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4434 results found

  1. For on-demand programming options offer better filtering options

    For the on demand programming you currently can only filter by time and equipment

    Add the ability to search by name, and filter by body part.

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  2. Explorando el emocionante mundo de Spider-Man: Las Últimas Páginas para Colorear en Gbcolorear

    El universo de Spider-Man ha cautivado la imaginación de niños y adultos por igual durante décadas. Desde sus cómics hasta sus películas, el Hombre Araña ha tejido su red en el corazón de millones de fans alrededor del mundo. Ahora, gracias a las últimas páginas para colorear de Spider-Man en Gbcolorear, los pequeños aficionados tienen la oportunidad de sumergirse en la diversión creativa de dar vida a sus héroes favoritos con un toque personal.

    Ver más páginas para colorear gratis de Spiderman en

    Gbcolorear: Un Paraíso Creativo para Niños

    Gbcolorear ha emergido como una plataforma digital que ofrece una…

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  3. stats

    if a workout is split, have the ability to add both and have a total time, etc. not just edit stats

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  4. Show leaderboard for challenges on Studio App

    Only my clients with Trainerize app or android can see the challenge on their app. All my members that use IOS can’t see the challenge and leaderboard on their studio branded app.

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  5. When you book classes have it be added to your phones calendar

    When you click “agree and book” in the app for a class it will create an event on your phones calander. this will show up on your phone and be able to remind you, instead of having to enter it in manually.

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Max points per day on Challenges

    Limit the max amount of points that can be earned in a single day (eg. 20 points) so that clients who record multiple cardio activities in a day do not get excess points or if the client accidentally tracks a workout more than once.

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  9. Add the ability to have different macro split for specific meals

    I would like the ability to carb bunch in the day and limit carbs at dinner time. This could be done with a toggle per meal, e.g limit carbs

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  10. What's a good dumbbell set?

    Dumbbell sets are a popular choice for home workouts and gym training. They typically include pairs of dumbbells in various weight increments to accommodate different strength levels and exercise routines. When shopping for dumbbell sets, it's important to consider factors such as weight range, material (such as rubber-coated or chrome), and the overall quality of the set. Additionally, adjustable dumbbell sets that allow you to change the weight on a single dumbbell can be a convenient space-saving option. If you have specific questions about dumbbell sets or need recommendations, feel free to ask!

    What's a good dumbbell set?

    There are…

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  11. Las Mejores Páginas para Colorear de Pokémon en Gbcolorear

    La creatividad es un componente vital en el desarrollo de los niños, y una forma excelente de fomentarla es a través del arte. Colorear es una actividad que no solo entretiene a los pequeños, sino que también mejora sus habilidades motoras y les permite expresar su imaginación. En este sentido, Gbcolorear se ha destacado como una plataforma líder que ofrece una amplia variedad de páginas para colorear de Pokémon, cautivando la atención de los niños y despertando su amor por el arte.

    Ver más páginas para colorear de Pokémon gratis en

    1. Variedad de Pokémon para Todos los Gustos


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  12. Edit/Delete Sessions/Hybrid Sessions

    To have the ability to schedule session clients that train both in person and virtually and allow to edit between the two. I also think we should be able to delete the sessions.

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. Long instructions text of an exercise is cut

    If the instructions of an exercise are long. The text will be cut when you look at your program on a computer, or if you try to PDF print it. It is currently impossible to read the long instructions on a computer for a client. Which is a blocking bug in case a client doesn't own a smartphone (yes it is still possible) or if they prefer to print sessions on paper and not have their phones with them when they train.

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  15. Explorando la Creatividad Infantil: Últimas Páginas para Colorear en Gbcolorear

    En el fascinante mundo de la infancia, la creatividad florece a través de la expresión artística. Colorear, una actividad atemporal, no solo entretiene a los niños, sino que también fomenta su desarrollo cognitivo y habilidades motoras. En este contexto, Gbcolorear emerge como un recurso innovador, ofreciendo a los pequeños artistas una amplia gama de páginas para colorear que capturan su imaginación de manera única.

    Con el crecimiento exponencial de la tecnología, los niños a menudo se sumergen en dispositivos electrónicos desde temprana edad. Gbcolorear aborda esta realidad integrando el encanto tradicional del coloreo con la conveniencia digital. A través de…

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  16. connect and sync 8 sleep

    this is an upper level elite bed sleep tracking and cooling device that provides GREAT data for more advanced clients and athletes.

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  17. The ability to track nutritional goals that are not calorie or macro based

    Official nutrition goals based on intuitive eating principles such as eating mindfully. Or even goals based on hand portions. Sure these can be habits but being able to track these things on a spectrum and as official nutrition data would be more helpful for many clients. I work with trauma and eating disorders and traditional calorie based tracking is out of bounds. For many people, these foundational pieces should be in place before calorie counting. It's hard to convince people these things matter when my app forces them to count calories in order to have an official nutrition goal.

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  18. ChatGPT Deutsch - Innovationspotential und Weiterentwicklung

    Die Integration von ChatGPT in die deutsche Sprache repräsentiert nicht nur einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in der Konversations-KI, sondern eröffnet auch ein breites Spektrum an Innovationspotential und Möglichkeiten zur Weiterentwicklung dieser Technologie. Jetzt zugreifen unter:

    Innovationspotential von ChatGPT
    H2: Kreative Prozesse und Ideenfindung

    Das Innovationspotential von ChatGPT zeigt sich besonders in kreativen Prozessen und der Ideenfindung. Die Fähigkeit der KI, natürliche Sprache zu verstehen und kontextbezogene Antworten zu generieren, ermöglicht es Kreativen, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und innovative Konzepte zu erforschen.

    H3: Unterstützung in Forschung und Entwicklung

    Im Bereich der Forschung und Entwicklung bietet ChatGPT eine wertvolle Unterstützung. Forscher können…

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  19. Simplify into Calories and Protein goal.

    People get overwhelmed in being perfect with macro %. when in reality for the majority all they need to focus on is total calories and protein goals. % macros is not needed for most.

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  20. Check your numbers. Many of the recipes are inaccurate and give far higher calorie and carb values.

    Check your numbers. Many of the recipes are inaccurate and give far higher calorie and carb values.

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