positive
- Negative
or something similar
It will make client more aware and not wanting to pile up "negative" days
1 vote -
Continuous winning streak on habits
If the client forgets to update their winning streak on the day they can't update the next day and it goes back to 0, which is the most unmotivating thing for them and most complained about as people do stop sometimes. It takes something as little as this to upset that initial motivation.
4 votes -
Countdown timer for days until program ends
We all know if theres a deadline we work harder subconsciously. So if you our members are on a 30 day, 90 day, 120 day, or annual program, and the countdown timer is on dashboard, clicking away, day by day, its going to create URGENCY.
Urgency creates habits, that create results.
So if theres days ticking away, day by day on dashboard, they are going to DO MORE, work harder, etc.
3 votes -
On the goals and habits section, allow objective or to-do list for the client to complete. Much like habits with more details.
On the goals and habits section, allow objective or to-do list for the client to complete. A to do list for the client helps them interact more with the trainer and is perfect after check ins when planning/summarizing the week ahead.
2 votes -
Have the ability to add goals & habits within the app for clients without having to do so via desktop only. I find myself having to make a note in my journal in order to do so when I'm back at my laptop versus being able to do so within the app. Thank you!
1 vote -
1 vote
SMART Habits & Goals: Enable coaching notes to detail SMART
Enable an opportunity for coaches to create a note on existing or custom habits/goals to detail and deploy SMART coaching for the client and coach to refer back to.
"Implement sleep ritual" is not detailed enough for the client to fulfill the habit, and the existing sleep ritual may not suit all clients, therefore stripping the client of their autonomy.
1 vote -
rate some habits
possibility to rate from 1 to 10 some habits such as energy level, sleep .....
2 votes -
Set a daily step goal
Ability to set a daily steps goal that auto updates with connected devices
859 votes -
Have a an option for date countdown for goal completion
I think it would be great to have some sort of countdown ability for certain goals.
Examples: lose 10 lbs for wedding countdown would show you have x days left with x lbs left to hit goal- 10 min mile for 10k - x days left avg mile currently x
Hope that makes sense!
2 votes -
Character limitation - customized daily habit
Can you please expand the character limitation on the customized daily habit from 30 to 60?
1 vote -
Weekly step goals that will update throughout the week
Having the option to add weekly step goals for clients and where they can track where they are at as the week progresses
3 votes -
Ability to schedule reminder notifications for Habits at specific times.
3 votes -
Tracking blood sugar level for diabetic clients.
I would love to see a widget that allows my diabetic clients to post their daily blood sugar levels.
11 votes -
Thumbs up a habit!!
You can thumbs up a workout but not a habit.. this is pretty annoying.
11 votes -
Allow clients to back date a habit (which it does) AND have it extend their streak
Currently, a client can back date a habit if they forgot to log one. For example, if they had a wedding or out of town. But when they go back in to log the ones they forget to log, the streak doesn't continue. its starts the streak over
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?