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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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1626 results found

  1. display % of workout done on the web for interval

    display % of workout done on the web for interval

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  2. Be able to prescribe a program with different volume sets each week

    E.g week 1 do 3 sets , week 2 do 4 sets , week 3 do 4 sets , week 5 do 5 sets , etc

    Opposed to having to design fresh program each week

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  4. Give more options for a timer. Start at 5 seconds and once you reach 60 it should not only have the option for 90 after that

    Timer should start at 5 seconds for work and for rest and have the ability to do our own timer or continue every 5 seconds after the 60 second mark. 60 to 90 is a big jump. Would like the ability to fully customize

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  5. Be able to add multiple workouts within a certain periodization

    Be able to add multiple workouts within a certain periodization

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  6. Allow for an increase auto % of intensity calculator

    Allow for an increase auto % of intensity from week to week in the progression calculator. All based off the first week #s. Allowing a true linear progression.

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  7. editing programs easier, it needs to be easier to edit client programs, that are subscribed to a master program

    We need to be able to edit program easier, with RPE rating this is the point, so we can review and change where necessary, without having to subscribe/un etc.

    Also an RPE option next to each exercise, just like reps/sets x, not all exercises are equal it would be amazing for more in depth programming, I really like the App so far, but if other software comes up with these features and I know they are, then a lot of coaches will switch over.

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  8. Clients have requested a THUMBS UP or BADGE when check off workout for the day

    Several of my clients have asked if they could get a badge, thumbs up, or medal pop up after they check off a workout for the day. We are a group that likes gold stars!

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  9. The ability to quickly see previous sets/reps/loads for an exercise, within a workout

    During a workout - clicking on an exercise to see what reps/load you achieved in that exercise in previous workouts.

    This is very motivating, knowing exactly how many reps you got before and what to aim for this time.

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  10. Easy to edit advanced progression spredsheet

    When editing advanced progression spreadsheet, having access to the clients’ weights/volume from the previous week/most recent workouts rather than only what was prescribed in the original workout.

    Have to access app on multiple platforms to see exactly what they performed so you can ensure progressive overload for the following week.

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  11. continuous streaming

    If all the exercises in a workout could be watched in one video.

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  12. Drag to change sub menu width (programs and workouts column)

    Long master program names are cut short in the menu. Enable to drag it wider to show long names. With a wide monitor this will be awesome.

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  13. Drag and drop master programs to place in folders/tags

    I spent half an hour and couldn't find how to tag master programs (I created new tags, but how do you tag a program?) and there's no help entry for it either. Let us just drag them into a tag!

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  14. Manually sort the order of master programs in the menu

    Enable to manually sort the order of master programs in the menu (so, for instance, the most used ones can be placed first).

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  15. Add a Workout of the Day Programming Option For In-Gym Clients So That All Clients Within a "Class" Type Program Can Be On the Same Workout

    The ability to subscribe a client to a Workout of the Day Master Program where all clients within that program would be on the same workout every day ... similar to attending a gym that has a workout of the day. This would be a great lower priced option that does not have personalization and could also align as an offline option for in-gym clients who can't make it to the gym that day.

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  16. Rest

    It would be easier and less time consuming to be able to input rest periods anywhere you need to directly as opposed to them showing up at the bottom and you have to drag and place them

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  17. Allow master program workouts to be added to the calendar like client customozed workouts

    It's very simple to schedule workouts for the month for a clients customized program, however not so much for a master program. It would be great if it was just as easy where you could select the workout and put it in multiple days at a time, just like the individual custom programs.

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  18. Screening tools

    For example videos demonstrating how to perform an exercise such as an overhead squat and then a prompt within the workout to video themselves. It would be nice to have more content to use for assessment at the start and end of a program.

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  19. Substitute an exercise quickly

    Ability to substitute a workout without unsubscribing and copying. It makes it hard when you are on the go and your client text you that they cannot perform the exercise given.

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  20. Ability to add formula while editing periodization

    I use my own algorithms to determine client %'s based on Relative Intensity and would love to be able to use these on this platform to pre determine and easily change a clients % of weight lifted for the day, set, rep

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