Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
1631 results found
Combine different circuit/interval/regular workouts within one multi-modal workouts
Add the ability to merge different types of workouts (like circuit and HIIT) into 1 workout.
2,024 votes -
looping video for custom exercise
Right now, the looping format is only for Trainerize videos. Make it also available for custom videos.
2,009 votesHi everyone,
Thank you for your great suggestion! We are excited to announce that this is feature is coming to Trainerize! We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it.
Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
Thank you!
Ability to label sections or blocks for each workout such as warmup, strength, assistance, skills, mobility, cool down, etc.
Currently there is no distinction between areas/sections of the workout such as warmup, movement prep, strength, assistance, met-con, skills, cool down, mobility/stretching, etc.
It would be great to have the sections labeled or the ability to create a custom area/section.
It would also be great to have templates for each area/section that could be saved and easily placed into the other workoutsFor Example:
Rower @ 5 minutesMovement Prep:
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
10 Leg Swings
10 KB Swings
10 Lateral LungesStrength:
Back Squat 5,5,5,5,5 @ 75%Assistance:
4 Rounds
10 KB Split Squat
10 KB…1,992 votes -
Ability for a trainer to present an easier/harder/alternate exercise as options
Sometimes as the trainer, I would like to specify what the alternate exercises are.
For example, the default is push up. But present them to them
Push from knees (easy), push up (default), push up (legs on a box (advanced)
Perhaps having a slider so they can select which version they're doing.
So clients can progress an exercise to a more challenging version, or regress to an easier version by themselves.
Without having to browse all the exercise for the right substitution.
1,415 votes -
Tempo training
Adding in space to create tempos for training
1,348 votes -
Zone interval training / metcon cardio intervals
Customize zone targets time in cardio workouts. Zone 1 for 5 min, zone 2 for 10 min, etc. Build a heart rate interval workout.
1,149 votes -
Adding a dropset, cluster set, pnf, 1/2 rep, reps in reserve option to exercises.
A button or easy way to instruct clients to do dropsets burnouts, cluster sets ect on the last set of certain exercises
1,043 votes -
CrossFit Style AMRAP workout - Ability to put AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) as a value when adding number of sets.
Currently when putting in a value for the number of sets for the exercise it is not possible to put anything other than a number.
It would be great to have the ability to put in AMRAP if the exercise is to be completed for As Many Rounds As Possible in a set amount of time.For Example:
AMRAP in 5 minutes
Box Jumps AMRAP x 10 Reps
Pushups AMRAP x 10 Reps1,026 votes -
View workouts side by side in a weekly view on calendar so I can see entire programming
When writing our programs, it would be great if we could write a whole program (multiple days), on a single screen. Having to jump between screens (workout to workout) to make sure we're keeping reps, sets consistent and programs balanced is a bit of a pain and very time consuming. If we could jump on one screen to write out entire program (or at least most of it), I think the software would go next level for us at our facility!
1,021 votes -
Options to add in giant sets, compound sets and drop sets. Currently only option on training program is to add super sets.
More variety in type of sets like options for giant sets, rest pause sets, drop sets and compond sets. Currently only option for super sets. More variety is please needed for adavanced programming.
914 votes -
Ability to PAUSE a clients program.
Need to be able to put a pause on a clients program. Say they are away from 2 weeks on vacation, ability to pause for the 2 weeks (or however long) then start back where they left off when they return.
805 votes -
allow client to add notes for each excercise
Now, it's possible for clients to make notes for the whole workout, but not for each excercise. Would be great to do that (Example: "Reduced weight bench press due to DOMS" --> barbell bench press. "New record, yes!" --> Barbell Squat)
Otherwise, great job! Love your Service and my clients do too.
760 votesHi everyone,
Thanks for your great suggestion! We've added this to our work queue. We'll post further updates here as our teams pick it up to work on it. Please come back to to add your vote to other ideas.
create and edit master programs in mobile or ipad app
There isnt a way to create master programs, or a program at all in the app. The app isn’t very user friendly for the trainer
736 votes -
An undo button Incase you delete workouts or exercises in a workout!!
An undo button Incase you delete workouts or exercises in a workout!!
684 votes -
Add RPE targets/rating to each set of an exercise and also to progression tables
The ability to see how each client is rating an exercise speicifically and give them a target to hit on this exercise would be great.
What would be even better is if you could also add this to the progression tables. So you might start someone on RPE 7 on an exercise week 1 and slowly through a training block move them up to an 8, then a 9 etc..
624 votes -
Add golf to activities
Add golf as one of the activities that can be added.
549 votes -
Client Can Add Videos To The Workout
On the "True Coach" platform they've a nice feature which helps to track client progress.
During a workout, just like a client can fill in their reps and sets per exercise, it would be great if they can also have the option to upload a video.
As a trainer, this is a lot more beneficial then just seeing the numbers. I can observe there technique and give them the appropriate feedback.
Those videos are then tied to that workout and we can look back at it whenever needed.
479 votes -
Allow individual customizations on top of master programs
Be able to add individual workouts, auto-messages on top of master programs so you can add another layer of customization.
468 votesHi everyone,
This is something that we are looking into. What additional customizations are you looking for?
Please leave us some comments on some ways you might layer things on top of your program.
Ability to log/track and search for 1RM, 3RM, 5RM, 10 rep max history for each client easily
Currently in the trainerize apk there is a history list and a running bar showing 3 rm, 5rm, max weight ever and max volume. As so, the trainee is unable to quickly check the PRs for the rep range that his/her coach prescribed for the given day.
Solution:Clicking the exercise leads to a history list with date, reps and weight, swiping left leads to a list of all rep ranges (1-15) and the records for these rep ranges.451 votes -
Remove estimated workout time (or make it optional)
Estimated workout time is inaccurate (too short) 99% of the time. Clients are constantly messaging us, wondering if they should’ve done their workouts in half the time — or less. It adds an unnecessary layer of pressure for folks who are already feeling anxious about starting a new program. Please remove, or at least make it optional.
408 votes
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