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5190 results found

  1. Add clarification in the UI that program descriptions are only viewed by trainers.

    Descriptions of phased and on-demand programs are viewed by trainers only. it does not say anywhere else that clients cannot view the text the same way they can see training phase descriptions.

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  2. Body stats

    I’d like to be able to select what stats I track ie.
    body weight, body fat %, muscle mass, fat mass, visceral fat, water weight, waist. Then also have all the progress stats come up on the one screen. This was my absolute favourite thing about EverFit App. It’s the only thing they are well ahead of you. (Definitely need to be able to enter muscle mass and water weight).

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  3. pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher

    pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher

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  4. Challenges - More Customization Options for Workouts/Habits that Score

    Group Challenges could largely benefit from some more customization options, specifically: what scores points and how many points scored for each custom option.

    For example - cardio activity (20 min) = 20 points, cardio activity (60 min) = 60 points

    In my current group challenge, I have some challengers doing 30 min workouts and others doing 2 hour workouts, scoring the same amount of points. Not ideal!

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  5. The ability to upload longer than 1 minute videos in the messages

    We need the ability to upload our checkin videos which for me are 3 minutes long. Right now it’s only 1 min

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  6. Additional automation around workouts/programs

    Need to be able to import workouts/programs using Excel (xls or csv) and/or via zapier action. We are increasingly utilizing AI to build first-pass versions of programs for our clients and we need this level of automation to take our business to the next level!

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  7. Ability to change an exercise in program progression

    Scheduling Program progressions requires you to create a COMPLETELY new workout if you want to change the exercise.

    The app could instead provide the ability of the trainer to change the exercise in the next progression so that clients can track their stats properly without the trainer having to recreate the workout.

    Ie if I have incline push ups and I know they can process to regular push ups, I’d like to be able to compose that without having to make a separate workout.

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  8. Track Session Credits Completed

    Right now there is sessions credits but there is not a way to track when a credit is completed. We would like to be able to track credits completed in order to keep track of total amount of credits available to the individual client. ABC Financial had a proper way to track sessions

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  9. Search Bar In Groups

    I do a group chat between myself, my client and my coach assistant - we set this up as a group on Trainerize, but the issue is there is no search function in the groups, so we have to scroll down and find the client's name which takes a little time.

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  10. Being able to see all previous workouts in one place to swipe through

    I want to be able to click a clients workouts and be able to swipe through all of them in order. I have a lot of clients who aren't on a program and do WOD workouts a few times a month. I want to see what their recent sessions are without going tediously through the calendar. ALSO when building a workout it would be amazing to have this feature so we can see their previous workouts when writing new ones!

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  11. Send mass messages without having to click on every single client

    Having to click on every single client to send a mass massage is time consuming. Should be able to click a "Send to all clients" Button or something like that

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  12. Meal Plan in advance for clients

    Being able to build multiple meal plans and meal plan template's in advance so they're ready to go when clients are due for an update would be helpful - I give updated meal plans to clients fortnightly. Rather than having to perform individual meal updates once a client has checked in. This is a tedious process especially when updating 10's of clients at a time.

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  13. clients can schedule up to the appointment time or until 2 hours before

    Booking appointments- we have the ability to allow clients to book appointments up to the class time or 2 hours before- I suggest allowing us to allow clients to book 1 hour before the class time

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  14. Allow to block time off before a class

    This would allow 10-15 minutes for people to arrive and settle into the class before it starts, and no personal training clients could book an appointment that ends right when the class starts. so it would allow a little lap over for the last client to leave and the people for the class to arrive.

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  15. Spell check

    Spell check for the messages we send clients. Not that I'm illiterate, but I do brain dump to clients and spell lots wrong and don't always notice.

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  16. Workouts should be able to be re-arranged in the calendar without limitation.

    Workouts should be able to be re-arranged in the calendar without limitiation of what type of workout it is. Currently, my warmups or stretching sessions are showing up BEFORE the workout instead of after because of these silly rules of what order they show in the calendar.

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  17. Integrate as well as Zapier is easier to set up than Zapier

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  18. The ability to send cash invoices

    Please add the ability to send cash invoices

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  19. My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake. Can we add that as a feature with meal tracking?

    My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake. Can we add that as a feature with meal tracking?

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  20. Clients notified e.g. via email when deactivated

    It would be great if there was a way to set up an automated email to a client when they have been moved from a coaching client to deactivated - I've had many clients double check with me that I've definitely deactivated them since they don't appear to be notified.

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