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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1631 results found

  1. Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM

    I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
    Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
    squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
    tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
    that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
    1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
    on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
    Another benefit of…

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  2. Exporting Workouts/Programs to PDF

    Can we please have someone spend a bit of time rehashing the PDF export for the workouts? Every time I export my workouts to a PDF, I have to put them through Google Sheets first, so that when printed they line up a bit nicer, and look like some thought has gone into the formatting.


    (1) It would be really great if the printouts were such a size that the average person's handwriting would actually fit in the boxes,
    (2) Furthermore to this, if I've spent the time to go through and edit all the workouts in the spreadsheet…

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  3. Add small group, partner, couple or duo training format. Ability to track multiple clients quickly

    For small groups it would save a lot of time if we would add group workouts to a group of people.

    This would work for small group and semi private clients.

    There could be two options for tracking.

    1. The clients track their own stats (ideal for small groups)

    2. With in the same view/page you could add stats for multiple people in a given workout with out having to switch in and out of clients to add stats (ideal for semi private)

    This is a must have feature. Right now stat tracking for more than one client at a time is…

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  4. creating a note next to an exercise in the training programme

    a client of mine asked how she can create a note next to an exercise in the training programme. so far i don't see such an option, only as general comments at the end of a workout.


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  5. Logging resistance exercise Bands, using their Color or Type

    When training with Exercise bands, we need the ability to log them.

    We need to be able to log them, by the 2 main indicators used with bands, which are: COLOR (such as Red, Green, Black, Purple, etc) and Light/Medium/Heavy/XtraHeavy

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  6. Woman / female / more diversity in trainer doing exercises

    I have a female clientele base and women like to see other women doing the exercises in the exercise library.

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    Hi all,

    Thanks for coming to the idea forum and adding your vote to this idea.

    Over the next few years, we are committed to increasing the diversity of models within our exercise library as we have more resources to dedicate to this.


  7. Seperate textbox for sets, reps, tempo, rest and weight

    Please have separate textbox for sets, reps, tempo, weight and rest, not just a box for sets, and a shared one for reps and weight as it sometimes isn't clear to clients. It would be easier as opposed to typing the rest of the info in notes as I feel like I'm then re-writing the plan again.
    Also, the ability to alter plans and measurements from the app would be amazing


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  8. Have an EMOM or E2MOM workouts

    An every minute on the minute function allows the trainer to create a routine with different exercises that are done for a certain amount of reps with in the time frame window of a minute.
    Min 0+1: Row 100 meters
    Min 1-2: push-ups x 15
    Min 2-3 pull-ups x 10
    Min 3-4 Bike 10 cals
    Min 4-5 Kettlebell Swings x 15
    Min 5-6 Goblet Squats x10
    Min 6-7 Rest
    What ever time is left over in the window of said Minute is the clients rest period

    Or ....
    Every 2 Minutes:
    Ski machine 100 meters
    Push Press x 10…

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  9. Save freestyle workouts into master workouts or use in regular programming

    Would be beneficial to have The ability to save a freestyle WOD, entered by either the trainer or client, to templates for later use

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  10. Allow clients in my membership app to browse a list of programs, and let them self select/pick what program they want to follow.

    Be able to sell one price base membership, when clients sign up, allow them to pick their equipment or level and automatically assign them the correct program based on their input. Once the user is a member, if that needs to change and they want to level up, They can go open up the program picture again and select a new program.

    The sweat app, Nike app and freeletics allows members to click directly on a program they want to do so they can have a wide selection.

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  11. Client Exercise Substitutions Carry to Subsequent Week's Workouts

    We have several clients working autonomously through programs that are pre-built. If a user substitutes a movement/exercise in a particular workout/training session, allowing them to select if they'd like to make the sub for all future corresponding progressions of that workout/session would benefit the Ux for both the client and the overseeing coaches who no longer need to go in and change it for them

    Just a thought!

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  12. Make it possible to list alternatives to exercises within each workout builder.

    Make it possible to list alternatives to exercises within each workout builder.

    Example: Barbell Front Squat OR Dumbbell Front Squat (same reps may still apply, helps clients with limited equipment to have fewer questions)

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  13. Exercise Flagging by Clients

    Exercise Flagging - When a client wants to change an exercise, he/she can flag the exercise and the trainer sees all flagged exercises for each client in the dashboard so he can easily change or modify the exercises.

    Another example, a client needs additional instructions on a particular exercise so he flags the exercise as "Require more information" or something similar.

    This would make our life as Trainers much easier. At the moment the only option is to have clients leave comments after their workouts, but this means that we have to read every note of each workout. I do…

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  14. Substitute Exercises

    It would be amazing to have a small drop down menu below every exercise where I can put what exercises a client should sub with if needed, little space for 1-3 options. Easy scroll and choose and it automatically switches into the workout. Clients searching on their own substitute exercises is a pain.

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  15. custom exercise tags

    Be able to create your own tags for exercises so it can be categorized based on intended purpose (work on muscle, on a joint, or a specific movement pattern)

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  16. Add non-training events to the calendar

    Many of our clients are training for something specific... be it a sports meet or event, a competition, or a trip to the beach. It would be nice to be able to add those events to the calendar, even if it's just a titled item with no real content.

    Right now I build a workout for their events, so that I can see those things on their calendar when I'm building their plan, but that clutters up their training plan.

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  17. Ability to easily edit, substitute or replace Trainerize exercises with my own.

    Instead of having to create a new exercise for the exercise library, it would be nice if we could just substitute the video for one of the Trainerize exercises.

    For example I have lots of clients doing squats right now with the original sites video, I would eventually like to replace that with a video of me doing them. I don't want to have 2 copies of the exercise.

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  18. Being able to change a workout from Circuit, regular or intervals. Once the workout is built (without having to re-make a whole new workout)

    Being able to change a workout from Circuit, regular or intervals. Once the workout is built (without having to re-make a whole new workout)

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    There Is nothing more annoying than losing a workout after half way through building it due to connection trouble or computer freezing And auto save feature would be a great addition

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    THIS A FUNDAMENTAL AND TOTALLY ESSENTIAL TOOL for strength & conditioning coaches, trainers and serious coaches

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