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4546 results found

  1. Add clarification in the UI that program descriptions are only viewed by trainers.

    Descriptions of phased and on-demand programs are viewed by trainers only. it does not say anywhere else that clients cannot view the text the same way they can see training phase descriptions.

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  2. Please make the Oura and Zwift apps compatible with Trainerize.

    I have clients that are using both and unable to capture their information to include it in their profile. This would really be helpful as a coach. Thanks!

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  3. Categorize Products

    I would love if there were a way to custom categorize products to make it more fluid when selling a package. For example, labels for Online Packages, In Person Packages, Group Training, etc.

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  4. Ability for clients to join a waitlist

    if a class is full, have a client join a waitlist

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  5. 50min appointments or 5min buffer

    I’d love to be able to either book 50 min appt or be able to had a 5 min buffer to a 45 min appt. My PT sessions are 45 mins but I book myself every 50 mins. This would be awesome if it could be done. I used to use this appt system for when I did 1 hour sessions and it worked beautifully. I know it would work great if I could just get the right timing.

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  6. pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher

    pork, ham, dairy with meat mix excludes needed to be in the exclude option since my brand is all about kosher

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  7. Add Push Notification for Trainer when a Client Needs Attention/When they approach the end of a program

    Add a push notification option for trainers to receive notifications when clients are reaching the end of their training program.

    Could be set up for a given time frame. 1 week, day before, day of, etc.

    The client needing attention email works, but a push notification may also add some more visibility/accessibility for trainers to keep up to date via the mobile app.

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  8. Give Trainer the Ability to Manually Adjust the Points in Challenges

    I had a client in a challenge who was having trouble with connecting their MFP to Trainerize. By the time it was fixed the challenge was 4 days in and it didn't give them any of the points for hitting their daily nutrition goal the days prior even though they were now showing up. There's no way for me to adjust the points so she was really bummed and left the challenge. A simple fix would be allowing the trainer to manually adjust the points.

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    allow clients to build recipes

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  10. Meal Plan PDF

    Can the meal plan have the option to generate a PDF like "Eat this much" does, including the meal recipes and grocery lists?

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  11. Edit exercises after they are already in the library

    Some exercises that are in the TZ library, such as side planks, should be a timed exercise but are not. I would like the ability to edit exercises after they are already in the library.

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  12. Ingredients in the meal planner shouldn't have brand names listed - it's not the norm in recipes

    Ingredients in the meal planner shouldn't have brand names listed.

    It's not standard practice in any recipes and it's off-putting to clients, who then think that if they don't have that exact brand, they can't make the meal.

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  13. Be able to edit a habit after it has been added to the calendar.

    Rather than having to delete the habits one by one, be able to edit the habit that has already been created and added to the clients calendar. For example, if a client is consistently hitting their habit goal of reaching 7,000 steps daily, be able to edit the habit to now 8,000 steps, rather than deleting and creating a new habit,

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  14. My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake

    My clients would like to be able to track fiber and water intake. Can we add that as a feature with meal tracking?

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  15. The check in photos are too low res!

    We need the side by side comparison on desktop too

    It’s a pain to switch between phone and laptop to review - and the photos are so tiny you CANNOT see any details changing with it being a couple KB

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  16. Switching through different accounts (as a coach and a client)

    Allowing us to switch from our app as a coach to being a client to someone else (a lot of trainers these days use Trainerize) without having to log out and in every time.

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  17. Adapt "Smart Meal Plan" to "Daily Nutrition Goal"

    Currently, I want to set specific macro targets (with specific grams), and then assign a corresponding smart meal plan. However, if I assign a smart meal plan, the Nutrition Goal gets deleted/overridden. It would be awesome if both features could work together.

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  18. Allow multiple modes of nutrition tracking

    Clients shouldn't have to choose between in-app tracking and myfitnesspal. I want to add my recipe library to the in-app tracking, and allow clients to add those while also adding their own meals via myfitnesspal if they so choose. OR - give an option to see "meal library" of all the meals I've added that they can draw inspiration from

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  19. google Cal Integration

    Google calendar Integration to see if the time is available and offer an appointment accordingly

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  20. Clients notified e.g. via email when deactivated

    It would be great if there was a way to set up an automated email to a client when they have been moved from a coaching client to deactivated - I've had many clients double check with me that I've definitely deactivated them since they don't appear to be notified.

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