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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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5123 results found

  1. Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases

    Track Rep Improvements In an Exercise, Not Just Weight Increases

    I want to see the app track when a client increases their reps at a certain weight within an exercise, rather than just when the client gets more total reps for an exercise.

    For example, if a client goes from 30 to 35 pounds for an exercise, they will likely be performing fewer reps. However, as time goes on, the client will begin performing more reps at 35 pounds.

    Right now, a Personal Best for number of reps (expressed as volume) is not achieved until their total reps at 35…

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  2. Create a drag/drop feature when creating workout programs in the master programs!

    Can we please add a feature in the Master Programs where we can drag/drop the different weeks within the workout phase? For example, when I was creating a new workout plan, I had Week1-2, Week 3-4, and Week 5-8. It was not lining up in order, as it went from Week1-2 and then jumped to Week 5-8, and then went back to Week 3-4. It would be so much easier if we can just drag/drop the different weeks so they all match up and go down in order!

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Don't have the habit cut-off for 12pm on challenges

    Please allow for the habit cut-off to be 11:59pm client local time for challenges and even just regular habits as some people forget to mark them off until later in the day

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  5. A way to easily reset personal best for a client

    An easy way to reset client's personal best. With the roll out of challenges, clients are taking their personal best very series because they want the points. But some find that they pushed themselves too hard to get those in the beginning that it's too difficult to now reach a new personal best.

    I haven't had many ask about this, but I think more will once they reach this point.

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  6. Can you integrate with MacroFirst

    This is the best free macro tracker I've used.. You can set and adjust your goals at will and it has a food scanner, as well as a HUGE database of foods. Would definitely recommend

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  7. Things to note when choosing an indoor trampoline for kids

    Indoor trampolines for kids offer a thrilling and engaging way for children to have fun and stay active, regardless of the weather or available outdoor space. Here's an introduction to indoor trampolines, highlighting their benefits and considerations:


    Physical Exercise: Jumping on a trampoline provides an excellent cardiovascular workout while also improving balance, coordination, and motor skills.

    Fun and Entertainment: Indoor trampolines offer endless entertainment for kids, whether they're bouncing solo or playing games with siblings and friends.

    Energy Release: Jumping on a trampoline allows kids to release excess energy in a safe and controlled environment, making it an ideal…

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  8. Rozmowy Bez Granic: Korzystaj z Chat GPT po Polsku jako Twojego Stałego Partnera

    Chat GPT po Polsku to zaawansowana technologia oparta na sztucznej inteligencji, która umożliwia interakcję z wirtualnymi rozmówcami w języku polskim. Dzięki temu narzędziu, użytkownicy mogą prowadzić rozmowy na różnorodne tematy, uzyskiwać informacje, zadawać pytania i wymieniać się poglądami, niezależnie od miejsca i czasu. To właśnie dlatego, Chat GPT po Polsku staje się niezastąpionym partnerem w codziennych rozmowach.

    Jedną z głównych zalet Chat GPT po Polsku jest jego wszechstronność. Narzędzie to może być wykorzystywane przez osoby o różnym poziomie doświadczenia i zainteresowań. Dla studentów języków obcych, Chat GPT po Polsku może stanowić doskonałe wsparcie w nauce poprawnej gramatyki i słownictwa. Dla…

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  9. Options to Eliminate Specific Foods

    Some people have food allergies and sensitivities that are not on the short list of options currently available. We need an option to enter a food so that it will be excluded from the options that populate into the client's account. For example, if the client is allergic to strawberries, I would not want that client to see a bunch of recipes that call for strawberries.

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  10. loop function for costum exercise

    I think a loop function for costum exercises would be great, so the clients are not interrupted in their circuit training by having to watch the full video

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  11. Can you include certain meats to added to the exclusion list of food?

    I have a lot of clients that don't eat certain meat i.e pork or red meat. Can that be added on the list as an option to exclude when generating a meal plan

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  12. ability for trainers to scan food while making meals

    Giving trainers the ability to scan packaged food to add to ingredients list while making a meal would be helpful when creating recipes.

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  13. How to get a lean and muscular physique step by step?

    As a fitness enthusiast and author at ',' I've crafted a unique and comprehensive guide to building a lean and muscular physique. However the following are my favourite tips:

    1. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the stress on your muscles during exercise. This could be by lifting heavier weights, increasing the number of reps, or reducing rest time between sets.

    2. Caloric Balance: Striking a balance between a calorie surplus for muscle growth and a deficit to prevent fat gain is crucial.

    3. Cardio: Cardiovascular exercises can aid muscle growth by improving energy metabolism, promoting fat loss, enhancing blood flow, and keeping muscles active.

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Payment

    Ability to accept cash, zelle. The fees for cc payments is too high for small to med size companies which you cater to.

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  16. Refeed Day

    I would like to have an option to add refeed day goal as part of their nutrition goals. So when I'm checking their macros I can see at a glance if they hit their macros on refeed day.

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  17. 2 votes

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  18. provide a snack option regardless of caloric intake.

    I have clients asking for a snack option, but the planner won't allow me to do so unless I increase their calories.

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  19. Remove estimated workout time (or make it optional)

    Estimated workout time is inaccurate (too short) 99% of the time. Clients are constantly messaging us, wondering if they should’ve done their workouts in half the time — or less. It adds an unnecessary layer of pressure for folks who are already feeling anxious about starting a new program. Please remove, or at least make it optional.

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  20. When you update a product, allow it to apply to current people paying for that product. Helpful for my monthly members.

    When I add new classes, I want my current paying members to be able to use them. If you update a product, it doesn't apply to people who are already paying for that product. There should be an option to update a product and apply that change to current people who purchases that product.

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