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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5145 results found

  1. Auto save all changes when building workouts

    We need auto save when building workouts writing descriptions/ instructions or just changing exercises or rep numbers. There are so many situations that you’re in the middle of working and the web interface freezes or closes. There shouldn’t be a need to manual save anything, it’s not 1995!

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  2. Add client notes which the client can also view

    A client notes tab which can be viewed by the client.

    Being able to leave information such small updates or a brief roadmap / phases overview would be helpful.

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  3. Built In Checkins

    You know you want to ;)

    scheduled it like progress pics/weight

    ability to ask the questions we want to and build out the look of it for our client niche

    Or ability to integrate external software into app

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  4. 7 Days Custom Macros & Meals For Meal Planning & Meal Timing

    Be able to add whatever meals from the library at will to create days. With the day showing you the end nutritional data.

    Day 1:

    Meal 1 - Select Meal (dropdown / search meal), Select serving size, Select time of day

    Meal 2: - Select Meal (dropdown / search meal), Select serving size, Select time of day

    etc... and upto 7 days worth. I carb cycle bodybuilding athletes approaching show so it would be super useful!

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  5. Have a 'Resource Section' available to all clients

    Having a section to upload PDF files, longer videos, educational content etc to all clients where they can scroll through to find useful resources from the coach would be very useful.

    Providing content & education is so valuable, this would provide a personal connection to all clients they can refer to. Not all clients have social media, this would ensure they still have access to content we have created for public education/ information.

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  6. Ability for clients to copy days and rearrange meals

    Make it easy for a client to rearrange and copy days. Make it easy to swap meals in some tabular format so they can easily plan out their week based on the meals they like.

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  7. Virtual group Fitness class booking + recorded library

    Fitness classes and on demand library of recorded classes are a must!

    I’m a fitness instructor and nutritionist, not really a personal trainer. I would love everything I offer for my client to live in my Tranerize app, but you’re missing the fitness class and on-demand library of workout classes!

    I currently have to use a separate software embedded in my website for my clients to sign up for my live zoom classes. The software lets them purchase class packs/subscription, view schedule and reserve spot, sends out email confirmation with zoom link for class (I do use zoom to host),…

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  8. Medical Dietary Needs Flags

    Some clients have medical needs that need to be accounted for, like requiring low glycemic foods (diabetic). Additional flags to help build meal plans around this sort of need is important.

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  9. auto-populate recently or frequently used items in the meal tracker

    Ability to auto-populate recently or frequently used items in the meal tracker when you start typing them instead of having to type the whole thing out and find it again. Huge time saver.

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  10. Tracking blood sugar level for diabetic clients.

    I would love to see a widget that allows my diabetic clients to post their daily blood sugar levels.

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  11. Thumbs up a habit!!

    You can thumbs up a workout but not a habit.. this is pretty annoying.

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  12. 11 votes

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  13. 11 votes

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  14. Add action (Send Message To A Group)

    Add send message to group as an action in Zapier.

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  15. Lean Mass (muscle) should be pulled from InBody and Tracked in Trainerize

    Trainerize only tracks lean mass (which is fat free mass) from InBody and not Lean Mass (muscle). Lean Mass (muscle) should be tracked as well.

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  16. Section for all our forms

    It would be really useful if we could upload all of our forms to our Trainerize account, like our par-q, check in sheets & liability waivers ect.

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  17. Allow us to use lbs for bodyweight tracking and kg for resistance weights tracking

    Allow us to use lbs for bodyweight tracking and kg for resistance weights tracking

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  18. Volume Tracking

    I've found periodization very difficult on the trainerize app. The first & foremost challenge I face is the ability to track total volume per body part. I currently have to do this off-site in a spreadsheet for each client. I feel as if it would be a fairly easy integration as the muscle group is tagged when you input an exercise i.e. you program a bench press & it's tagged "chest." Now if every time I program a "chest" exercise it would add up the Total sets & give me the number for each bodypart that would be extremely helpful. …

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  19. Clients should be able to video record their exercise and send to trainer.

    Online clients should be able to video record their set and send to the trainer in case they have any query.

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  20. Add YMCA three-minute step test

    Ability to add 3 min step directly to the platform and enter the results.

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