Tempo training
Adding in space to create tempos for training

Danielle Hamlin commented
This! Please. In general, just break up the sections in the workout builder; sets, reps, tempo, RIR, RPE, notes. Break them up or allow us to add them on in a clean looking fashion.
Stavros Koumbaros commented
A place where you can input tempos or pulses or pauses within the exercises given that can show also when I client goes back to see their prior weights!
Anonymous commented
I would like to propose adding execution time to one exercise, split in 4 moments (excentric; limit of ROM; concentric; movement to the starting point) on each set. This way I could start with one slow concentric set por example
John Lark commented
This is an essential add on. Please and thank you in advance
Jacqueline Liebach commented
I'm surprised this isn't added yet! i operate heavily on tempo and i have to add it in the reps section (eg. 15 - 3:0:1:0) it's long and confusing for clients.
Harjeet Kundra commented
Adding the tempo to the reps performed will be great. Perhaps as a metronome as the client is performing the reps.
Johnny Barrera commented
I would like to see an option to add a tempo when creating workout for clients
Jack Perry commented
I would like to be able to add in the tempo for each set. This should be in the workout builder alongside the reps and sets. Thank you
Tina Maas commented
Adding tempo into workout builder when designing programs.
Mike Felix commented
Add the ability to change:
- change reps and weights for different sets for an exercise
- assign tempoChange:
- separate weight and reps into separate columns
- add the ability to exchange rep/ ranges w/ percentages, RPE scaleThe basic “3 sets of 10” works for some clients but when you are programming for competitors, athletes, or seasoned lifters it can be limiting
Tommy Mourikis commented
There could also be a tag that specifies whether an exercise is focused on Eccentric, Isometric, or Concentric (this would be the default I assume).
Anonymous commented
This is a basic training concept....this absolutely should already exist. Deal breaker for many trainers.
BodyCOACH Fitness commented
It's better to have more text box to add training tempo
Bryan commented
Adding in space to create tempos for training
Benjamin Sexton commented
Adding in space to create tempos for training
Katie Prendergast commented
Anyone that lands here, look on the right of your screen and search "tempo." Add your vote on the other suggestion that has +1,000 votes. You'll have more impact that way.
Katie Prendergast commented
How has this not been added yet? It's a must-have for program design.
Adam Becker commented
How is this not already a feature?
Mark Goodman commented
Yes please, Tempo is so crucial. At this point in time I have to add it in via a note
Dylan Ewen commented
i would love to see tempo added into this app