Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1626 results found
On Macbook/Desktop Ability to view previous lift?
In the app when i start a workout im able to see how much my client lifted and also the reps on the previous workout. Im not able to see this on the macbook/desktop it shows no previous data only on the iphone in the app?
1 vote -
Have the option of not having to add a video into a programme
It would be great if we could just add the notes and not HAVE to also add a video. Or if we could add a video without the option of the reps/sets coming up, just the video explanation.
1 vote -
Ability to have multiple open training phases
In the training program tab it seems like there can only be one open training phase. It would be nice to have an option of having multiple open so that the client could keep workouts organized like a training phase with all of their flexibility work, a phase for all their core work. And then from the trainer side, being able to still schedule workouts from any training phase past or present. right now you can only schedule things from their current phase.
1 vote -
Put notes on activity and option to add your own activity
On the app when I have a client do an "activity" it would be nice to have the option to put in my own activity, for example if I'm using a cardio machine that isn't listed, I would like the option of putting in my own. I also think that on the activity metrics like how long they did it or what level, that it would be nice to have a line where you could put in your own, like incline, for example.
Another thing is that on the desktop version I can put a trainer note on an activity.…1 vote -
Add Pilates exercises
I typed in Pilates and didn’t find any exercises
6 votes -
Make it so we can see other scheduled workouts on the calendar when we are scheduling them. It was a feature previously.
In the past, it showed different colors for different workouts that had already been scheduled in the calendar. Make it so once I schedule one workout for the month, it shows up on the calendar when I go to schedule the other workouts so I don't end up doubling up workouts on the same day.
1 vote -
Manually enter calories for work out
Being able to enter calories burnt per workout when completed
50 votes -
Ability to have multiple custom programs
With program stacking it would be nice to have multiple custom programs for scheduling items in the clients calendar.
4 votes -
Scrollable Workout, Program etc. Pages instead of multiple shorter pages
When looking at the Master Libraries or Client's training program you have to navigate through multiple short pages to see all of the items. It would be easier to navigate one long scrolling page.
Moreover, it is not intuitive that in order to select all of the workouts you have to click the square box and select "select all workouts". The software should be more conservative and easier to navigate.
1 vote -
Only allow for certain exercise substitutions
When setting up a master program, I would like to have it so that only certain exercises can be substituted for the exercises in the program.
Example: I want clients to be able to sub cable exercises for the equivalent resistance band exercise but nothing else. Allowing clients to substitute for the entire master library not only can’t guarantee them the best, most effective work out but it also put us as trainers at risk if they were to pick something above their level.
1 vote -
Clear Calendar on MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can for Custom Programs
1) NEED the ability to quickly clear scheduled items (cardio, messages, body stats etc) in MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can with a client's custom program.
It would be the same functionality.
Currently, as an example, if there is cardio scheduled within a master program, and I decide to remove this (as I am now doing with the new stacked program feature) - I have to go through and manually delete every single occurrence of it. It takes forever. :'(
2) Along with this, having items be able to be scheduled as a "repeating series", deleting the first instance of…
14 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability to filter out exercises with no videos, text or tags
a tracker of some sort that will tell coaches what exercises are posted that have no video, description, and/or tags. In order to keep our app as organized as possible.
1 vote -
Workout tracker overview
A workout tracker wherein you can find the performance per workout (for each exercise) over the last weeks, in a clear overview without needing to switch from pages.
3 votes -
Add strength training to activities list
Would love for a client to be able to choose an “open” strength training activity/workout just like the rest of the activity list. Not necessarily to track the exact exercise but to at least mark that a strength training workout was done and how long they were active for. Would be really helpful for clients who aren’t normally doing specific strength workouts but throw some in occasionally. Way easier on the coach too so that we don’t have to add random strength training workouts to the clients plan so that they can be tracked. The only activity currently with any…
2 votes -
Workout substitutes
There should be a Sub category option on each movement to give possible sub movements if equipment is not available or the gym is to busy to utilize the equipment.
8 votes -
Link goals with training + alerts
Link exercises with goals & alerts
Ie. If you set a deadlift training goal of 150kg x 5 reps, when the client inputs the data of hitting that weight and reps, it sends an alert to the trainer and client letting them know they reached their goal.14 votes -
Filter custom added workouts
We should be able to filter all of the exercises available by the ones we have created. So I don’t have to search through all of the built in exercises to find the ones I specifically added.
1 vote -
New phase pop-up
It would be great if whenever a client is starting a new phase that it popped up as soon as they enter the app that day or try to start their workout. Otherwise, clients are wondering why their workout is different or need an explanation when it is all explained under the phase and they forget to look at it.
3 votes -
Add volleyball to activities
Ability to show a month view of your class schedule for both current and prospect clients that either go to your website and see the schedule or can click a tab inside their app to see the whole schedule
1 vote -
Automatically show only equipment used in library of on demand workouts
Some equipment like smith machines are not used for my workouts. If the list of equipment can be narrowed down to the ones used in the library.
2 votes
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