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5322 results found

  1. manually enter macros each day if they track on a separate app not supported so we can track their dietary adherence

    I have clients that track with things like macrofactor and carbon and they pay for that service and they want to be able to enter each day of macros and steps that they have taken each day to stream line check ins.

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  3. Make the Meal Tracking Feature More User Friendly like MyFitness Pal

    I have had clients want to leave the app or tell me that the Tracking feature is not very user friendly, which I agree with. Perhaps laying it out differently, showing all calories and what you have left at the top of the page differently, and being able to click on a meal and add and have it in list view like MyfitnessPal and other common food trackers

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  4. Sort messaged in group- seperate coach messages

    It would be great in the group message area to be able
    To seperate or flag the coaches messages for ease of finding each day rather than scrolling

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  5. Monitor added sugars

    I am big into having my clients watch their added sugar intake. I don't see a location where myself or my clients can see "added sugars" and would love this!

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  6. Filter for whole foods or less processed foods.

    Relies too much on processed food
    Need more use of un processed food like beans, rice etc

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  7. Allow public/prospects to see availability & calendar before purchasing. Not the other way around.

    Example: I am hosting an open house, offering free 1:1 30 min training to public. We only have so many spots. The public needs to be able to see this availability before having to sign up. (Show times, availability as first thing to book, before forms, purchase, etc similar to calendly and other booking platforms).

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  8. Ability to view team/shared programs as a trainer

    As a trainer, if I pull up a shared program, it shows that it's empty when I know there are exercises in it. Instead of being able to just view it as a trainer, in case I need to view a program at a glance on mobile or on desktop, I have to log-in as a member which is seems unnecessary. Would love to this featured integrated.

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  9. Schedule an appointment attached to a group

    I do a live zoom challenge kick off call and I like to put it on the calendar for all them. Everyone is in a group and automatically get added to the group after they sign up. It would be nice that the appointment shows up for anyone in that group rather than me adding each individual person as they sign up.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. In Discover Meals give an option to filter Recipes by Calories / Nutrition

    Allow clients to search recipes based on calorie and protein ranges. This will make adding custom recipes a lot more meaningful. Also, it will be very helpful in helping clients eat tasty recipes within right calorie ranges.

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  12. the ability to move exercises around in their order mid-workout (drag and drop reorder)

    in-workout: the ability to move exercises around in their order mid-workout (drag and drop reorder)

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  13. Have 1-1 appointments available on the dashboard with an icon similar to group appointments.

    Given that client's now have the option to see and book group classes on the dashboard with a picture of what it is, it would be great if they could do the same for 1-1 appointments from the dashboard for appointments like nutritional guidance, from checks, habit coaching etc. . Especially for personal trainers this seems like something that should be an option.

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  14. SMART Habits & Goals: Enable coaching notes to detail SMART

    Enable an opportunity for coaches to create a note on existing or custom habits/goals to detail and deploy SMART coaching for the client and coach to refer back to.

    "Implement sleep ritual" is not detailed enough for the client to fulfill the habit, and the existing sleep ritual may not suit all clients, therefore stripping the client of their autonomy.

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  15. Just Want

    I’m going to get some food

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  16. Keep Your Kids Entertained for Hours with GBcoloring's Free Printable Coloring Pages

    GBcoloring offers a wide range of free printable coloring pages for kids, providing a perfect platform to keep your kids entertained for hours. Discover various themes and resources to enhance your child's creativity and learning.

    Keeping kids entertained and engaged can be a challenge, especially when you're stuck at home. Coloring pages are a perfect way to keep them occupied for hours. GBcoloring offers a wide range of free printable coloring pages for kids, providing a perfect platform to keep your kids entertained and engaged. With various themes and resources, GBcoloring offers an engaging way to enhance your child's creativity…

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  17. Links to external meal prep sites

    Links to external meal prep or meal kit sites. For clients who use these to prepare their nutrition it would allow them to download these directly and track their progress against goals automatically.
    Suggest negotiated preferred rates with external nutrition vendors with pay away to trainer and sso capabilities to ensure seamless interface and increase streams of revenue for trainer.

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  18. More angles in exercise videos

    More angles in exercise videos

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  19. Master program availability

    We would like one-way messaging members to be able to add master programs to their calendar days at our discretion.

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  20. Custom folders in clients profile

    We need more than one custom folder for clients.

    We need the ability to subscribe clients to multi-master programs along with the ability to edit those workouts within their profiles.

    We have the ability to subscribe clients to demo libraries. This is great for generic programs. Most trainers have a template program and then need to adjust the master program.

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