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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1628 results found

  1. Technique randomizer!

    🙋🏼‍♂️Movement randomizer feature!!!!

    Example: I’m building a pushing workout. I have bench press, dumbbell press, incline dumbbell press and military press... is love to have a feature where I could insert a randomized block that’s set to choose from specific movements that I select. Say after the four I want two random isolated pushing movements. So I could select tricep push down, skull crushers, Sphinx push ups, Bobineaux the head dumbbell extensions or lay pull over...

    each time the client open the workout it will automatically be set to one of those movements that I set to randomly select.


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  2. auto fields

    Using auto fields in areas like workout instructions and program overview would be huge.

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  3. Allow clients in my membership app to browse a list of programs, and let them self select/pick what program they want to follow.

    Be able to sell one price base membership, when clients sign up, allow them to pick their equipment or level and automatically assign them the correct program based on their input. Once the user is a member, if that needs to change and they want to level up, They can go open up the program picture again and select a new program.

    The sweat app, Nike app and freeletics allows members to click directly on a program they want to do so they can have a wide selection.

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  4. Access past training weeks

    Clients able to access to past training weeks, via the app

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  5. Have a Complete Programming View

    When I'm programming I like to be able to see everything I've programmed for the client over the last couple of months to get a big picture of what progressions I'm following etc. Right now I'm basically listing the exercises outside of Trainerize so I have a quick-glance option when I'm writing their next program, which seems a bit silly.

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  6. Allow "Plans" under a Master Program be set for "1 month" vs only by weeks.

    For billing, it's much easier for plans to be monthly not just by a set number of weeks. I realize I can customize per client for whom the plan is "copied to" but this takes extra steps since for my purposes, all clients are billed monthly, not weekly. I see this same idea mentioned elsewhere and I voted on it, but I'm not as concerned with the syncroniztion with Mindbody as I am just for the sake of selling/billing on a "monthly" basis vs weekly basis.

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  7. Low workout compliance, without scheduled workouts

    Low workout compliance, without scheduled workouts.

    With the new compliance for nutrition and workout, i need a option to track workout compliance also, for the clients who have not scheduled their workouts ahead of time.

    Example: "tag client with less than 3 workouts each week" or "low workout compliance with clients less than 2 workouts each week" etc.

    Hope this can be a feature soon, together with the new (and awesome) compliance feature.

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  8. add timed reps

    I love that we are able to build workouts as regular, circuit or timed. But I often build workouts for my clients that include number rep ranges and with timed reps. All my clients love the timer feature of the interval training timer. So I wish we were able to use the timed rep feature as an option when building a regular workout.

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  9. 2 votes

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  10. TUT tracking

    A third field of recording time under tension. We can perscribe time under tension in the field for reps. But, we have no way to track if the client has out performed a devious time under tension or total volume of a set that includes time under tension, weight and repetitions.

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  11. A level up system for Calisthenics.

    Anyone who knows about Calisthenics understands that progression means a whole new exercise, although it might be a slight adjustment, but it's still a new move. It is not "adding weight", it is not a numerical thing that can be kept up with in Trainerize. As it stands, it would be very difficult to keep up with multi individuals progress and making sure they had the next move when it was needed.

    My suggestion is a level up system, something that does exist with certain apps like Thenics. The idea being when a goal (reps or time) is met with…

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  12. Add a copy and past in to the workout builder. Especially for interval training.

    To build workouts much faster, a copy and paste feature where the (select and) delete exercises or circuit a group of exercises.

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  13. Have an EMOM or E2MOM workouts

    An every minute on the minute function allows the trainer to create a routine with different exercises that are done for a certain amount of reps with in the time frame window of a minute.
    Min 0+1: Row 100 meters
    Min 1-2: push-ups x 15
    Min 2-3 pull-ups x 10
    Min 3-4 Bike 10 cals
    Min 4-5 Kettlebell Swings x 15
    Min 5-6 Goblet Squats x10
    Min 6-7 Rest
    What ever time is left over in the window of said Minute is the clients rest period

    Or ....
    Every 2 Minutes:
    Ski machine 100 meters
    Push Press x 10…

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  14. Import existing program, and have app automate exercise videos matched to it.

    Similar to myfitnesspal with recipes, after you put in the ingredients, myfitnesspal pal matches it to their database and asks you to review before finalizing. If we could import existing programs, and have trainerize match with heir video library and allow for review, this would be a whole new level for this platform.

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  15. Allow clients to be queued or subscribed to a different future program in advance

    At the moment, clients can only be subscribed to one program at a time. This is a problem if a client's program is, for example, ending in two weeks and i want to have them automatically switched to a new program at the end of those two weeks.

    Being able to cue up the program subscription in a future date will help.

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  16. See the complete workout history instead of just the past 30 workouts.

    Now we can only see the past 30 workouts in the workout progress history. But I regularly need to check a clients workout history to know where they started and how their progression went that time.

    Seems pretty obvious to me that we should be able to see the complete log of the workouts and not just the past 30 workouts.

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  17. Sign-up flow with ability to pick a fitness level or training type then automatically gives the related programs

    I would like to create a subscription and within that subscription have a list of training plans available. This way once the client subscribe he or she can chose which trainig plan they want to start with first based on the training plan I have included in the package.

    Example if the created 3 different programs (Beginner, Fat Loss, Muscle Build). Once the client signs up they can chose which program fits their goal, and the automation picks the right program.

    Anytime, they can switch between the 3 levels and the program changes.

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  18. Total Weight Personal Bests

    It would be great to be able to easily see the total weight lifted previously for each excercise, and to also be able to see how much weight has been lifted total so far on the current this workout. This would really help us see and set new total weight personal bests.

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  19. Have a calendar for all clients workouts for the day. Instead of having to go to each individual calendar.

    I would like to have my calendar with all the clients and workouts listed that are scheduled for the day. Then I can click on which one I would like instead of going to each client individually.

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  20. Allow for multiple filters when searching through workouts

    Currently you can only select 1 filter option.

    When i go into my workout library it would be good to select multiple tags to filter to refine search.

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