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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Read/unread COMMENTS filter

    With 50+ clients the newsfeed of COMMENTS from clients is difficult to manage to ensure all comments on workouts and body stats and meal etc. have been read and responded to/action taken.

    Have read/unread filter to ensure no comments are missed.

    This improves trainer productivity and increases client service quality.

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  2. Screenshot

    I want to be able to send screenshots from my laptop. I have tons of pictures and motivational quotes saved as screenshots. When I attempted to put one in a message, the system wouldn't allow it. I essentially had to save the picture to a document, download it as a pdf, then put it in the message to send. That's was time consuming.

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  3. Have the option to pick the voice that speaks to clients.

    We want to be able to pick the voice that our clients hear. We have had a lot of complaints about the new voice and countdown lady. We would love to be able to choose what they hear.

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  4. 54 votes

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  5. add notification when regular trainer enter notes

    Would be good if there would be notification when a regular trainer add notes to clients workout. It sometimes a miss for the admin or manager to look for any notes attached without a notification.

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  6. Ability for clients to "tick box" wavier in the purchase stage.

    If clients can "tick box" or "agree" to a wavier, T&C for programs in the purchasing stages this would simplify the process and that we don't have to chase clients for them. It could also mean that dont get access to a program until they have done this / signed the wavier etc. This would reduce our risk of a client automatically starting a program if a waiver has not be signed.

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  7. don't force client to enter weight, height etc.

    don't force client to enter weight, height etc.

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  8. Archive Groups

    Archiving groups would be amazing! I use my groups to run each separate challenge for my clients, and I like to keep them for future reference, but I run challenges frequently for different clients and so I have a huge list.

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  9. Better Pictures prompts

    Trainerize prompts to take three pictures and has clients cut off their lower half. Allow trainer to select poses and full body, zoomed in views etc. not cut off the picture and pictures show blurry in trainerize when they upload them

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. Display progress by exercise as well as progress by workout in tabular form.

    I find it easier when I create a workout and add an exercise done 2 months ago to be able on this exercise to find the number of repetitions and the weight done the last time, without having to remember that I had do this or that workout.

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  12. Trainer can see the whole calendar of workouts like TrainHeroic

    This would be like the trainer can see the full workouts in a calendar form, so we can see the full overview together, not just individually.

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  13. Batch change equipment types for exercises based on availability

    Ability to find all exercises in a program and swap them out. For example, my client does not have a barbell, but might have dumbbells. I want to quickly find all barbell exercises in my program and swap them out in one step.

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  14. failed payment retry interval

    Currently, the system tries failed payments after 3 days and then after an additional 5 days.
    This is total of 8 days without payment. Way too long regardless of the product.

    For a program/product that is being charged weekly that puts it already on a second invoice failing.
    Needs to at least change it to three tries one day after the other. The best is to let us define the time for each retry, and enable manual charge (i.e. you talk to the customer and they update their credit card info, and then you charge them the due invoice).

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  15. Add "Steady State Cardio" and "HIIT" as cardio options.

    We assign cardio to our clients, but don't want to tell them exactly what movement to do (Elliptical, Walking, Running, etc.) just what TYPE of cardio (Steady State, HIIT, etc.). Right now we do "General" and add a custom target that says "Any steady state" for example, but I hate that it just shows up as the word General.

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  16. a section for clients to reach out for support in the mobile app

    A link or URL to your own internal support for clients.

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  17. Integrate with Wellable to offer corporate wellness programs

    Integrate Trainerize with to offer corporate wellness programs. Trainersxare the ideal candidates for implementing wellness programs so if Wellable was integrated with Trainerize it would allow a trainer a full suite of options to offer a complete corporate wellness program that actually works.

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  18. time of cardio/body stats etc

    would like to see what time a cardio workout, body stat, etc was posted/done. Right now we can only see that info on the normal workouts.

    It's quite important info for a coach to get a better understanding of the clients lifestyle, and habits.

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  19. edit auto messages without having to copy and paste and delete

    Currently, to edit an auto message you need to copy the current one, delete it, paste, then edit. It would be great to edit directly.

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  20. Easy way to change between accounts without having to log in and out of different businesses

    I have accounts with 2 online trainers plus an account as a trainer. It would be great to switch between businesses without having to sign in and out.

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