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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Allow clients to trial program for 7 days & automatically roll them into the subscription unless they cancel.

    Offering a Trial option with automatic roll in into the paid programming (unless cancel) without client having to actually purchase the paid programming. This is allowing clients more time to question/hesitate and not continue on with the program.
    Less work for client = greater client retention.

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  2. Integrations for samsung health and galaxy watch integration

    Integrations for samsung health and galaxy watch integration

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  3. The ability to have a 'hub' for client resources to acces

    Currently I store all of my client's resources in a separate google drive such as grocery lists, personal development resources, nutrition packets etc. It would be awesome to have a hub in trainerize that could support the shared storage of resources for my clients. Everfit I believe has this feature.

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  4. Pin Messages & Reply Directly to Message to Create Threads

    To have the ability to pin messages in group chats.
    To have the ability to reply directly to a message in a group chat creating a thread.

    This would allow you go do Q&As within a group chat which could take the coaching aspect to the next level. We dont want to have to use another platform like telegram for this.

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  5. Allow clients to add in their macros manually

    Often clients use a tracker other than MyFitnessPal. Allow the option for them to manually log total Protein, Fat, and Carbs at the end of the day

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  6. Ability to add “sections” to workout customizations

    It would be helpful if we could create separate sections in a single workout to include things like:
    A warm up
    AMRAP/Regular Workout
    Cool down

    In one full workout. This feature would allow us to write different instructions attached to the different sections. It should also allow us to attach on demand workouts or follow alongs in another section if we would like.

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  7. Sync all external calendar events to Trainerize calendar

    Allow external calendar events to show up on the trainerize calendar eg. show events entered on icalendar on trainerize

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  8. 75 min sessions

    I would love to see a 75 min sessions, or a way to create a preferred gap between clients
    I like to leave a 15 min gap between each of my clients for that i can have smooth transition time to clean my equipment and so i don't feel rushed between each session.
    when I am scheduling my clients myself that isn't a problem I just leave a gap. But when they self-book they tend to get scheduled back to back and Its inconvenient and unprofessional to keep asking them to change the start time.

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  9. Switching through different accounts (as a coach and a client)

    Allowing us to switch from our app as a coach to being a client to someone else (a lot of trainers these days use Trainerize) without having to log out and in every time.

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  10. Get notified when a client misses a workout

    This would be great if we could be notified if a client hasn't done their workout from the previous day. at like 7am or so the next day it would be great for the coach to have a notification, It allows us to be more on the ball with coaching

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  11. Ability to Edit points for Challenges: Leader Board

    Admin, have the ability to edit the points the system give for cardio and workouts. Sometimes the client is given points for just turning on app and turning it off. It would be great if we can have additional filters, example the workout has to be 30 minutes or more, the workout is only for in person or home. More filters to help make the challenge accurate and fair. I was hoping to use the challenge to help increase class participation and not to include home workouts.

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  12. Group cumulative challenge type

    I would love a challenge type that would allow members to work towards a group cumulative goal like a certain number of km's walked and everyone's kms count toward the goal. ie - as a group we are going to get around the world by xyz date

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  13. Challenge end dates

    We would like to set up a month long challenge. It seems we have the option to choose the start date, but can only choose a number of weeks for the challenge to run. The option to select a specific end date and/or select a number of days for the challenge to run needs to be added!

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  14. Built in vault for PDFs or educational videos

    Im currently using Facebook for all of my educational information. Im trialling another app at the moment with a built in vault feature. It works great to keep all my coaching work on one platform

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  15. Macros First

    Integrate and sync with Macros First. It's much easier to use than My Fitness Pal and boosts compliance.

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  16. Ability to customize nutrition target buffer

    It would be very helpful from a client compliance perspective to have the ability to provide a custom buffer for our client's nutrition targets.

    For example, right now we can only select a buffer in 10% increments, and that buffer is for both above and below their nutrition targets.

    However, many of us would love the ability to provide an under-only, over-only, or under/over buffer using specific percentages, as well as specific calorie and gram values for our client's calorie and macro targets respectively.

    This could look like "100 calories under calorie goal" and "10g under OR over protein goal",…

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  17. Threads for messages

    I've had to move my group to Facebook because it is not possible to create a thread. I do twice weekly group check ins where clients are required to respond.

    On top threads would help organise the chat so that other updates/messages do not get lost.

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  18. Allow Smart meal plan as part of product automation

    Allow clients to purchase Smart Meal Plan through product automation and upon the end of the product remove SMP from their account.

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  19. Be able to read messages between clients and other trainers

    As the business owner, it is vital for client wellbeing and the training of other coaches I bring on that I can see the messages being sent back and forth.

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  20. 8 votes

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