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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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5124 results found

  1. Ability to set Smart Avavailability

    The issue with setting availabilities, is that it doesn't stop clients from sessions that have gaps of time between them. For example, I am free 4-8pm, I have one client book 4pm, then one at 8pm.

    It would be great for the booking system to work like a doctors booking system, or when you book a car service. E.g, it will automatically give you availabilities that "block" the sessions back to back.

    For example, if my availability is 4-8pm, and I only have one session from 5-6pm, it will only allow a client to book their session DIRECTLY before or…

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  2. Progressions

    For the progression spreadsheet, i only use this if i schedule specific workout days. My clients workout day can change from week to week and i want to add in progressions based on them doing 2 sessions a week but don't want to schedule specific days.

    I feel it would be beneficial to add in progressions in intensity to load or volume at certain point for example, week 2 or 3 regardless if the workouts are set on specific days

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  3. Edit what is in the Progress tab of the Client Dashboard

    Many clients are turned off by seeing Body Measurements and Progress Photos in the Progress tab of the Dashboard. A way to either turn off that tab or edit the types of metrics shown to them would be a huge benefit in serving clients and business types.

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  4. Vegan icon to easily identify vegan meals

    A clearly visible vegan icon on a meal card preview to easily identify vegan friendly meals

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  5. Revamping of the descriptions on exercises

    Some of the exercises have incomplete exercise descriptions that are not fully helpful to the client.

    For trainerize videos we cannot edit the descriptions so it would be helpful if the ones added by trainerize were a bit better. I do know that some are great already so it's not all of them.

    For example glute bridges states

    "1) For this exercise, lie on your back.

    2) Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips. Keep your tummy tight throughout."

    My suggestion would be to add more cues such as

    "keep your spine in a neutral postion", "brace your core", "push…

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    Client management can be easily learn through which is a new platform !
    We're excited to have you here! This forum is dedicated to discussing all aspects of ChatGPT Japanese. Whether you're new to the platform or a seasoned user, this is the perfect place to share your experiences, ask questions, and learn how to make the most of ChatGPT in Japanese.

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  7. Audio glitch or stutter

    I am experiencing a bug or glitch or something in the audio cues during interval workouts. I’m on an iPhone with latest iOS. Every single audio cue during the workout will stutter or repeat three times at the beginning when it plays. Like each audio segment sounds like its start/stop/stsrt/stop/start and then it continues to play as normal for the rest of the cue.

    Anyone else experiencing something like this?

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  8. Can you introduce Polish language?

    Can you introduce Polish language please?

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  9. Be able to edit a habit after it has been added to the calendar.

    Rather than having to delete the habits one by one, be able to edit the habit that has already been created and added to the clients calendar. For example, if a client is consistently hitting their habit goal of reaching 7,000 steps daily, be able to edit the habit to now 8,000 steps, rather than deleting and creating a new habit,

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  10. Ability to drag auto message to next page in the master program calendar and client calendar

    Allow for the ability to drag auto-messages to the next page within the program calendar/ client calendar. Currently, we are only able to drag within the 6 weeks shown on the view.

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  11. Resources Vault

    It would be very beneficial to everyone if there was a resources Vault like Kahunas which I have been contemplating

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  12. On/ off option for client to set their own macros for hands-off coaching

    A client-type option OR setting option that coaches can turn on or off for clients to be able to set their own macros like they would in myfitnesspal or other macros tracking apps. This allows coaches to offer an option for a more hands-off approach for lower-tier coaching.

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    0 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
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  13. Calorie goal variance only. With macro recommendation but not required gold

    The ability to have a calorie variance on your goal and also macro targets to be assigned without them going against your goal if they're not met

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  14. Show 'Recent Activities' on right when in 'Messenger'

    Allow trainers to be able to see the 'Recent Activities' feed (unique to each client; as shown on client dashboard) while in the desktop messenger for each client. This would minimize clicking between pages while messaging/checking in with clients on the desktop messenger.

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  15. "Area Select" on Calendar


    Deleting/Moving a number of elements in the calendar can be time consuming doing them all one by one.

    An 'area select' feature: where you click+drag the cursor to create a rectangular selection area (like you may do on your desktop) can be very useful in this area.

    For example:
    - I may want to move all of Fridays tasks (a workout, a check-in, an automated message) to Saturday
    - Right now, I would have to click + drag each one, and wait for the clarification message to pop up +…

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  16. Spell check

    Spell check for the messages we send clients. Not that I'm illiterate, but I do brain dump to clients and spell lots wrong and don't always notice.

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  17. Fibre intake

    I tell my clients the importance of fibre intake but sadly I can't easily track it via this app, can we not add this to the breakdowns to ensure quality carbs are eaten?

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  18. Meal Plan Generator for Custom Macros

    It would be super helpful to be able to use the meal plan generator for custom macros. Right now, the generator will only adapt to specific percentage breakdowns. Not every client falls into the 40-30-30 umbrella or the other options available.

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  19. Eliminate access to client contact info for regular trainers

    Having client contact information available to other trainers can pose a risk; especially in this industry. Examples are email, and phone number. The only real measure against this is eliminating access to exporting the client lists, but if done manually, this can still be done.

    It's not necessary if the trainer/ client can communicate through the app already.

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  20. Workouts should be able to be re-arranged in the calendar without limitation.

    Workouts should be able to be re-arranged in the calendar without limitiation of what type of workout it is. Currently, my warmups or stretching sessions are showing up BEFORE the workout instead of after because of these silly rules of what order they show in the calendar.

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