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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5239 results found

  1. App not in bold writing for reps and sets

    I find when I'm using the app with clients and entering in the reps or weight it's easy to mix them up as the writing isn't in bold and when you're busy it's easy to mix up. Could this be made bold? Some of my clients have even picked up on this issue themselves.

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  2. Include chat in the video call sessions

    Include a chat box so I can write directly to my clients while on on a video personal training session, instead of closing the video to write to them or use another form of chat.

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  3. Remove the 'see more' option on the main workout screen in the app and go back to alwasy showing all workouts not just the first 3

    In the main workout screen you guys have stopped showing all the workouts and put a see more link. This is cause so much confusion with new clients thinking we are only giving them 3 workouts. Its actually a terrible feature, please remove it

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  4. Zoom/live streaming with real-time heart rate tracking on screen for trainer to see.

    Zoom/live streaming with real-time heart rate tracking on screen for trainer to see.

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  5. 3 votes

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  6. Run an earn with Watch program

    Similar to Crunch fitness or Gold's gym, allow a client to earn back the cost of their Apple watch.

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  7. 7 votes

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  8. Be able to sync smart watches that aren’t Apple or Fitbit.

    I have a client that has an Active watch but she’s struggling to get her steps synced with Trainerize even with the Withings app.

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  9. Include Blood Pressure and O2 Tracking in Body Stats

    Some high-level training programs require more options for tracking vitals--such as blood pressure and oxygen levels. This would be a good feature to have for trainers working with athletes.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. 2 votes

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  12. Delete multiple client workouts at once instead of having to individually select them

    Delete multiple client workouts at once instead of having to individually select them

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  13. Track RIR (reps in reserve)

    Create more specialized training programs for clients by using reps in reserve to help guide training progress and not leave strength and muscular gains on the table.

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  14. Ability to sync on pricing options to trigger automation

    We sell one-time pricing options as opposed to contracts. We need the trigger to be the sale of one of these pricing options as opposed to a contract.

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  15. Tile data (sleep/steps/RHR/etc) added into weekly calendar view

    I think it'd be great if we could add the tiles that sync from Apple Health (or others) into weekly calendar view when we as coaches are working on PC?
    For instance, when reviewing my client's week (I do 100% nutrition coaching), I can see their weight and calories consumed, plus if they checked any habits that I set for them, it'd also be immensely helpful to see their Step and Sleep data in this view rather than just within the tiles in their Dash.

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  16. Auto weight increase for clients

    A feature that showed a suggested weight for a client the next time they do a workout, a small increment more than the last workout they did.

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  17. Alphabetize your exercise library

    It would be useful if the Exercise database were broken up in alphabetical order. If I wanted to find any exercises that started with the letter A I could just click on the "A" tab, and so forth. Right now I'm in the middle of going through our exercise database and whenever I leave the project for awhile and come back, I have to start at the beginning. I have to scroll down, wait for the videos to load, scroll down further, wait for videos, etc., until I get to whatever letter I was on. Not a major issue, but…

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  18. Custom Workout Intro and Countdown

    I don’t like the robotic voice that’s used for workout introductions. It’d be nice if trainers were able to upload a 10-sec intro to get clients ready for the workout. It’d also be nice to be able to upload a custom 5-second countdown that clients can hear when they’re approaching the end of an interval.

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  19. Automated Messaging with actions that can trigger different journeys

    We are only able to send 3 messages in a sequence. It would be helpful if we could further automate messages by programming options in the initial message, then have the following messages sent based on the client answer. For example, Trainers initial message asks a yes, or no question. Once received, the client selects the answer, the follow up messages from trainer are then based on the client's selection.

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  20. Accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

    Maybe this is too ambitious, but...Adding cryptocurrency as an option to pay for workout programs would set Trainerize apart from competitors. It would help demonstrate a commitment to innovation and staying current with changing technology and could also attract more high-paying clients. This can be incorporated in a few ways such as connecting to an exchange called Coinbase Commerce.

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