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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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  1. 7 votes

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  2. Mi-fit connection

    I hope we can also sync our mi fit app

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  3. Ability to edit RPE

    There are times where you might forget to set it, or accidentally set it wrong - and the only way to change it is to re-enter the entire session and delete the old one. Seems like being able to edit these things without completely redoing it (like we can with the actual training stats) would be an obvious functionality without needing to be voted on.

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  4. Program presets/filters according to what equipment clients are working with

    With each client, I have to make notes of what equipment they do/don't have. It would be nice for this to be a setting, so that when I'm putting together their workouts, I can either only filter by those items and/or have a clear reminder of what equipment they are working with.

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  5. Plymetric workouts

    Sports specific type of exercises, more functional type of exercises

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  6. Can we add a "Total Body" category for adding exercise videos?

    It would be really helpful to add a total body category either in the muscles used, or the type of workout (located where hip dominant, pushes/pulls etc).

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  7. Two factor authentication

    What I would like to see is two-factor authentication especially for trainers. With my main profession currently being IT, I know there is a lot of personal information on the Trainerize website. I am sure trainers have consultation forms, medical information, and other personal information pertaining to their clients on the site. While the chances of the site being attacked is low, the information contained on the site still should be protected, better.

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  8. Styku Integration

    integrate Trainerize with Styku

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  9. Allow trainer to "like" client's recent activity such as hitting nutrition goals, exercise or activity completed.

    Like an instagram or facebook "like", to let the client know you've acknowledged their activity and are giving it an encouraging thumbs up.

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  10. Custom one-way/two-way messaging on certain days.

    It would be nice to set days (and maybe times) for clients to message their trainer. This would work fantastic for trainers that have High-end/low-end programs. They can allow their low end clients to only message them (for an example) Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays between 10am-5pm every week.

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  11. Allow swapping of exercises while keeping same notes, even within supersets without unlocking.

    It's currently laborious to swap exercises. Particularly in a Superset. !st we must unlock, than find an alternate exercise by manually filtering, than drop in place, and recreate or paste notes, than lock superset. It would be great if by clicking a swap button a list of exercises with the same bodypart tags populate and upon clicking one replaces the original and keeps same notes. Even better if we could do so without having to unlock or re-lock Superset.

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  12. 7 votes

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  13. A way to bulk delete actions throughout a month

    When I delete automated messages or workouts, I have to individually select them to delete them. I’d like a way to select all or select a large group and then delete them

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  14. Better integration with Squarespace

    More Squarespace integration for purchasing

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  15. Blast an auto-message as an announcement to everyone.

    For Instance, I have my clients check-in every wednesday or thursday. But, instead of going into each person's calender and creating an auto message for each person. It would be cool if every tuesday. It just automatically messaged them about check-ins and sent them a link with the calender! Total customization under the auto messages and events feature could make this happen.

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  16. More cable exercises for legs and glutes!

    Add variations of leg movements on cables. Ex: cable squat, cable stationary lunge, cable stuff leg deadlift

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  17. 7 votes

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  18. Add an automated avatar that performs exercises through reps or timer

    It would be great for the client to watch the avatar or person performing the exercise while they are performing the reps for count of reps or time duration. The avatar moves throughout the set

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  19. Give clients the ability to food swap from Evolution Nutrition on Trainerize

    I have to give my clients access to EV to be able to food swap - now they are using Trainerize, EV, and Fitbit to work with me - it's too much.

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  20. Total Weight Personal Bests

    It would be great to be able to easily see the total weight lifted previously for each excercise, and to also be able to see how much weight has been lifted total so far on the current this workout. This would really help us see and set new total weight personal bests.

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