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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5257 results found

  1. Not all exercises are reps x lbs. Please add a blank box to notate more flexibly

    Many many sports use body weight/other specific exercises that can't be described as reps x weight. An easy fix is to give trainers the ability to just add a blank box for unique sport notation. E.g, universal notation for hangboard training in climbing is 6x 7:3 (-10) (6 sets of 7 seconds hanging with 3 seconds rest with 10lbs taken off body weight). You are radically reducing your market by limiting functionality for gymnastics, boxing, rock climbing, swimming training and many other sports.

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  2. Organize Workouts on Client Side (by muscle group or beginner, etc) so they can pick from the dashboard what they want to do

    Ability to set up "folders" (like muscle group, beginner, advanced, travel option etc) to organize workouts that clients can choose from from their dashboard. That way it's up to the client to choose what they'd want to do with what is available to them.

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  3. Allow trainers to schedule any workout

    Trainers should be able to schedule any workout that they have built vs. only scheduling workouts that were synced into that clients program. Clients need adjustments to their plan all of the time. The exercise substation is nice, but will not work well if i need to sub for every exercise on the fly.

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  4. Pickelball as a cardio activity option

    fasting growing sport in the world!

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  5. A 1 week feature on the bodyweight graph

    It would be nice to see 1 week worth of clients weigh ins on the Bodyweight graph so we can see our clients body weight on a weekly basis instead of a minimum of three months.

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  6. view list of clients with workouts due

    Daily List of Clients with Workouts Scheduled for Trainer View

    I'd like to be able to have a daily overview showing me who has workouts scheduled for that day. I track this on my own currently but would be very helpful to have right on the app!

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  7. 14 votes

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  8. Add manual Pulse-Ox data entry and tracking as a dash tile

    With COVID now an ongoing, and long-term "thing", one of the things we are doing now with clients (and ourselves) is measuring and tracking oxygen saturation using Pulse oximetry, or pulse ox. Doctors are using this on patients as diagnostic tools both at home and in hospitals. My brother and mother have each had COVID and this was a leading indicator to get help, as well as a prescribed at-home, follow-on testing they were told to do daily when they were released (on O2 and still recovering). This is both an instant and trending measure to help assess one's health;…

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  9. Tempo training

    Adding in space to create tempos for training

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  10. Ability for clients to use Google Pay

    Instead of having clients type in their credit card, allow them to use Google Pay.

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  11. Search by Invoice Number

    It would be much more sufficient and productive if we could search through our transactions via invoice number so we don't have to continually scroll to find it! :)

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  12. Integration with Eat This Much. This is the best meal planning software out there.

    This is the best meal planning software out there. You set your macros and can filter everything from time that you have to prepare a meal, to no cooking, to easy swaps that keep your macros intact.

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  13. Client Can Request Days For Workouts

    I mainly work with golfers who are always in different environments and sometimes have access to only a hotel room, other days have access to a gym. It would be so great if I could have the client fill out the calendar in the app with days that they are available for workouts and the type of equipment they have access to.

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  14. See Exercise History as you coaching client 1-1 so you can see what you did last week

    I use trainerize with my in person clients as well, and the downside seems to be that when I open the workout of the day I have planned for them, and I press on box squats for example, there is the ability to fill in the reps and weight but I can't see what we did last week for example.
    (so I can progress). Would be great if you guys could consider adding an exercise history (inside the workout of the day) hope you know what I mean.

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  15. Habit compliance

    Will you guys set up auto compliance tags for habits like you do for nutrition at some point?

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  16. Add a filter so unread messages can be sorted up to the top

    Listen, we need the UNREAD MESSAGES to stay at the top. Trying to go through 800 clients of messages to find that one message is so nerve wrecking. Especially when I seen a group message and that all get pushed down. If it is unread keep it at the top PLEASE

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  17. Trainerize integrating with Skulpt (similar to Whithings)

    It would be great if Trainerize would integrate the Skulpt body scanner similar to the way it does with the Withings scale, as an optional device. It's easy to use and gives a breakdown of body fat in different regions.

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  18. add a product to a client without making him pay for it

    Whenever you want to add a product to a client, it makes your client purchase it. If the trainer can add it, the client wouldn't have to pay for it and can start right away.

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  19. Convertidor Vartika Zimbra a PST

    Utilisez le logiciel de conversion Vartika Zimbra vers PST et convertissez les fichiers Zimbra au format de fichier PST pour les ouvrir dans Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 et les versions antérieures
    Quelques fonctionnalités de Vartika Software
    • Migrer Zimbra vers PST de n'importe quelle taille
    • Aperçu de Zimbra et de ses pièces jointes
    • Sûr et convivial
    • Aucune limitation de taille de fichier
    • Interface graphique avancée et conviviale.
    Utilisez le logiciel de conversion Vartika Zimbra vers PST et convertissez les fichiers Zimbra au format de fichier PST pour les ouvrir dans Outlook 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010…

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  20. Adding notes to master plans

    Can you please add the option to add trainer notes to the master programs/workouts? I used to be a "sticky note" nut before trying to adopt technology and being able to add little notes as a reference point has always been really helpful. For example, on one saved program the ability to put "this is for people who will train at home using only body weight/resistance bands 3x per week and the gym 2x per week" etc.

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