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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Add Feature that you can see what foods contribute highs amounts to Macro Counts

    When tracking Macros in App- my clients have requested adding a feature where they can click to see what food contributed to those macros. Example:
    From and educational stand point of wanting to understand what foods are high fat contributors...

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  2. Auto Immune Protocol Meals

    These are for people who have Auto Immune issues. Need AIP foods/meals

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  3. Manage Habits

    When setting Current Habits it would be beneficial to be able to “reorder” the order of those habits. While typically we would not have more than 3 there are times when it is needed. Also, being able to “Edit” a habit would be nice especially for the title in case you have made a spelling error and need to correct it. Currently the only way to fix that would be to delete the habit and recreate a habit.


    Water (24oz)

    Water (48oz)

    Water (72oz)

    Walk – 15 min

    Water (100oz)

    Anytime I add a new habit it reorders alphabetically
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  4. Auto generated Client Reports

    Having a feature where you can auto generate a report that can be exported to a PDF for clients. This could be over a set period of time or phase.

    Giving the trainer the ability to select certain features for the report and to have a custom feedback box at the bottom. This would let clients know how they are getting on each month and give them a better look at the numbers and graphs. It would also save the trainer a lot of time custom building one as a document each month.

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  5. Easily Send Clients Progress Reports

    The ability to easily send clients their progress graphs since we started working together in various exercises, measurements, body weight etc so they can see their progress in a professional manner.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. Sync with Fit3D Body Scan

    It would be nice if Trainerize could sync measurement data with the Fit3D Body Scanner. :)

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  8. More detailed progress charts on custom Cardio exercises (Time, speed, max speed, avg speed etc.)

    With the system preset Cardio exercises users and trainers can track distance, max speed, average speed, tempo etc., but for the custom added ones (like airbike, rowerg, skierg in my case) the only possibility is to track time, even though clients input all the aforementioned data.

    Given that all that data is already available and collected I believe it won't be too hard to make this feature available.

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  9. Create a place where coaches can add a google sheet for clients to access within the app

    I use google sheets to track items not tracked within Trainerize. Having an area of the app where I can house such a sheet for clients in a way that the sheet is accessible to both coach and client would be very valuable.

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  10. smart planner as a guide not a goal

    Allow the smart planner to be a guide not a goal. My clients like the planner but the calories are only set to the 100's.

    The smart meal planner should be available as a guide not a calorie set goal specifically.

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  11. Pages layout for workouts.

    It would be great if when doing a workout, instead of a single page the athlete has to scroll through, each exercise/group of activities were on their own pages. I find it tedious and easy to get lost with a one-page scroll layout. For example, exercise 1 is shown. Enter reps/weight/etc., once complete, page moves on to exercise 2, and so on.

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  12. Dated Calendar for Program building!!!! PLEASEEEEEE

    Please make a dated calendar version for program building!! this would be so helpful. This would help with adjusting for holidays, roll overs, days that are empty to reschedule or add in notes for accountability. I plan by 2 weeks, month and yearly challenges and programs. its so hard as it is now not to see the full dates to be able to schedual.

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  13. The Basic Client Feature

    For the basic client feature, I think we should still be able to assign programs to them so we, the trainer, can track their workouts/programs, progress, habits, and eating habits. Otherwise, this feature will be kind of pointless. It would also be great for them to be able to track workouts themselves in the event their trainer is out of town but still needs a workout to follow.

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  14. Use the smart meal planner WITHOUT calories & macros

    Be able to add custom meals and use the smart meal planner without calorie and macros inviolved.

    I'd like to be able to use the smart meal planner and custom meals feature but I use portion control and not calorie tracking with my clients. Having nutritional information attached to the plans and meals would complicate and confuse our portion control approach. I will only be able to use these features if I can create meal plans and add my own custom meals without having the information attached to it.

    Or at least, be able to hide the information on the…

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  15. invoicing clients

    I would like to be able to invoice clients even if they are not using the online payment method. I am currently creating invoices monthly for clients and attaching them inside of trainerize. it is very time consuming

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  16. Being able to see all trainer's schedules at a location

    It would be great to be able to see all the trainer's at a location's schedules on the app. We run everything from the mobile app and not being able to see everyone's schedule is a bummer. Especially if one trainer calls out or we have multiple coaches covering the same hour.

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  17. Ability to Record Reps & Weight in Guided Workouts

    Create ability to record reps & weight lifted during guided workouts.

    Either allow for the client to enter while the exercise is underway, or create a second "exercise" we can add to guided sessions after a given movement is complete for the client to records reps & lbs (this could even be part of a special 'rest' exercise).

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  18. Integrate with Myzone

    Integrate with Myzone and allow to view workout along side with Myzone data to compare your HR and effort.

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  19. Allow clients to only book in hour time increments

    Rather than showing time slots for every 15 minutes only show in hour jumps (have option to adjust if needed) to avoid unnecessary gaps for us coaches

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  20. Timer for elbow plank

    Add a timer for the elbow plank

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