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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5131 results found

  1. Biweekly accountability forms with questionnaire with YES/NO/ boxes for open ended answers

    This was great which I did on Mypthub and worked well as an accountability form which I liked to do fortnightly with clients.

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  2. Make a role between manager and admin so trainers can see other trainer's clients but not the money side

    Make a role between manager and admin so trainers can see other trainer's clients but not the money side

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  3. Body Stats Trigger - Add/ Schedule to Client Calendar

    Please add a Trigger to Zapier to Add Body Stats to a Client Calendar. For example, a new Client is added then Zapier auto adds "Take Body Stats" to this new clients Calendar.

    When they first login to the app, that task is up at the top of their dashboard to complete. The Progress Tiles are great on the Dash but the user experience is not easy.

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  4. Track total volume when completing program prescription

    When you design a program for a client it would be great to see what total tonnage was moved over the last block or cycle. That way you can ensure progressive overload block to block.

    I would have each exercise come with a drop down like (Lower body push, upper body push, squat, bench, etc.)

    Then you could see how much volume or sets they did for each exercise and each movement. This is what a lot of spreadsheets have the option of.

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  5. Import exercise heart rate stats

    Have a tile that shows the imported stats of heart rate during the programmed workouts.

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  6. 6 votes

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  7. Give more options for a timer. Start at 5 seconds and once you reach 60 it should not only have the option for 90 after that

    Timer should start at 5 seconds for work and for rest and have the ability to do our own timer or continue every 5 seconds after the 60 second mark. 60 to 90 is a big jump. Would like the ability to fully customize

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  8. Body Stat Additions - Glucose and O2

    Either a custom field to put anything or add blood glucose and O2 levels.

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  9. Rest

    It would be easier and less time consuming to be able to input rest periods anywhere you need to directly as opposed to them showing up at the bottom and you have to drag and place them

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  10. Trainers/Coaches sell their Master Programs - Similar to Content Library

    It would be great to either sell (for extra revenue) or buy (to save time) other trainers Master Programs in a market place!

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  11. Search exercise database by ALL TAGS

    Almost all the exercises have various tags, yet for some you can't search for that tag, which makes the tag rather pointless. I noticed an exercise tagged with 'Dynamic Warmup' yet it would not allow me to search for that tag, no results were displayed.

    Please could ALL TAGS be made searchable in the database?

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  12. Integrate Precision Nutrition

    I coach my clients through Precision Nutrition and it would be a savings grace if I could direct them to ONE curriculum/program instead of two separate log ins and websites.

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  13. Option to "favorite" a workout

    It would be nice to have the option heart/"favorite" a workout for my own personal library when putting together programs. E.g. when I was building a workout for one client, I saw some other ideas I wanted to save and reference later.

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  14. Ability to add just a workout

    Sometimes I just want to add a workout with having to be part of a program. As it is now you have to make it part of a program. I customize the workouts for each person as each has some injury history or limitation. Frustrating to have to duplicate program, rename just to add a workout

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  15. Custom Program Length Without Converting to Custom Program

    When you create a program, we can only create by the number of weeks. If you create a 30 day or 45 day program, you have to convert to a custom program to change the length and then the client is no longer subscribed to the master program.
    I'd like to be able to create a master program at any length necessary without having to convert to custom.

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  16. Better exercise search on mobile

    When a trainer or client creates a Freestyle Workout on the mobile app, we desperately need an exercise filter. Such as by Body Part or by Equipment. Something similar to that used to create workouts in the Builder on the web app for trainers.

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  17. Two factor authentication

    What I would like to see is two-factor authentication especially for trainers. With my main profession currently being IT, I know there is a lot of personal information on the Trainerize website. I am sure trainers have consultation forms, medical information, and other personal information pertaining to their clients on the site. While the chances of the site being attacked is low, the information contained on the site still should be protected, better.

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  18. Ability to include notes in invoice

    For in person clients I like to include dates we trained in the invoice as a way of confirming those dates with a client and for record keeping by bother parties.

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  19. Access to your workouts and programs via app would be huge.

    Access to all programs and workouts via app. This will allow the trainer not to be tied to the computer.

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  20. See who has put an emoji on a comment in a group message

    People are doing a “thumbs up” emoji on my comments to let me know they have seen my post or not in group chats. To be able to easily click on the emoji and see who as done it or not would be very helpful

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