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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5130 results found

  1. Access saved programs from the app

    Access, edit, and subscribe clients to programs from the app. When I get a notification that someone purchased a program, I want to be able to subscribe them to the program as soon as possible. If I’m not home at my computer, it would be great to be able to subscribe them right from my phone instead of waiting hours (or maybe days) to be on my computer again.

    Would also be great to be able to edit programs from my phone. The good idea fairy comes at random times, so I might want to make a tweak to a…

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  2. See Exercise History as you coaching client 1-1 so you can see what you did last week

    I use trainerize with my in person clients as well, and the downside seems to be that when I open the workout of the day I have planned for them, and I press on box squats for example, there is the ability to fill in the reps and weight but I can't see what we did last week for example.
    (so I can progress). Would be great if you guys could consider adding an exercise history (inside the workout of the day) hope you know what I mean.

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  3. Adding notes to master plans

    Can you please add the option to add trainer notes to the master programs/workouts? I used to be a "sticky note" nut before trying to adopt technology and being able to add little notes as a reference point has always been really helpful. For example, on one saved program the ability to put "this is for people who will train at home using only body weight/resistance bands 3x per week and the gym 2x per week" etc.

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  4. Weekly training volume as a widget

    Under 'my progress' have a widget which displays weekly volume of training (load x reps x sets), thus could also incorporate RPE such that intensity of sessions can be tracked too.

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  5. Notifications for Desktop

    I think it would be awesome to have messaging notifications pop up on desktop, similar to that of facebook, etc. Let's make it happen!

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  6. monthly summary on macros, workouts

    Would be awesome if there was a monthly report including averages for how many workouts completed per week, macros, fiber, sodium, and sugar intake

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  7. Total inches on measurements

    My client wants to know what her total inches are from all of her measurements. That way she can know how many total inches she is losing when she does her progress checks.

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  8. Hide/show link preview

    I would like an option when using a link in messages or groups to have the option to hide the link preview or change how big the link preview is.

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  9. Give the option for no rest time after the last set of an exercise.

    If I give a client bench press for 3 sets and I want them resting 90 seconds between each set then I would select this on the rest time tab, however, that 90 second rest also applies after the 3rd set. What if I want them resting 3 minutes before their next exercise instead of 90 seconds? I have to select rest from the menu and select 3 minutes, but that pesky "90 second rest" is still there after their 3rd set of bench. It is a confusing feature.

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  10. Copy/Paste Function for Entering Workout Data

    Allow for copy/paste function when client is entering their workout details, instead of client having to enter rep/weight into each set (example: “copy to next line” function)

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  11. Ability to see plays and analytics for videos

    Important for me to see which videos are the most popular.

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  12. ability to undo archiving a message

    I accidentally archived a message, but it's hard to find the thread again. Wish there was a way to quickly undo what I did.

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  13. Warm up weight calculator

    A calculator clients can use to figure out what weight they should be using for warm up sets.

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  14. To be able to reflect on everything a client has done over 7 days

    To get a 7 day report on their habits/nutrition averages/training outputs /bodyweight readings as a report (or even just to be able to do it)

    This will help give weekly feedback in videos / calls for example

    Similar to what you can see monthly but to be able to do it weekly would be very powerful

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  15. Ability to edit customized workout videos within the app

    It is great to be able to record exercise demo videos within the app, but it would be even better to be able to edit the videos inside the app. It would save so much time. Recording on my phone, editing, then uploading each video takes so much time.

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  16. Changing the Time of the Habit Notification

    One of my clients requested that he be notified at a later time for the habit and when I looked into it further, I found this isn't an option.

    Changing the time would help to keep clients more accountable.

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  17. Individual Notes/modifications

    I would like to add notes/ modifications beside individual exercises as I'm personal training.

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  18. Reverse Pyramid training

    Currently I have to enter each set as a separate custom exercise if I want to program reverse Pyramid training.

    In fact, Pyramid training of any kind is not really supported

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  19. Ability for clients to "tick box" wavier in the purchase stage.

    If clients can "tick box" or "agree" to a wavier, T&C for programs in the purchasing stages this would simplify the process and that we don't have to chase clients for them. It could also mean that dont get access to a program until they have done this / signed the wavier etc. This would reduce our risk of a client automatically starting a program if a waiver has not be signed.

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  20. edit auto messages without having to copy and paste and delete

    Currently, to edit an auto message you need to copy the current one, delete it, paste, then edit. It would be great to edit directly.

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