Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5276 results found
Automatic tax calculation for online businesses
I am a trainer that sells my services online, where my clients can come from anywhere. I need to set my location, and have the app to be able to detect the buyer's city/state/country and apply the correct taxes for my business.
34 votes -
Add a Workout of the Day Programming Option For In-Gym Clients So That All Clients Within a "Class" Type Program Can Be On the Same Workout
The ability to subscribe a client to a Workout of the Day Master Program where all clients within that program would be on the same workout every day ... similar to attending a gym that has a workout of the day. This would be a great lower priced option that does not have personalization and could also align as an offline option for in-gym clients who can't make it to the gym that day.
1 vote -
Basket option on Trainerize Pay
Allow customers the option to add to a basket before checkout for add on features. Currently transactions have to be done separately which can result in loss of sales
1 vote -
2 votes
Toolbar at bottom of app change
Could you guys redesign the toolbar at the bottom of the app?
The options on it are greyed out, have had some clients saying they didn’t see it or thought they weren’t options to select.
Just needs a more standout colour!
Thank you1 vote -
1 vote
delete sleep entry
delete sleep entry
21 votes -
Ability to bundle an add-on with a core subscription
I want to bundle a core training product with a nutrition coaching add-on and have the client check-out in one-click
25 votes -
It would be easier and less time consuming to be able to input rest periods anywhere you need to directly as opposed to them showing up at the bottom and you have to drag and place them
6 votes -
Allow master program workouts to be added to the calendar like client customozed workouts
It's very simple to schedule workouts for the month for a clients customized program, however not so much for a master program. It would be great if it was just as easy where you could select the workout and put it in multiple days at a time, just like the individual custom programs.
5 votes -
Screening tools
For example videos demonstrating how to perform an exercise such as an overhead squat and then a prompt within the workout to video themselves. It would be nice to have more content to use for assessment at the start and end of a program.
1 vote -
Trainers/Coaches sell their Master Programs - Similar to Content Library
It would be great to either sell (for extra revenue) or buy (to save time) other trainers Master Programs in a market place!
6 votes -
More export data
export for when clients added, overall weight lost, and based on program.
3 votes -
Substitute an exercise quickly
Ability to substitute a workout without unsubscribing and copying. It makes it hard when you are on the go and your client text you that they cannot perform the exercise given.
3 votes -
Ability to add formula while editing periodization
I use my own algorithms to determine client %'s based on Relative Intensity and would love to be able to use these on this platform to pre determine and easily change a clients % of weight lifted for the day, set, rep
4 votes -
Please allow Sezzle
Interested in adding payment options for purchases
2 votes -
Create new client template automatically activated
I’d like for someone to be able to buy a program through trainerize pay, download the app and there be a base program in their account ready to go.
1 vote -
Hover to see clients previous weights when building a workout
When creating a workout it would be nice to be able to see how much the client was lifting the last time they performed this exercise without having to go into previous programs and find the answer.
For example, If I put bench press into the workout maybe an info icon could appear and I simply hover over it to see the last few times they were done to help with picking starting weights for the new workout.
4 votes -
2 votes
11 votes
- Don't see your idea?