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5322 results found

  1. The app should remember what meals the client input in the past so they can pull it up and enter it quickly and easily.

    Every meal tracking app remembers what items clients have entered in the past. This app should have the same functionality so clients can just pull up their recent items and choose items they eat regularly instead of manually inputting every item every time.

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  2. 2 different meal plans in app

    to be able to put 2 different meal plans in there. example keto mon-thur, carbs fri-sunday

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  3. Safari supported Trainerize

    it is so annoying to write or start a program just for trainerise to re login of which you have to start again with the plan. Super discouraging and inefficient

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  4. food tracker

    Instead of seeing the calories remaining on the daily habit, see the calories eaten instead.

    I.e. Instead of

    1800 calories - 276 remaining


    1800 calories - 1524 eaten

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  5. Drag and Drop everything there is SO MUCH UNNECESSARY CLICK LABOR

    To move a workout to another program within in the same client profile takes 5 clicks.

    Why not drag and drop?????

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  6. Program purchasers

    It would be great if anyone could purchase a pre-curated program from a trainer and have the ability to track and log the workouts through the app & not take up a client spot under the trainer’s account. I’d like for any number of people to purchase my programs, but I only have a limited amount of client spots and they wouldn’t be an actual client

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  7. Change the license structure for the nutrition add on

    I like the nutrition add on, but only a handful of clients use it. If I up my number of licenses I have to pay more for something I'm not using. It would be great if the jump wasn't from $5 to $50. I have plenty of clients who use JUST workouts and I have to use a different software to justify the cost so I don't get charged more for the nutrition add-on. PLEASE make some changes to this!!!

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  8. View in personal program

    When navigating in the personal program section, the view to select and work on program is so annoying since we can only see a small portion of what we've written on the leftside bar. Meanwhile, there is nothing on the screen. Would it be possible to show us a bigger view, centered, of our program in the centered screen instead of just allowing the leftsider bar as a navigation option?

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  9. Add the following exercise tabs

    Is it possible to add the following to the exercise tabs. They're required for clients performing bodyweight exercises.

    Main Muscle- hands (grip)
    Equipment- paralletts & Olympic rings
    Movement- static holds.

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  10. Exercise categories

    Ability to create exercise categories (arms, legs, etc.). This would tidy up the exercises back office view and most importantly help clients find specific body part exercise, when adding them manually to their workout, rather than having to go through the whole exercise list.

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  11. Duplicate Trainerize Meals

    Ability to duplicate default meals from the meals library

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  12. Macros

    Must be able to plan the macros to the client in an exact measurement or at the very least from 1400 - 1450 and not a 100 calorie difference. Also would like to be able to add 5 meals a day to match the macros, not the current way where it only allows so many meals based on the macros. This forces me to set the macros high and then look for meals based on the calories and macros that I would like for the client.

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  13. Being able to embed the calendar and scheduling into your website (wordpress)

    Some like to use the app, some use ones site. Would be great to be able to embed the calendar module into ones website so it is the same calendar used for bookings.

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  14. See previous program phases

    It would be super usefull to allow coaches to choose if their clients can see OR not their past program phases. We get a couple of complaints about that... they were use to this with our previous app and now they request we send them.

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  15. White Board Mode

    I would love to be able to display the workouts to a group by enabling a whiteboard mode and connect to a screen.

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  16. Connect Garmin heart rate band

    Make it possible for trainers to monitor the clients hart rate during a training session. Trainers can see the progress own there device during the session

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  17. Different calander view on mobile version

    Just like the desktop version, would be nice to see when trainers are busy with their clients.
    So we don’t overbook the space for personal training

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  18. Be able to add individual foods in like my fitness pal

    It would be great to scan a barcode/type in a food or ingredient to add to the clients day if they don't want to stick to the meals that have been given

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  19. Automated messages

    Allow customized reoccurring messages on certain days and times

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  20. Providing the average cost of meals and groceries for the meal plans

    Most clients think it's expensive to grocery shop and eat healthily. However, if we could show them the cost per meal along with the cost of groceries this could be a very useful tool to show people how much money they save with eating healthier.

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