Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5274 results found
See stats older than 3 months
I’ve been training for 3 months and realized today I can’t access my very first week of measurements. I need to see that to know where I started. Can I find my very first measurements somewhere? If they’re lost, I might cry. I didn’t write them down thinking this app was saving my measurements.
1 vote -
Scrollable Workout, Program etc. Pages instead of multiple shorter pages
When looking at the Master Libraries or Client's training program you have to navigate through multiple short pages to see all of the items. It would be easier to navigate one long scrolling page.
Moreover, it is not intuitive that in order to select all of the workouts you have to click the square box and select "select all workouts". The software should be more conservative and easier to navigate.
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1 vote
Ability to track servings or portion of vegetables/protein through the day
Right now, it's yes/no. It's better if the user could add a serving throughout the day to track their veggie/protein intake etc.
60 votes -
Allow for the tracking of "net carbs"
Allow specifically the tracking of carbohydrates that count toward energy and significantly impact blood sugar levels (i.e. Total Carbs - Fibers - Sugar Alcohols)
15 votes -
Badge and Milestone Report for All Clients
It would be awesome to get a report for all the milestones and badges clients receive.
4 votes -
Be able to designate what coach is sending auto message
Running into issues where my co-coach will schedule a message for one of my clients and it automatically gets sent from my account. Can you please change this, so they can auto schedule their own messages from them?
3 votes -
1 vote
Trend Line For body weight Progress
Would love it if there was a quick button that would generate a trendline based on the data points provided. Especially for long-term weight loss, it's great to be able to show the trend so clients can better understand weight fluctuations and long-term progress.
11 votes -
The ability to cluster or create habits. Everyone has coustom habits for clients obviously but the ability to put those habits that you generally set for your newbies, or veterans, or sub groups of clients. So when a person is assigned a trainer and program initially you can choose to have them assigned to a habits group as well Ferson Stafford @theatlantafitness
19 votes -
Loading full size images is very slow
When a client uploads there food and I review the entry the thumbnails appear immediately. When I hold my mouse over the thumbnail it takes 10-20 seconds for the larger image to load. This makes things difficult if reviewing many photos. It would help if the full size images could load more quickly. Thank you.
1 vote -
Only allow for certain exercise substitutions
When setting up a master program, I would like to have it so that only certain exercises can be substituted for the exercises in the program.
Example: I want clients to be able to sub cable exercises for the equivalent resistance band exercise but nothing else. Allowing clients to substitute for the entire master library not only can’t guarantee them the best, most effective work out but it also put us as trainers at risk if they were to pick something above their level.
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Integration with Club Automation
Integrate Club Automation with Trainerize
1 vote -
Clear Calendar on MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can for Custom Programs
1) NEED the ability to quickly clear scheduled items (cardio, messages, body stats etc) in MASTER PROGRAMS the way we can with a client's custom program.
It would be the same functionality.
Currently, as an example, if there is cardio scheduled within a master program, and I decide to remove this (as I am now doing with the new stacked program feature) - I have to go through and manually delete every single occurrence of it. It takes forever. :'(
2) Along with this, having items be able to be scheduled as a "repeating series", deleting the first instance of…
14 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Ability to filter out exercises with no videos, text or tags
a tracker of some sort that will tell coaches what exercises are posted that have no video, description, and/or tags. In order to keep our app as organized as possible.
1 vote -
Measurements lost calculations
Would be great to be able to see the total amount of CM's lost from check in data and also the amount of KG's lost not just a dot point graph.
6 votes -
Thumbs up button in dashboard for habits
Thumbs up button in dashboard for habits
11 votes -
Confirm appointments
Let's make this an app that encourages reciprocity! Clients should have the option to confirm, deny, or give their trainers a better day/time for them to meet.
2 votes -
Workout tracker overview
A workout tracker wherein you can find the performance per workout (for each exercise) over the last weeks, in a clear overview without needing to switch from pages.
3 votes -
Add strength training to activities list
Would love for a client to be able to choose an “open” strength training activity/workout just like the rest of the activity list. Not necessarily to track the exact exercise but to at least mark that a strength training workout was done and how long they were active for. Would be really helpful for clients who aren’t normally doing specific strength workouts but throw some in occasionally. Way easier on the coach too so that we don’t have to add random strength training workouts to the clients plan so that they can be tracked. The only activity currently with any…
2 votes
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