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5276 results found

  1. Fix synchronization issue with Trainerize app, consider batch updating weights & reps for efficiency during workouts.

    Fix synchronization issue with Trainerize app, consider batch updating weights & reps for efficiency during workouts.

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  2. Being able to color the TAGS yourself so you can create a traffic light: Green: all good, Orange: needs attention and Red: not active at all

    Being able to color the TAGS yourself so you can create a traffic light: Green: all good, Orange: needs attention and Red: not active at all
    This should be based on workout compliance / engagement.
    At the moment we can only look at the number of orange TAGS to define the attention: not signed in lately, low workout compliance, not messaged lately and not responded lately. Yellow and Grey are less relevant. Coloring should also be available for custom TAGS.

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  3. Should be able to import contact directly instead of having to scroll through all contacts

    Should be able to import contact directly instead of having to scroll through all contacts

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  4. Be able to read messages between clients and other trainers

    As the business owner, it is vital for client wellbeing and the training of other coaches I bring on that I can see the messages being sent back and forth.

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  5. Be able to adjust / manually edit Invoices that go out to clients

    I need to be able to edit invoices that go out to clients. In France, I am required to add legal language to my invoices and I'm currently not able to do so in Trainerize.

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  6. Would be great to be able to see all days when you are programming as well as the previous program.

    It's hard to program properly because you can only program one day at a time. It would be every beneficial to able to see all days when programming and the week prior.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Progression based on 1RM

    Basically give the trainer the option to set progression spreadsheet based on the clients 1RM.
    For example a client 1RM for deadlift is 200lb and to progress this client the spreadsheet gives the option to set it based on % off 1rm. starting from 70% and slowly progressing this client to 90% of 1 rm for reps.

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  9. Fix custom exercise video upload for free trial

    Currently, there is an error when trying to upload mp4s as custom videos for exercises.

    There appears to be an error on the network call to get the upload URL
    {code: 2000, message: "Cannot upload exercise video on a free plan.", data: null}
    "Cannot upload exercise video on a free plan."

    You should inform the end user that this is an unsupported feature for the free plan instead of showing a generic "video not uploaded error" in the user interface.

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  10. KostenloseKlingeltone - Kostenlos Klingeltöne herunterladen auf

    Einführung in die Website
    Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach neuen, trendigen Klingeltönen für Ihr Smartphone sind, dann ist die Website genau das Richtige für Sie. Diese Plattform bietet eine riesige Sammlung an kostenlosen Klingeltönen in verschiedenen Genres und Stilen, die Sie ganz einfach auf Ihr Handy herunterladen können.

    Einführung in KostenloseKlingeltone
    KostenloseKlingeltone ist ein Service, der es Nutzern ermöglicht, eine Vielzahl an Klingeltönen kostenlos herunterzuladen. Egal, ob Sie auf der Suche nach den neuesten Hits, lustigen Soundeffekten oder klassischen Melodien sind – auf dieser Plattform finden Sie garantiert etwas, das Ihren Geschmack trifft.

    Vorteile von KostenloseKlingeltone gegenüber…

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  11. Prescribe Values and Ability for Client Track Values (%Max for weights, RPE for exercise / set, RIR for exercise / set, %HR in cardio, etc.)

    Ability to assign values to individual exercises and sets. In return, client can track these values. More quantitative data to aid in clients' progress.

    Both gives the coach the ability to structure a program plan around %based training or effort based training.

    1. Prescribed intensity of 70% 3RM
    - calculates off of previously inputed weights (estimated 3RM / 1RM, etc.)
    - or inputed by coach or client
    - weight appears on assigned day, athlete still tracks their weight used
    2. Prescribed Intensity of 8/10 RPE or 2 RIR
    - gives coach an idea on how effort changes set-to-set (spend…

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  12. Client can favorite a recipe in the Smart Meal Planner without tracking it first.

    Add a heart or star to recipes so client's can click it to "favorite" or "save"
    and keep that recipe in their plan, or to be able to refer back to in the future. This would not require the recipe to be added in the tracker first, which is what is required now.

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  13. Assign a custom workout to a class for booking - Be able to see all PR data for the client's who book that class

    We run a group class facility - Having the ability to link a custom workout to the class booking date and be able to see all PR data for clients who book in conjunction with what exercises will be done during that workout would allow coaches to easily know exactly where everyone is in their workout out journey in coordination to the class they booked (what they will do for that workout) and push them accordingly

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  14. Record Option for Workouts

    For at home training: An option to record your exercises as you go, if you are at home alone or a beginner - your trainer will be able to review & provide feedback on form - may help reduce risk of injury.

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  15. Ability to note that indicated number of sets is per side and make the app account for the extra set count in workout total time.

    The estimated total time of the workout doesn't factor in the fact that the indicated sets for unilateral exercises are to be performed on each side. As such, it would be great if on exercise selection the app allows you to indicate that the amount of suggested sets are per side.

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  16. Highlight colour background tasks in calendar for easy viewing, currently only get this on program stacking and looks so much easier To view

    Currently the only way to have highlighted tasks in different colour backgrounds is by program stacking, it looks so clean and easy to view each persons daily tasks, it would be great if these were highlighted as standard to make it easier for us to view when reviewing a clients calendar

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  17. SonneriePortable - Le Meilleur Site pour Obtenir des Sonneries Mobiles Gratuitement -

    Dans le monde numérique d'aujourd'hui, personnaliser son téléphone portable est devenu une véritable passion pour de nombreux utilisateurs. Les sonneries sont l'un des éléments les plus importants qui permettent de donner une touche unique à votre appareil. C'est là qu'intervient SonneriePortable (, un site web de premier plan spécialisé dans les sonneries de téléphone gratuites.

    Présentation de SonneriePortable
    SonneriePortable est une plateforme en ligne dédiée aux amateurs de sonneries de téléphone. Avec une vaste collection de plus de 1000 sonneries, ce site web offre un large éventail de choix pour satisfaire tous les goûts musicaux. Que vous…

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  18. Allow adding manual sales without taking a payment through Stripe

    Stripe fee can be 100x (Yes 100 times!) more expensive than a simple bank transfer.

    Please look into as there's no way on a £1,000 package to give £30 to Stripe vs £0.30 to the business bank.

    For large 1-1 session packages clients bank transfer their payments.

    But I cannot manually input into Trainerize that they have paid for a package and therefore cannot book them in, limiting my ability to use the Trainerize calendar and booking function with PT sessions.

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  19. Merging Exercise Videos To Avoid Duplicates

    The exercise libary is extensive, but sometimes I may create a new exercise by mistake as the one on here is under a different name. I'd like to be able to merge the newly created video to the current one, and for the stats relating to clients progress to merge over too.

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  20. Add Terms and Conditions agreement to the Check out page of a product

    Rather than having to connect zappier and a third party document signing app, Trainerize should have the option for coaches to add a "Terms and Conditions Agreement" to each product. This would allow for a streamlined selling process inside of trainerize.

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