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  1. The ability to customize Auto Client Tags

    Could we please have access to customize the triggers for auto-tags, or at least create our own auto-tags? Some of my clients need attention every couple of days, and more frequent auto-tags would be very helpful.

    Some of the tags are very late to the party.

    e.g. The "Not Signed In Recently" trigger is 4-weeks.

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  2. Assign a program to a client from the phone

    Assign a program to a client from the phone

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  3. Individual Workout and Nutrition Compliment goals

    I think Workout Compliance and Nutrition Compliance should be individually set for each client and not as a whole. This would be useful especially for nutrition. If a client is struggling to eat more it would be good to set them at 50% compliance then over time increase them up until they get to 20% compliance. I have clients that can track with 10% compliance and others that can't and because of that, it's hard to tell how clients are progressing with their nutrition.

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  4. Allow client change start date on calendar for master programs.

    I get e-mails from clients everyday asking to change the start date of their calendar.

    If they had an option either at checkout or on their training plan to adjust the start date of their calendar rather than just individual workouts it would be great.

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  5. RPE instead of rest time / comment bar

    Instead of rest time, the possibility to give a RPE value for the client

    Also a comment bar per excercise would be good to inform them to focus on negatives, half reps, ...

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  6. 8 votes

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  7. Be able to rearrange picture order when uploading to

    Be able to rearrange picture order when uploading to instead of having to delete images and upload in desired order

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  8. Add 3 month order bump option to payment screen

    A simple check box that would allow a new client to pay for a block of months upfront and apply a discount.

    A simple 'Pay for 3 months and get a 10% discount' would do.

    Then to roll them into the normal monthly rate afterwards too.

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  9. Ability to see future exercises during intervals

    Clients struggle with the interval workouts because they cannot reference future exercises. I feel like the entire workout should be off to the side so they can be ready for each circuit.

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  10. UPSELL REMINDER: Send an email alert when a clients last scheduled payment goes through.

    UPSELL REMINDER: Send an email alert when a clients last scheduled payment goes through.

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  11. Add Headspace as an integration

    Would love to be able to easily integrate a mindfulness session into my online clients workouts as I have seen great results with the athletes I try when they incorporate this into their routine.

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  12. Access past training weeks

    Clients able to access to past training weeks, via the app

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  13. Being able to programme through the progressions screen

    I'll use a powerlifting programme as my example:

    So across a multiple month set up - you can really easily build the reps, sets and weights etc, and the progressions can be adjusted when necessary.

    The problem comes with the assistance exercises. I don't want my client doing the same technique builder exercises for all those months, I'd like to change them based on strength and weaknesses throughout the course of the programme.

    Right now, If I want to change from a Pin Squat to a Pause Squat - I would have to scrap the entire progression planned ahead, redo…

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  14. Make available the option to personalize automated messages to clients during initial setup

    Please allow trainers to personalize the two automated messages a client receives during initial setup of their profile.

    1) The message a client receives prior to taking the questionnaire and

    2) After a client completes their profile!

    Currently the second option reads as if I, an independent personal trainer, have multiple trainers on "staff". The ability to edit these messages would eliminate the look of errors in my business plan. It would also allow for a more personalized touch in all communication outreach, especially in the beginning stages of a client/trainer relationship.

    Thank you!

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  15. Autosave workouts.

    Clients track their workouts and complete them but unless they save them all the information is lost. So it would be good if it saved if they exited the programme or it timed out. Might be a pain with connection if it constantly saved. There is an edit function just surprised there is no autosave

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  16. Allow reordering exercises when tracking exercise

    Allow to reorder exercises by incorporating a drag and drop system

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  17. Ability to blast auto-messages or announcements to specific cohorts based on rules

    I really like the new function of the auto messages that was added and the fact that you can customize them. However, I would like to be able to create my own messages based on a criteria I put (ie. every Sunday morning at 8am) that is different than the ones currently in the tool. This way I don't have to use other tools to send out automated messages for me.

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  18. MyFitnessPal Micronutrients Tracking

    Provide the micronutrients tracking information from MyFitnessPal within Trainerize.

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  19. Add option to queue workouts insted of setting them on a fixed day

    Add the ability to set up days when client is supposed to train, but queue workouts instead of fixing them to a date:


    I want my trainee to workout on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday.

    I want him to do two workouts A and B.

    Right now i have to set it up on a fixed day:

    Monday: A progression 1
    Wednesday: B progression 1
    Friday: A progression 2
    Monday: B progression 2

    If he misses Wednesday's workout he should do "B progression 1" on Friday instead of "A progression 2".

    No I have to change everything manually, and…

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  20. More control to change to kg or lbs in every exercise ,

    Change between exercises in lbs or kg

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