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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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5322 results found

  1. Alternative workouts so Clients know what to swap to.

    This will help Clients know what to swap to

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  2. Be able to graduate from a bodyweight to a weight exercise

    -the ability for clients to include amount of weight used, length, and reps, on every exercise (not only just one). For example:
    Hanging Leg Raise - you are only able to include amount of reps done, as a client, and not additional weight if applicable (if they were to do weighted hanging leg raises).

    Right now you have to use 2 different exercises

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  3. Leave the rest periods alone

    It's great how we can do a rest periods after each exercise, however, the new format where when you click on the workout and it shows the rest period as a complete block under the exercise is too distracting. It makes it look like the workout is way longer than it is. It was better when it was on the side. It's harder to see what exercises are in the workout at a glance when there is a big yellow rest under each one. Just my opinion.

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  4. Halaxy Integration

    Integrate with Halaxy OR through Zapier

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  5. More control over how exercise compliance is calculated

    PLEASE make an option to include workouts the client schedules for themselves. Most of my clients schedule their own workouts a week or month in advance. As it is now, for me to get a compliance score, I have to go back and redo it for them so it "counts". It'd be great if compliance was determined based on ANY workout scheduled and completed or missed, or at least have a setting where we can choose how it is determined.

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  6. Integrate with Avatar Nutrition

    A lot more people are starting to use Avatar Nutrition which is better, in my opinion, than FitBit or other nutrition trackers. It's also something more Dietitians are using through their end of the program.

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  7. Swipe interface for workouts

    Currently very clunky and not user friendly on work out screen. Make workout following/entry similar to Truecoach interface. Much more friendly!!!

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  8. New Trainerize Action on Zapier that allows to modify client goals such as TDEE or macro split

    It would be useful to allow more client data to modify via Zapier automations, like for example, weight, height, age, BMR, TDEE or macro split.

    My use case is to capture and calculate client data in a Google Form and then insert directly (and automatically) into my trainerize account for that client.


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  9. Ability to move specific workouts to different days in calendar view, while persisting custom progressions.

    When you set dates for sessions, and then set up a custom progression for each week, if you need to change the day a certain session happens the custom progression DOES NOT persist.

    There should be the a "Move to date" option when you click on sessions in the calendar view, so that if you've added a custom progression to that session it can be maintained on the new day. Otherwise you have to go back in and re-edit them, or lose them accidentally.

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  10. Zapier Trigger: After 3 days send setup link sent to Many Chat

    I am using ManyChat to get clients in on a free trial. They will go through the customization in the chat but never log in and use the app.

    I would like there to be a zap trigger to send the client their setup link in manychat, if their account has not been set up within 12 hours. This will help me save spots for those who will actually use the app.

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  11. Edit Periodization in app

    It would be nice to be able to periodize my clients programs in the app rather than just using the desktop site. Also it would be helpful to be able to add exercises to their program on certain weeks.

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  12. Zapier Trigger: Convert to Custom Program

    Add a Zapier Trigger that automatically triggers the function "Convert to Custom Program" on a a client's current training program.

    This way, you get the benefits of being notified when a client's program is about to end.

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  13. Program layout

    Improve ease of use on phone and tablets. The program is difficult to use with scrolling and showing only partial screen. Difficulty accessing buttons. Improve overall layout.

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  14. Add "Static" to the "Mechanics" tab of exercise library

    Under the Mechanics tab of the exercise library, it mentions Compound and Isolation, but an isometric exercise like the plank (and its variations) is neither.

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  15. Clients and coaches being able to copy a workout that has been done in the past and paste it to a future date.

    Clients and coaches being able to copy a workout that has been done in the past and paste it to a future date.

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  16. Workout Programs

    When you open up a clients profile, there should be a small spot that shows what all programs they have previously been on for workouts. This would help so you don't put them on a workout they have previously completed.

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  17. changing start date doesn't move workouts on the calendar

    changing start date doesn't move workouts on the calendar

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  18. allow clients to view previous program from the app

    allow clients to view previous program from the app

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  19. Having more than one method of training in a workout.

    I like to create hybrid workouts for my clients that involve starting with strength training, then moving into a circuit style training and then ending in a various timed, HIIT or Tabata type workout. Right now you can only choose one training method and it would be nice to be able to add in all three styles into one workout.

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  20. 3 votes

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