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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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  1. 7 votes

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  2. Client Can Be Assigned to Multiple Trainers

    We offer multiple programs and it would be a great feature to allow multiple trainers or at least a support trainer to a client's profile. I.e. a nutrition coach would be a support coach for a client in a workout program. Right now our support coaches are unable to use the automated features in trainerize and they have to set up there own reminders to check-in with clients.

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  3. TZ app made available in French

    The app has to offer a French version of the platform for our French speaking clients and coaches across Canadian provinces. This should be a priority as TZ is a Canadian company.

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  4. Would be great if a shopping list could be provided for the client!

    Provide a shopping list based on weekly meal plan for clients.

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  5. Support for Challenges

    It would be great if there were different metrics used to provide for challenges. The challenges are a nice addition, however if I want to run a challenge for '21 days', or for instance a '6 week' challenge, that cannot be done at the moment due to the fact that it only allows for months currently.

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  6. dark mode

    DARK MODE! Its been requested and voted on so much since 2018 and its almost 2024 and no dark mode which is an absolute standard now across the board for apps now.

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  7. Lower (1100+) calorie meal Smart Meal Plans

    Currently, the app's lowest calorie target for meal plans is set at 1400 calories. I propose adding the ability to make smart meal plans from 1100 and up. This would provide more precise guidance to clients with lower targets (starting from 1100 calories).

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  8. Ability to add time, distance and ELEVATION GAIN to skiing, hiking and running

    Ability to add time, distance and ELEVATION GAIN to skiing, hiking and running cardio options.. i have a lot of endurance uphill athletes that this would be helpful for.. would also be great if i could prescribe zone 1/2/3 intensities and/or interval workouts where they could use a timer

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  9. Larger and more accurate food database

    The in-app food database needs to be larger and more accurate for most common/generic foods.
    It's way easier to coach someone on how to accurately measure/track their nutrition when you don't have to worry about coaching them just to find the accurate entry in the database.

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  10. Add our own custom recipes into the smart meal planner

    Add our own custom recipes we made into the smart meal planner, so client can search them without going to the discover tab.

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  11. Edit points assigned in case of mistakes

    A client logged the wrong weight and got points for PBs. When she edited them and didn't get as many PBs the points count didn't change.
    Would be good if it does or if the leader had the control of removing points if mistakes happen.

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  12. 7 votes

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  13. Need more than 3 days.

    Its really hard to plan out clients meals when i want to be able to plan each day for them when i am only allowed to post 3 days. I do think for the price i pay monthly for the app that i should be allowed to plan a full week for my client. More snack ideas and meal ideas would be great too!

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  14. The ability to have app users set their own macros!

    I am selling my app on it's own and would love to give the users the ability to set their own macros (if I am not coaching them)

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  15. Allow scheduling of consults without selecting an member

    When we have a consult to sell a new client. We should have the option to schedule that appointment as a consult without selecting a client since they aren't a client yet.
    We should also have the ability to schedule team/coach meetings as well as time slots that are unavailable.

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  16. More flexibility with group classes

    1. Allow coach option to turn off self booking
    2. Allow coach to program different class lengths
    3. Allow coach to choose a maximum number of participants (beyond current choices 2, 10 and 50)
    4. Allow coach to hide group sessions from non participants
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    An opportunity for those who have chosen to customize the App to remove the 2 models on the progress photos section and add their own. This will make the App even more personal.

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  18. folders/categories for on demand workouts

    Have a way to add folders/categories to organize on-demand workouts better. Currently no way to filter by "HIIT", "glutes" "Lower body" Upper body" "Abs/Core", "Stretching" etc. It's kind of cumbersome for clients to scroll through the list, especially with the workout titles being short and cut-off.

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  19. names in group classes

    For client privacy purposes - please let us hide the roster / name list for attendees of classes! :)

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  20. When clients upload there weight, it shows a weekly average.

    Input a weekly average for the week for clients weight measurements.

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