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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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5173 results found

  1. New calender dialog schedule box is rubbish, it doesnt hold the day you selected and cannot add 2 workouts at once please chage it back

    Change the Dialog box back to old one when scheduling the programs and workouts in the calender set up. The new one has 3-4 more steps in it and doesnt hold what day you are one and cannot add more than one workout in the calender at once - revert back please it was fine

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  2. Change 'Not messaged recently' adjustment to 1-7 days, 1 week is too late

    The 'not messaged recently' tag is too slow, being able to change this to 1-7 days will be great to stay on top of large client rosters with frequent communication. The ability to create your own auto tags would also be a game changer.

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  3. Lean Mass (muscle) should be pulled from InBody and Tracked in Trainerize

    Trainerize only tracks lean mass (which is fat free mass) from InBody and not Lean Mass (muscle). Lean Mass (muscle) should be tracked as well.

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  4. An area we can place paperwork

    Somewhere I can put my waivers, consent forms, etc for my clients to sign.

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  5. When I “start my workout”

    I like to keep track on my apple workout on my watch as well. When I start my workout on my phone through the trainerize app, it automatically stops my workout app. I don’t like it

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  6. Add play button to custom exercise videos

    If you have uploaded your own exercise video, the play button is missing on the video (unlike for trainerize videos) meaning clients have to click "Full video" making all the instructions disappear.

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  7. Multisport training (triathlon, adventure)

    Access to detail
    Example Swim 500m warmup, 100m kick, 8x 25m surges with 10s RI etc…..

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  8. Ability to edit incorrect stats

    For example, the wrong weights and reps were put in during a workout and then saved. I noticed this the next time we went to do a movement and the numbers didn’t make sense.

    I want the ability to click on the stat from the movement page and edit it. I know you can do this by going to the day on the calendar it was completed but it would be much more convenient to edit stats this way.

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  9. Trainer tracks own progress great to use for selling point

    As a personal trainer I would love to be able to track my own meals and progress just like clients do. This could be used as another selling point while working out in the gym and someone notices the app.

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  10. Ability to pay for a service without creating a profile.

    I have athletes with an account but the parents want to pay. The parents do not want an account and the athletes don't want to share their log in info.

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  11. Section for all our forms

    It would be really useful if we could upload all of our forms to our Trainerize account, like our par-q, check in sheets & liability waivers ect.

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  12. Add progress photos from previous dates in the app

    When adding progress photos for clients on the app, they can only add photos for the current day.
    The date can be edited while using the web version but not the app.
    Also with the web version, trying to upload photos doesn't often work because they have to be less the 5mb file size. It's odd because the app allows literally the same photo which is about 16mb. So the only way to upload a photo from a previous date is to go into the app, upload the old photo under today's date, then go into the web version and…

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  13. Allow someone to have access to all clients without being able to see financials.

    I have an assistant and I need them to get me their check ins and communicate with my clients so I have everything I need in front of me while programming them, but I don’t want them to have access to the finances portion of my clients.

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  14. Add other training systems to Programs

    Add more options for training systems when creating a 'regular workout'

    At the moment you only have superset and circuit, however, things like Drop set, Pyramid, AMRAP, EMOM, Chipper would make it a lot easier for both the client and the trainer, rather than writing in the notes box- which also needs to be bigger when writing in, as if you make a mistake in the text you cant see as it scrolls along.

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  15. Edibility

    I wish there was a way to Edit the Macro split for those of us with more experience with providing meal plans.

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  16. Add reminders to clients in notes

    Being able to add a reminder for the coach to a client for a time and date would be useful. For example I have a client who currently has some medical issues she has gone to the doctors for. I need to remember in 2 weeks to check up on a few things with relation to this.

    Ability to add that to the client and then receive this as a reminder would be very useful

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  17. Fix the resolution for pictures and videos

    The resolution for pictures and videos always appear blurry. Especially after the update. I have clients complain of this all the time stating that the resolution of their pictures and videos are great until they upload them. If this was improved no doubt the client would have a better experience and be able to compare progress better as well.

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  18. The Meal Plan and Recipes should not exceed Client's daily caloric needs

    Currently, the new meal plan and recipe daily caloric amount exceeds the 1400 calorie amount for my client.

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  19. Meal Plan Autogenerates according to Daily Nutrition Goals

    When I created the meal planner it only allows me to select balanced, high protein and low protein options. I would like to put in the daily nutrition goals there instead of under goals and habits.

    The idea is the have the recipes auto generated based off the daily nutrition goals.

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  20. Ability to type in certain foods to exclude

    Clients want to exclude cottage cheese and legumes.

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