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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5279 results found

  1. Two Factor Authentication Factor Logging into Trainerize

    Have Two Factor Authentication Factor for Logging into Trainerize

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  2. Ability to prescribe a calorie target for a row or assault bike

    When building a workout, some blocks I want my client to do 10 calories of a rower or assault bike.

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Get a notification after multiple missed workouts

    If a client misses more than 2 workouts in a row, the trainer should receive a notification so that he/she can check on the client and hold them accountable. The current "missed" feature seems to trigger at midnight on the day of the upcoming workout. This isn't ideal.

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  5. Individual Progressions for client

    It’s awesome we have the ability to edit the progression of our master program on a large scale. However unless I missed it, it would be awesome to edit them specifically tailored to each individual clients needs.

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  6. checklists

    Make a checklist option so the client can mark off the exercise after they do it. Women LOVE checklists! I cant believe yall dont have it or maybe you do and I'm missing it.

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  7. Ability to send videos as an auto message

    The auto messaging is awesome but to make it even better and more customised how about allowing us to add a video message instead of text or pictures only?

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  8. Record both minutes and seconds for time/strength exercises

    Currently, you can only record seconds in a time/strength exercise. I would like if there were a way to add both minutes and seconds.

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  9. Mute notification sound on desktop

    I have to mute the tab on my desktop which works but it’d be nice if there was the option to just turn off the messaging sound for client messages in my desktop so I could still hear videos they’re sending without anything else I’m doing constantly interrupted by message dings

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  10. Track total volume when completing program prescription

    When you design a program for a client it would be great to see what total tonnage was moved over the last block or cycle. That way you can ensure progressive overload block to block.

    I would have each exercise come with a drop down like (Lower body push, upper body push, squat, bench, etc.)

    Then you could see how much volume or sets they did for each exercise and each movement. This is what a lot of spreadsheets have the option of.

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  11. Connect with accurofit

    Integrate accurofit heart rate monitors into the app for clients to track workouts.

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  12. Workout completion Zapier event - Pass through Workout Completion Date

    Right now I can zap a workout completion, however it does not show the date the workout was completed on.

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  13. The ability to customize Auto Client Tags

    Could we please have access to customize the triggers for auto-tags, or at least create our own auto-tags? Some of my clients need attention every couple of days, and more frequent auto-tags would be very helpful.

    Some of the tags are very late to the party.

    e.g. The "Not Signed In Recently" trigger is 4-weeks.

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  14. Custom Interval Times

    Although there are few threads regarding doing different interval times, I think it would be extremely beneficial to enter our own custom times. I have clients that do HIIT sessions and they progressed by approximately five seconds per week for each set. However, the application only allows you to jump from 60 to 90 seconds. This makes it very difficult to make a customized program

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  15. Ability to just type the time when altering cardio instead of using the scroll feature.

    It would be helpful to be able to simply type the amount of time instead of using the scroll feature. Also the ability to copy paste, cardio with the instructions.

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  16. Automatically distribute clients to trainers

    We have a sign up page but I want to automatically assign clients in a round robin way to a bunch of trainers so I don't need to do it manually.

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  17. TOGGLE feature for workout types

    can you build a toggle feature for the workouts that we can switch from regular/circuit/timed, rather than remake each workout So if we create a workout that's time based/ but decided we wanted to change it to a regular workout where they would record reps and wts....or if vice versa

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  18. Adding non-training programs/events to clients calendar

    I would like to capture dates on my clients calendar like (with reminder options):
    - Start of Nutrition Plan
    - End of Nutrition Plan
    - Significant client event ex. Wedding or Photoshoot
    - Month of fasting for Ramadan

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  19. More flexibility with billing/scheduling payments

    When I go to schedule a new package for a client (say their current automated program ends in two weeks) but I want to plan for their program to change at the end of this so I schedule a new program, the client panics because they get a message saying they need to accept the new plan and then have to pay for it in advance. I need a way to schedule out packages with being able to control the notify, pay, deliver schedule specifically.

    Can we find a way where the trainer chooses WHEN to notify the client of…

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  20. Export my Trainerize pay products to my Facebook page

    One click export my Trainerize pay products to my Facebook page so my clients can purchase them.

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