Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5322 results found
Progression spreadsheet across multiple phases
When scheduling small phases so that the client cannot move to far in the future, it would be cool to still be able to use the progression spreadsheet edit function in order to change sets and repetitions.
4 votes -
Only complete circles on nutrition summary of all macros met within 5 grams
The circles on the nutrition summary are fully completed circles when the client hadn’t fully met them. Maybe change this to within +/-5 grams and make it green.
8 votes -
I would like to have an option to add a "Rest day" button into the calendar.
I would like to have an option to add a "Rest day" button into the calendar. I think it helps to visualize the importance of considering rest day a part of your workout program.
3 votes -
An apply all button
An apply all button so that you don't have to change the sets reps for each exercise.
You make a plan with 6 exercises in it then click on one exercise enter sets and reps and then a button to apply the same to all exercises would just save time1 vote -
Overview / home screen page
Customization for your home screen page. Something like widgets. I'd rather look at something of use to me regarding my clients rather than the "invite friends" and "new features" that is currently there.
3 votes -
3 votes
Easy way to change, rest, reps etc. for all exercises in masterprogram
When making master programs, all added exercise is standard with 90 seconds rest and if you don't change this in the beginning you need to change them individually. I would be great if you in the top could choose all (like you can choose all exercises if you wan to delete them). But specific for rest, reps and so.
I would be a simply feature :)
2 votes -
Make PAR-Q & Waiver process automatic so that PDFs are not being sent back and forth.
Clients having to download PDF versions of the PAR-Q and Waivers is inefficient. They are not likely to actually download, print off, and scan these documents back. It would be AWESOME to make this forms similar to the consultation form- something they have to fill out as a part of their sign up process.
7 votes -
Using desktop version to run a routine
I would like to be able to do a workout via desktop not just mobile app
1 vote -
Admin video calls with trainers for meetings within mobile app
As the owner I would like to be able to schedule video calls with any of my trainers for our weekly meetings within the mobile app.
8 votesJust checking you meant for this to be done via the mobile app?
On the web app, managers and admin can toggle between trainer’s accounts and assign them new appointments.
2 votes
Client stats post in message thread
have clients recent workout stats post in the personal message thread between the client and the trainer
1 vote -
calculate percent body fat from pictures.
Construct a 3d model from the front side and back pictures. Use that 3D model to measure circumference measurements and input those measurements into a percent body fat meter. Halo app and styku already do similar calculations. Yes, the formulas are not the most accurate but that can be said for several methods, from calipers to bio-impedance. The idea is to make it easier for the clients and there are already photos that are inputted and a place on the app for body measurements to be placed. Just adds a 3D model and an additional formula.
3 votes -
Ability for clients to form groups with their families to self-motivate
A group of my clients are challenging each other to drop the extra weight. I was thinking, it would be great if we could just use Trainerize to form a group – share our workouts, habits and food with each other to help hold each other accountable. So, instead of using Strave+FitnessPal+Facebook, we could just use Trainerize.
None of us were interested in signing up with a trainer to get it done – but we’re pretty good at challenging each other 😊
Especially for clubs I think this would be a great way to allow friends, families and groups to…
3 votes -
Mass enter pre-existing workouts
Ability to mass enter workouts clients to add before trainerize. My clients love seeing their accomplishments and trends.
3 votes -
Timed supersets
Timed Supersets would be great. for example
4:00m timer
*Superset *
Goblet squat x10 reps
Goblet lunge x10 reps
This gives a HELLUVA different experience when programming and tracking workouts.
60 votes -
1 vote
Option to Disable BMI
BMI can be a helpful tool for some clients, but for clients who are very muscular (for example, bodybuilders and powerlifters), the BMI is largely inaccurate and can spark unnecessary fear and anxiety for clients. I'd like the option to disable BMI from appearing in individual clients' accounts.
9 votes -
I think it would be a good idea to be able to do different customizable welcome email for certain products
If I have different fitness products that do not qualify for the same welcome email, it's either I have to set up one email that everyone gets or not set up and email and email everyone manually. I would like to be able to set up different welcome emails
27 votes -
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?