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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Being able to have meals to stay within calorie range and show similar calories swaps.

    Right now you put calories per day it is always over even by a small % but when you swap it goes over more.

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  2. More admin controls over group messaging

    The ability to remove messages if they go against community guidelines: profanity, offensive, overly negative, scandalous pics, etc.

    Huge fear of mine as my community grows is someone posting something inappropriate and not having any control over removing/deleting it.

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  3. Session packs that auto renew based on usage versus time based

    When a clients session pack pack is used up it auto-renews so that the client does not need to be invoiced so often. Easier for them.

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  4. Ability to import past body stats Inbody entries into Trainerize

    It would be great if we can import existing body stats entries from excel files or exports from InBody into Trainerize so the clients can have all their data in one place.

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  5. Daily Weigh-In Zaps to Google Sheet

    An amazing feature would be to Zap in REAL-TIME a client's Daily Weigh-Ins, Measurements, and Calorie Intake into Google Sheets.

    This would also eliminate hiring data entry staff. Money saved, efficiency gained.

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  6. Steps

    I would like to be able to track steps with Trainerize only without using a 3rd party integration as some clients don't have Fitbit, Apple watch etc, so would be great if Trainerize would have this integrated

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  7. Filter feature for Video on Demand

    I have more than 100s for full follow-along workouts uploaded in my video on demand. I have clients who purchase a membership to all my workouts. It would be great if there was an easier way to navigate. Although I post videos in their calendar some times clients want to do extra workout. Currently, clients have to scroll through the entire list trying to read what's available and try to find video workouts. It would be great if there were a search bar and filter feature for the video-on-demand library. For example, the "tags" we create when uploading the videos…

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  8. 75 sec rest periods

    I would love to have rest period options between 60 and 90 secs and even between 90 secs and 2 min. My vote is to add in 75 and 105 sec rest periods as options between sets!!

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  9. Notes in client calendars that we can choose to either be visible to the client and coach or just the coach

    I need to be able to leave notes in client calendars that either I can see or both me and the client can see. I do a lot of habit coaching and nutrition coaching through the app but have to keep my client notes in other places. Having things on their calendars and dashboard would be incredible.

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  10. Clients self pause subscription

    If a client goes on vacation, they should be able to self-pause their subscription without having to contact us to do it.

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  11. Ability to push back scheduled items in the calendar

    If a client is sick for the next 2 weeks, push their scheduled items back 2 weeks.

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  12. During a video call, have a timer

    Ability to have an on-screen timer

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  13. Clients to make permanent exercise substitutions in their own program if needed

    At the moment when a client is subscribed to a program, they can make a substitute in their program via the app, but the next time they do their workout it switches back to the original exercise.

    It would be great to select an option to allow the client to make a permanent change, if allowed by the trainer to do so.

    This makes it extremely hard if we are running groups with all clients on the same program, and 100 of them need a permanent substitution due to lack of equipment or injury.

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  14. Expand cardio so we can program in as much detail as strength. Intervals, intensity, zones, multiple equipment etc.

    Expand cardio so we can program in as much detail as strength. Intervals, intensity, zones, multiple equipment etc.

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  15. 12 votes

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  16. Add Google calendar to profile

    Add Google calendar to profile

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  17. add the ability to schedule a workout at a certain time

    I train aspiring professional aerialists and circus athletes. I track my clients overall training, including fitness classes they go to locally, and what times of day I want them to workout. I want to be able to schedule they're workout at a certain time of day. This would also allow the ability to export their schedule to whatever Calendar or Agenda app they use on their phone, tablet, or watch and set reminders for conpliance. Thank you.

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  18. "Clear Week" and "Clear Remainder of Program" options

    Sometimes I have to change a person's program mid program. And they already have everything scheduled into the calendar and it's a little obnoxious to have to individually delete everything. "Clear Week" and even "Clear Remainder of Program" options would be CLUTH.

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  19. Charge USD as opposed to what my bank account is in.

    I’m based in the U.K. but most of my clients are in the USA. Can I charge them in USD as opposed to the currency my bank is in? If you can change how it shows up based on the client country it would be easier to sell. What options might be available?

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  20. Fitness Assessment & Progress Tests

    Having a fitness assessment to see where the client started and where we should start with the client would be extremely helpful. To see their progression, it’d be great if we could schedule one every couple of months or so (as we see fit). Also, being able to compare PRs would be great for the client to get motivated and keep going!

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