Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1628 results found
Disable and edit the workout reminder emails
PLEASE let us disable or at least edit these emails. I do not like how they are worded at all. "gentle reminder" does not sound like me(or any trainer for that matter) and it telling clients to "check in" causes confusion on workouts that my clients track. It makes it sound like you "check in" for all workouts, which you do not.
5 votes -
Notes to daily calendar
please add the option for clients to add a note on each day along with all the other options workout, cardio, body stats, photos and meals. This would be helpful to let me know if they were sick, have their period or other pertinent info that would help me make necessary changes for the following week
19 votes -
Allow for each customize exercise to have sets, reps, weight, and distance.
Allow for each custom exercise to have sets, reps, weight, and distance.
17 votes -
Ability to simply add (deliver) pre-made programs in the App
On desktop we can import/export programs now we would like to do it in App
6 votes -
add the ability to schedule a workout at a certain time
I train aspiring professional aerialists and circus athletes. I track my clients overall training, including fitness classes they go to locally, and what times of day I want them to workout. I want to be able to schedule they're workout at a certain time of day. This would also allow the ability to export their schedule to whatever Calendar or Agenda app they use on their phone, tablet, or watch and set reminders for conpliance. Thank you.
12 votes -
Multiple day/week or month layout for exercise programming
A table-button which allows for the trainer to choose how many days they choose to make at one time (ex. 3,4..6,7) and then the chosen amount of days would appear as columns and then the exercise library would appear above each column instead of on the right. A "workout title" box could appear at the head of each. Font and text boxes would need to be smaller to fit all the info but this would allow for some serious speed when making workout programs. Then when selecting a single workout option you can look at the progression over several weeks…
2 votes -
Have a “randomize” order and rabdomize from a selection when building a workout.
When building a workout I’d like for there to be a “rabdomize” block just as the rest block works. Whithin this randomizes block the trainer can build which movements ya the randomizes will pick from.
Also a ltandomize order” option by selecting multiple boxes like when you make a multiple selection to build a superset. These “random order” selections will be put together in a box of their own, again, like the superset option.
5 votes -
edit rest periods in progression window along with sets & reps
I would like to be able to edit the rest periods along with the sets/reps in the progression set up. as the reps increase or decrease, I would like to adjust the rest time accordingly workout to workout, or even set to set.
24 votes -
Voice audio for interval workouts
It would be nice for clients to be able to put their headphones in, start a workout, and just be able to listen to what exercises are next and when rests are. Like, "Workout begins in 3, 2, 1" "Mountain Climbers" "Rest" "Lunges" "Rest". Something like this. That way they could put their phone down and just work.
3 votes -
Larger Instruction Area in Workout Builder
The new workout builder only provides three lines of text which makes it a pain to edit. The ability to resize this area or just have it larger would be great!
9 votes -
Would you be able to include the concept 2 ski erg as well as the assualt bike.
similar to the running, walking, jogging, and rowing options you would include the assault bike as well as the ski erg.
it has the same settings.
5 votes -
clear all scheduled workouts
button to clear all scheduled workouts
11 votes -
2 votes
heart rate calculation using Karvonen formula
I noticed in the recent update that heart rates within the different zones is now automatically calculated utilizing the age of the client. I love this, however, it would be nice if we had the options of either choosing between calculating the zones automatically with the age formula or the Karvonen formula which utilizes the client's resting heart rate as well. Or at least entering the zones manually under the "measurements" tool so it overrides the age-predicted heart rates automatically.
9 votes -
Have the option to repeat/loop a Master Program
Have the option to create a Product that takes a Master Program (3 x 4week as an example) to subscribe clients to, and after the 12 weeks, the client goes back to the first "phase" and the program continuous in a loop. Duration can be set as normal, either as Forever or for X weeks.
47 votes -
Remember the exercise volume from an exercise not from the last time you did it, but from the last time you did it on that workout.
Currently if I have a programme that has the same exercise on a few different days the app shows the volume lifted last time I completed that exercise..However if I’m doing a daily undulating periodisation I could have the same exercise twice in a week, once heavy and once light. Currently it shows my previous volume from the last time I did the exercise but not in the context of the volume in the same workout.
5 votes -
improve the "substitute" exercise function
It would be great if when clients went to substitute a move they had options limited to exercises they have done historically or even direct progression or regression options.
Maybe having some pre-selected options as backups when programming, instead of clients opening the full library to all potential substitutes.
Equally maybe just swapping for that particular round instead of the whole workout in the case of a piece of kit being used temporarily.
18 votes -
Virtuagym has this on their app. It's the only thing I like about VG. It's a body, you click on the part of the body you want to work. then it pulls up a vast number of Virtual 3D exercises that the client can do just in case the exercise they are scheduled to do in the gym is not available.
3 votes -
THIS A FUNDAMENTAL AND TOTALLY ESSENTIAL TOOL for strength & conditioning coaches, trainers and serious coaches
103 votes -
Copy and paste workouts
I would love to be able to copy and paste workouts and adjust them as needed for the following. Versus having to retype the whole workout over and over when progressing a client.
18 votes
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