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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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1625 results found

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  2. add improv workouts to master plan

    If I add an improv workout to a client's plan there needs to be a way to save it to the workout they are subscribed to

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  3. Specific times for rest / Longer options for cardio

    Please can we have more specific options for rest period between sets and an additional option to do cardio sessions longer than 30mins

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  4. Save as draft when creating workout

    Workouts are deleted if account is logged out from inactivity and a lot of time can be lost to create and then recreate. Please add a function to have them automatically save if not saved in workout builder form

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  5. Deliver all workouts with the card by card style

    I have been using this program for a bit through one of my employers. One of the biggest comments I receive from clients is the lack of ease during transitions between exercises in the regular format and circuit format. Being who I am, I decided to actually try out the program as a client and do the workouts. I now see what my clients are referring to. Basically, when developing a workout using the interval format, as soon as someone taps the start button, they get a countdown and the workout begins. However, with this format, the trainer can only…

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  6. Allow customers to select among different versions of a workout session - normal, 30-min, 15-min, body weight

    Currently I have a normal workout, a 30-min version, a 15-min version, and a body weight zero equipment version. Most of my clients are busy entrepreneurs and professionals and need additional flexibility when it comes to training to stay consistent. If they go to the gym and can easily select a workout that fits their schedule or even skip the gym and choose the body weight version, that would be a game changer for them (and myslef).

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  7. Broaden the Trainerize community

    I think the entire Trainerize community could feel
    More connected and motivated with weekly/fortnightly access to livestream sessions which are then accessible in the exercise library. Kind of like a Trainerize Tribe. Could also include challenges to increase motivation and adherence

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  8. Muscle Group worked

    There should be Upper (clavicle) Mid (sternal) and lower (costal) pec on the selection of which muscle is being Worked. Was also wrong on the back muscle options. Rather have Upper back and Lats separate etc…

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  9. Limit who can edit name and comments for videos

    Trainers should only be able to edit name and video for exercises they added them self. Since changes apply to all programs/plans where an exercise is included, one trainer making a change can impact the work of several other trainers and clients. Creating confussion and need to reverse

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  10. Self paced programs vs continuous calendar

    It would be nice if there was a self paced program option... where clients can buy into a program and take it at their own pace. It would should the next day of training until it is complete that way the calendar does not continue until they complete the workouts.

    Vs the continuous calendar that we have now that moves forward without the client having to complete the training.

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  11. The trainer app is too slow while in training

    The app is to slow while a user is filling in their sets and reps... Ok it's maybe 1 sec but it's annoying

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  12. Substituting a workout

    I have gotten feedback from my clients stating when they substitute an exercise that week and save their workout that next week when they go into the same workout the substituted exercise wasn't saved and the original exercise was still there... I think it would be beneficial if there are substitutions made they should be saved for the following weeks moving forward so that they don't have to go in and substitute the workout every week.

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  13. Allow any workout created to be saved into a master library for the trainer to access forever

    Any workout created should be saved into a master library for easy access. Right now I import workouts client to client and sometimes I can't import due to a training phase. I would love all my workouts to be saved automatically into a library to easily use. All workouts. I created on term clients have disappeared.

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  14. Ability to click and drag to reorder items on calendar day instead of deleting and readding each piece

    If you have a warm up, a workout and a cool down, you should be able to rearrange them on the calendar day instead of having to delete / re-add components so they show up in the right order.

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  15. Ability to favorite exercises in the library

    It would be easier to build programs if we could favorite certain exercises

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  16. Allow clients to enter stats even for interval style workouts

    Interval style workouts still can use weights that want to be tracked!

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  17. Being able to make private workouts for full access clients.

    Being able to make a workout private so only i can see the intensity and volume for my own records, and accessible for my clients to perform on their own. It would be nice to have the option for both without having to change the type of client.

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  18. New calender dialog schedule box is rubbish, it doesnt hold the day you selected and cannot add 2 workouts at once please chage it back

    Change the Dialog box back to old one when scheduling the programs and workouts in the calender set up. The new one has 3-4 more steps in it and doesnt hold what day you are one and cannot add more than one workout in the calender at once - revert back please it was fine

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  19. When I “start my workout”

    I like to keep track on my apple workout on my watch as well. When I start my workout on my phone through the trainerize app, it automatically stops my workout app. I don’t like it

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  20. Add play button to custom exercise videos

    If you have uploaded your own exercise video, the play button is missing on the video (unlike for trainerize videos) meaning clients have to click "Full video" making all the instructions disappear.

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