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  1. Option to Change the Date of Auto-Messages

    I have auto check in messages set up in my Master program calendars.

    Sometimes, because of client's scheduling, their exercise days don't fall on Monday-> Friday so I have to move the auto-messages.

    To change the sequence of messages, I have to create new Auto-Messages into their calendar and delete the old ones.

    It would be much easier to have an option of where I can open the prior scheduled auto-messages, and have them rescheduled to a different date.

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  2. Add a like button for workouts so clients can categorize and find their favorites.

    I have a few clients asking if there is a way to mark favorite workouts so they can go back to find the ones they really like.

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  3. meditation

    Add in meditation, mindfulness, and yoga practices for clients.

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  4. Reduce folder to one with thr ability to share it or individual workouts/plans.

    Minimize the folder options with the ability to share it. Its a pain flipping between shared and personal folders. Inefficient.

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  5. Import pre made workouts from library while using freestyle mode.

    This feature would mainly benefit 1 on 1 training. Giving us the ability to import a template to build off rather then building from scratch during the session. I suggest this because I don't want to clutter the clients "Program tab area" with 20-30 templates.

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  6. Week day automation not programme day automation

    I like my clients to have all their measurements done on a Monday morning.

    Programme days are one thing, but if some other things, like measurements can always be done on an actual Monday, that'd be grand.

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  7. Date selection in photo comparisons

    Date selection in photo comparisons. This would safe trainers a lot of time to have a drop down to select a specific date.

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  8. Allow us to bundle a free Apple watch with our client sign ups

    Some gyms have a program where a client signs up for 24 months, we can offer a free Apple watch.

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  9. 5 votes

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  10. See full Heart Rate profile of workout from Apple Watch

    I use HR Training for all of my endurance athletes especially. They are trying to hit a certain percentage of cardio work in different "zones". This would be such a beneficial feature!

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  11. 4 votes

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  12. Upload recorded screen video

    Instead of only being able to add videos when you record them on the spot, be able to select a video from your phone.

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  13. Accurate progress pic comparison

    When I view progress pictures I will need to zoom in so both images are lined up accurately. But then when I download this, it reverts to original size.

    It would be good if it saved to the edited size for perfect comparison

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  14. Let us edit/delete comments

    When we leave comments on the calories section, pictures or exercise replies, we can't edit or remove them like we can in the chat. I'd like the ability to unsend/delete and edit them please.

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  15. Ability for clients to play video workouts on the web

    Similar to the mobile app, if clients can play video workouts on the web.

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. Be able to enable/disable daily email notifications for clients

    There used to be daily email notifications for clients and now they are gone. I would like to get them back and be able to enable/disable what clients get them.

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. Training Program personal bests

    We can already get All-time personal bests, but I would also like to see Training Program personal bests. It would be a great way for clients to see how well they are progressing within a training cycle.

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  20. Calorie expenditure instead of just intake

    Clients can integrate FitBit, Withings, Apple Watch, apple health, google health, MyFitnessPal, etc. so why can they only track calorie intake on Trainerize? The other apps can already track the output so it would be nice for it to transfer to trainerize so we can see the expenditure of at least a workout. It would be great to see workout, daily, and weekly totals.

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