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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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4572 results found

  1. Make it so we can see a whole week of food log, macros, and fiber in one area vs having to click on each individual day

    It's very time consuming and hard to get an overall picture when we have to go day by day to look at their food - we need to see at least 1 full week at a time

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  2. Ability to edit recipes

    Some recipes on the app have incomplete instructions or too many ingredients.

    Either we need to be able to change them or there needs to be a simple way to inform someone of an error.

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  3. Convert cups into grams as well on the meal preview

    When previewing meals, user can see grams being translated into Oz, or vice versa, but cups always remain as cups and are not transformed into grams.

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    2 comments  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
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  4. Galaxy Watch

    It would be nice if also Samsung galaxy watch users can use activity tracking...

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  5. Meal Automation

    Some clients are simple and wouldn't mind eating the same foods everyday. So a feature that can allow us to copy and paste meals for a certain amount of days or each and everyday would be nice!

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  6. Built in check in

    A built in check in on the app would be ideal. Im trialling another app at the moment with this feature and it works well

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  7. Master Challenges In Program Builder

    I would like to be able to create a library of challenges so I can cycle through them throughout the year.

    Would also like the ability to make challenges that can be used as a lead magnet.

    If challenges are in the Master program builder section they could be built with specific workouts, lessons, automated text, etc.

    As it sits now the feature is honestly just another version of the client compliance section.

    Only now we have to set a start date and time instead of making a challenge we can use for later.

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  8. set custom calorie days

    I can't believe the advanced nutrition coaching doesn't allow you to set custom high/low calorie and macro targets for certain days for clients. I don't think I would have purchased this if I knew that in advance. Is this feature going to be added?

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    1 comment  ·  Nutrition  ·  Admin →
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  9. Use AI to calculate macros and calories through food pictures.

    To implement AI for calories and macros calculation through food pictures, instead of logging the food

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  10. Period & 28 Day Cycle Tracker for Female Clients

    Allow for Trainers to add in a section where females can log their 28 day cycle with notes, symptoms, etc. This will help the Trainer give them the best training experience based off of their cycle and allow for the Trainer to give insight into how to handle nutrition and wellness activities. Allow for the Trainer to pull a report on this information or have a section that states # of days between bleeds

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  11. Compare progress pics

    Compare pics on the desktop and not just on phones. This is such a great tool that i use to show clients during check-ins. It would be so much easier to do so like so many other platforms already currently allow.

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  12. Samsung Watches

    It would be super beneficial to be able to link a Samsung watch. A lot of my clients have them and are unable to sync steps and activity. PLEASE FIX THIS!! 🙏

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  13. photo

    To be able to take or upload a picture of your meal and have AI guess it's calories, macros and ingredients and put it into your meal tracker. Similar to Chat GPT 4 photo recognition or apps like

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  14. Clients should be able to track food from both myfitnesspal entries and trainerize meals.

    My clients want to use some of their own meals and some of trainerize meals. But you can't have both myfitnesspal and trainerize meals connected. The app only allows you to have one or the other connected. I want my clients to be able to log everything, so if they are using trainerize meals I still want their coffee drink, soda, water intake, and any additional treats or personal recipes to be tracked along side that. The way it currently works is confusing to my clients and makes trainerize meals hard to use.

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  15. Adding a dropset, cluster set, pnf, 1/2 rep, reps in reserve option to exercises.

    A button or easy way to instruct clients to do dropsets burnouts, cluster sets ect on the last set of certain exercises

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  16. Creating my own data base of recipes and using those exclusively

    It would be great if there was a way that I could create my own data base of recipes since my clients are whole food plant-based and for it to be selectable when I ask the platform to create a meal plan. So instead of choosing vegan I can select my own data base and it would pull recipes from there

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  17. An “education portal”

    The ability to have an education portal of sorts. Where we can load videos that clients can refer to at a later time. Something where we can load “what are macros?”, “how do I use a scale?” Etc. type videos to educate our clients and they can refer to it on a regular basis

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  18. Allow clients to enter the color or weight of bands when tracking superband exercises

    Clients that have banded exercises currently only have the option to track reps completed in banded exercises. Please add a box for them to note the band color, or band weight so they can still progress with banded work.

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  19. Manual step count input

    not everyone has fitbit or apple watch so allowing manual data input for steps would be a useful improvement

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  20. Display total macro count for the day.

    Display total daily macro count where the calorie count is currently displayed.

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